| Just Too Curious To Care |

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Tanjiros pov:

That mission was a real struggle. Hopefully another mission won't be coming in soon, because I need a break. I thought, sinking my body into the warm misting water even more.

I'm still worried about Tomioka. What if he never awakes and somehow wake up dead? No, don't think like that Tanjiro, have hope. Believe that he's going to wake up and don't doubt anything!

Closing my eyes, I thought about my family trying to get Tomioka off my mind. God I miss them. Their faces still engraved in my mind which gave me joy. Seeing them laughing and sharing smiles of a happy family, but their faces of them laying there on the ground with blood coursing through the house on the wooden floor boards from where I found them dead also remained in my mind. All six of them, laying there on the floor helpless and defenseless from Kibitsuji.

If Kibutsuji thinks I'm letting him off the hook for what he's done the he has another thing coming. My face started to scrunch up from frustration. Nezuko's the only one I have left and it's his fault. I felt like punching a wall or something  just to get the anger out. Thinking about killing that bastard is something I will accomplish no matter how weak I am. I will improve my skills for the justice of my family and for the human races sake.

I will find you and kill you.

My thoughts were interrupted by a familiar voice calling out to me like I've been in out in the clouds for a while now.

"Hey Tanjiro! Are you even listening?!? Hey!" The voice shouted.

I opened my eyes and turned towards the voice that was calling for my attention.

"Are you alright? I've called your name like 20 times ya idiot!"

Oh, it's just Uzui.

"O-oh, I'm so sorry! I'm okay! I was just thinking"

"You sure? Seems like you've got a lot on your mind there." Uzui said looking at him observantly.

"Yeah I'm good I swear. Is there something you needed Uzui?" I said looking at him crouched over the hotsprings.

"Actually yeah I almost forgot. You've got unexpected visitor looking for you." He said looking at me.

"Oh alright then.." I sat up and got out the hot springs whilst wrapping around a towel around my waist. I wonder who's looking for me at a time like this. Could've sent a crow, but it doesn't matter crow or not it must be important.

I quickly got myself together and threw back on my uniform and went out to see this so called visitor.

I look outside the gate of Uzuis estate and see Shinazugawa standing by the gate. Wait, that's the same man from that meeting that stabbed nezuko!

I sighed. Calm down Tanjiro I reminded myself once again, just play it nice and no one gets harmed. It seems like he was more focused on the ground than anything and didn't see me coming out of Uzuis estate until he heard the gate creak open harshly making Shinazugawas face cringe from the irritating sound.

It was uhm..- awkward. I just stopped in place and didn't spurt a single word, we just stared at each other for what seemed like an eternity and all the could be heard was the wind glistening at the blossom trees and wisteria. It seemed like Shinazugawa got annoyed by this staring session of ours and made the first attempt to spurt out a couple words.

"Look- I didn't need anything in specific from you or anything like that but Kocho suggested that I spoke with you on the matter of Tomioka to get to know more about him so that it could get him to jog his memory a bit. And you are one of his uhm- teenage friends so yeah that's all." Sanemi said awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck while looking to the side to avoid eye contact.

I don't know but I don't think Shinazugawa would really want to get to know tomioka-San no matter the situation he was in. I mean he claims that he hates him so much and will always hate him and says Tomioka is an outcast who thinks he's better than the rest of the pillars, but these claims confuse me even more. Every time Shinazugawas around him I'm always picking up a scent of discomfort and awkwardness but I also sniff out that he's shy and attached to the raven head which is the opposite of how Shinazugawa claims he sees Tomioka.

Id say Shinazugawa is developing some tenderness and is becoming more fondant of Tomioka. I may be wrong but I also wonder if Shinazugawa wants to be infatuated with Tomioka. It may be a dumb thought I know, but I just always have this feeling that it's probably something more than Shinazugawa starting to become well disposed with Tomioka and that he's captivated with the man.

I know making a wild guess of Shinazugawa being a homosexual is crazy but it just seems accurate. But although I'm glad Shinazugawas trying to open up into new relationships. I mean the man's harsh and sore headed around the edges but maybe in the deep depths there's a kind soul along with a compassionate and charitable personality but hasn't been in the right society or environment to express or exchange this inner self with anyone. Maybe I'll give him a chance to speak with me and forget about the incident with my sister after all.

I'm also curious on what he specifically would want to know about Tomioka anyways. He dosent seem like the type to really ask questions but more like the person to find out himself. But it's alright I'll accept his request. I'm too curious to care anyway.

"Yeah, we can do that."

(1056 words)
I know I left y'all on hold for a while but I needed the break bc of  family issues but we're back on track!!!! Probably... But I did deliver a chapter after I think two months I think, but I hope u guys enjoyed this horrible ass chapt! Anyways have a gn/gm! Btw I didn't pre-fix any spelling mistakes so please bare with the grammar mistakes nd stuff, I'll fix it later.

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