| Just Me And You |

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Sanemis pov:

I've been sitting on my ass beside Tomiokas bed for ages. He still hasn't woken up and I'm starting to think he's going to be like this for years. Thinking about it made my heart ache. I shouldn't be sitting here like a pathetic loaf waiting for this idiot to open his eyes, it's ridiculous.

I sighed, finally standing up after what felt like hours and left Tomiokas room. Whilst walking out I saw Kocho. It's like she knows my every move, and it's honestly creepy. Everywhere I turn I just see her standing there, scaring the hell out of me.

She's been acting weird ever since she went to go check on Tomioka yesterday. Everytime I walk past her or make eye contact with her she always looks at me some type of way. She always gives me a threatening glare or looks at me like I did something wrong and it honestly pisses me off.

Who does she think she is? Did I do something to her or something? Because this shit is getting fucking irritating.

I'm still standing in front of Tomiokas door, staring at her. She's glaring at me once again, so of course I glare back. We stand there for a couple of seconds, just staring into each others souls before she breaks the silence.

"Maybe you should take your time off for the moment and let Tomioka rest." She said.

"Instead of standing by his side like a scared child with his mother, perhaps you should go check in with the Kamado's." She continued.

"Scared child?" I asked, pissed.

"Well apart from that you still need to give Tomioka-San some sort of space. You've been sitting there for ages so why not go talk to Tomiokas close friends, I'm sure they already know about his condition at the moment." She said smiling, but it wasn't genuine. It was more forced than anything.

"Tch, yeah whatever." I said rolling my eyes and breaking the stare down I had with the woman.

I walked out the estate, not really wanting to communicate with that kamado kid and that "demon sister" he carries with him. But I still debated on going over there to get some insight on Tomioka i guess.

With a quick sigh it was settled. I was going to visit those idiots, only for Tomioka though. I blushed at the thought.

I'm not fully sure on where those kids are though, so I went to go ask that happy jolly princess bubblegum haired scum Kanroji. I'm not sure why I'm asking Kanroji but I'm pretty sure she'll know.

I saw her talking to iguro, of course, but still walking up to her I tapped her shoulder. Seems like she was a little too caught up in that conversation with iguro to notice me approaching her. Not like I give a fuck.

She jumped a bit but quickly turned her head to see me standing her way.

"Oh! How good it is to see you Shinazugawa!" She said hugging me as happy as ever, nothing new.
She was hugging me so tight that I couldn't breathe. Not to mention her huge chest that was crushing into mine. Pushing her off clearly wasn't working as I tried to let loose from her hulk grip on me.

I look over to Iguro to sign him for help but he just glared at me, full of jealousy. It's honestly hilarious at how jealous he gets when Mitsuri does the most unnessary and uncomfortable things to other people. You can say that in Iguro eyes, she's too nice for her own good, but not nice enough for Iguro.

And I don't mean like she's mean to him or anything, but hugs and pecks on the cheek isn't enough for this man, like literally. She actually gives him more affection than anybody in this world but it's not enough to satisfy Iguro.

Honestly just fuck her if your that down bad for affection. I made a bet with Uzui that Iguro would loose his virginity in the next three weeks by Mitsuri but Uzui he said by next week he would loose it, so we made a bet to see who would be right.

Eventually she got off of me for what felt like an hour and I let out a loud gasp of air. Fina-fucking-ly. That was the most devious hug I've ever received from Mutsuri ever. Note to self, try to dodge her hugs before she can  even get close enough to hug me.

It seems like Iguro finally calmed down and went back to chatting about whatever to Mitsuri, but I didn't come here to watch or listen to them chat. I need to know where the Kamado idiot was.

With that I spoke with an eye roll and a hand behind my neck.

"Hey um- not trying to interrupt y'all's little "chit-chat", but do you two perhaps know where Kamado is?"

"Kamado? Oh the kid that knocked you off your feet with a head butt!" Mitsuri said in realization.

That kind of pissed me off still when people mentioned Kamado head-butting me, but I'm not in the mood to argue with these idiots today so I'll just brush it off.

"Yeah, yeah the fucker he head-butted me." I said a little annoyed.

"Oh right! I think they're at the hot springs near Uzuiz since they just got back from a mission, they should be almost done over there, but I'm not sure." She said looking at me as she finished talking.

"Yeah okay, thanks."

With that I simply started walking in the opposite direction to Uzuis and behind me I hear Mitsuri yell.

"Bye Shinazugawa-San, stay safe!!" She said waving her hand in the air.

I just kept looking forward and waved bye to her from behind.

This is going to take fucking long. Uzui house is quite far from where I'm coming from and this walk is going to be my worst. Maybe I should go in the hot springs myself when I go there, that would be relaxing.

For now let's just hope Kamados there after all, because I want to know everything he knows about him.

(1042 words)

IM SO SO SO SSO SOSOSOOSOSOSOOOO SORRY FOR JOT UPDATING U GUYS OMG. There's been problems going at home yknow and I have a life and I'm human so i might not be perfect to expectation but I still brough you guys a chapter! It's not really all that juicy yet but yet is to come. Btw you guys I know all the spelling mistakes and stuff yknow so it's kinda annoying when you guys correct me in the comments so please don't try to do that if that's possible 😭 anyways it's like 6:00 so ima head out for this chapter and chill for a little bit. HAVE A GN/GM 🫶🫶

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