| Warmth |

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Giyuu's POV:


Dark. Dark as in the room around him seemed like an dreary abyss. The absence of light slowly adjusted to the ravishing and winsoming eyes and came to realize he was in a plain room. I didn't know how I got here. Maybe master Douma finally decided for me to make my way back. Wait...what if he knows about the haphazard encounter with those three human beings? And that dream. Oh god that dream. I couldn't possible forget what I saw. Such a strange fantasy during my slumber.

I had unknowingly saw that handsome man in my dream again. I don't know if I should consider it a dream or a nightmare with him popping in it like that, but he was degrading me. Degrading me like he had a grudge against me and let out everything he was holding back from behind his throat. And I didn't do a damn thing about it. Just sat there and took it like a champ. More like a coward. But now I knew for certain what that dream was trying to tell me, about my past self.

But I remember different. Or at least told..different. Master Douma had told me something about me being abandoned and abused by my caretakers and gracefully brought me in for the sake of me living. Those exact words were told to me. But the dream can't be something that just came right out of somebody's ass certainly. It meant something. Something serious I felt.

I sat up still in the dark as I felt soft warmth under me. I looked down and couldn't make out what it was. Normally I had really good vision in pure darkness and could make out anything I saw, but I don't know what happened to that useful ability of mine.

Probably because I got knocked out..I thought. Oh wait. Fuck that's right, I got knocked out by something! Dammit why didn't I dodge it? Maybe because it was such a sudden blow but I'm pretty damn sure it was one of those questionable humans. I was quite surprised I can even remember what happened even after that blow.

I'm positive it wasn't that handsome man since my entire view was blocked from his beautiful and muscular physique. Adding to that were the scars that crossed along his chest, scarring with the letter 'x' on it. It was like a barrier protecting his heart from whatever came stumbling upon it. The mentioning of the scars on his chest made me remember and visualize how big his chest was, sorta like a woman's but a muscular shaping to it.

His pale tannered skin highlighted the scars even more. Being so close to eachothers faces, I could only think about those pale purple eyes again. The way he looked at me with such a piercing gaze made me feel like I was gonna have a heart attack.

These thoughts made me blush severely hard. As I was about to escalate my thoughts to even more..explicit things, It was interrupted by a throbbing pain in my head. Yup, most definitely got knocked out hard. Since it wasn't him it was either that young boy or strange butterfly woman.

I always get the weird feeling I've seen those three before. Like I knew them or something. Yeah I had seen the butterfly woman and handsome man in my dream from when I was still sleeping my butt off, but I always get the feeling of me encountering them before other than the dream and the cave incident. Somewhere.

Snapping back into reality besides my throbbing head, my whole body ached too. I decided to stretch to hopefully un-strain my muscles a bit by stretching my arms above my head, but as I did, I felt myself getting pulled back down by the waist, clutching me.

Startled, I place my arm on the thing that kept pulling me down towards it and came to realize it was a humans limbs. I could hear there soft breathing and rustling as they scooted closer to me not wanting to let go, wincing as I felt their warm breathe hit my stomach and arms wrapped tighter around my waist. I couldn't see at all and didn't know who this being was.

𝑆𝑘𝑖𝑝𝑝𝑒𝑑 𝑎 𝐻𝑒𝑎𝑟𝑡𝑏𝑒𝑎𝑡 ~ Sanegiyuu storyWhere stories live. Discover now