| Demon Thief |

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Sanemi POV:

Rays of light were beaming throughout Sanemi's bedroom. The light shining through his windows caused for Sanemi to wake up with a little annoyance on his face. He sat up to go close the curtains until he smelled a aroma coming from his kitchen. He thought some thing was burning but knew that the smell was more of a pleasant smell. He got up and walked out of his room to the kitchen to find tomioka cooking breakfast.

"Oi, what the hell are you doing in my kitchen?"

"Oh I thought you might've been hungry when you woke up so I made you breakfast" Tomioka said pointing to his plate.

Sanemi looked at his plate beside him at just admired the plating, and not to mention how good it looked. He never knew how good of a cook tomioka was. He just standed there for a few seconds in awe then just sat down and started eating. Tomioka ate with him and stayed silent the whole time. Sanemi didn't want to have another awkward meal with tomioka so he started to make conversation.

"Erm- so what's your favorite color?"

"I actually like all sorts of colors, like red, orange, yellow, blue, and greens"

(Sanemi was trying to hold in his laughter)

"Hm? What's funny?"

"It's nothing idiot! But anyways, I was guessing that you might've said blue but I guess you like other as well"

"Ah well- what's yours?" Tomioka said blankly

"Isn't it obvious?"

"Oh..I see" as tomioka said looking out the window

"We should get ready and see what's happening in the area where are mission is supposed to be taken, so get ready dickhead"


Sanemi went to his closet to fetch his uniform and to get in the shower. Sanemi only had one bathroom with a shower which was in his room so he would have to let giyu use his bathroom. When sanemi reached the restroom, he turned the water on stepped in as he got undressed. As he got in the shower he started to think about the water hashira. Let's just say that while sanemi was washing himself he was think of some lewd things about tomioka. He was thinking about his body and imagined himself fucking him shitless. Sanemi knew it was wrong to have these inappropriate thoughts but he couldn't help himself. As he finished he quickly dried himself and got dressed quickly. When he stepped out of the restroom there was tomioka standing in front of the door.


"I don't mean to keep scaring you, I'm sorry" (what a wuss)

*sigh* "just hurry up and get out so we can be there sooner"

As sanemi said that tomioka went inside the restroom and did his thing. Sanemi sat on the bed and waited for tomioka to finish. A couple minutes later Tomioka finally opened the door but was only in a towel wrapped around his waist. His hair was down and was dripping from the shower. Sanemi couldn't help but stare at his abs and his thin waist, damn this man put sanemi on the edge. Sanemi soon snapped back into reality as he saw tomioka walk towards him.

"Could you pass me my hairbrush next to you?"

"Why the fuck didn't you take the brush with you idiot?"

"I forgot to."

Sanemi wanted to throw the brush at tomiokas head but just casually passed him the brush a little annoyed.

"Why do you feel the need to do your hair when we're going to fight demons?"

Tomioka just ignored him and continued to brush his hair.


Sanemi said this in a slightly hushed tone but was still able to be heard by the ravenheaded hashira next to him. Sanemi silently watched as the tomioka brushed his dampish hair, the way the brushed through the dark strands of hair, the way giyuu was being gentle with himself. This just made sanemi fall in love with him even more, but of course the wind pillar didn't want to admit it. I mean, who would want to be with such a lonely outcast anyway, not him right? ...

Once the boys got finished getting themselves ready with them being occupied with their katanas, they were ready to hit the dust. They followed the note instructions on the paper from what they were given the other day. It had told them that the area was usually quite and everyone always went about their own business throughout the area. The area they were heading too was in the middle of nowhere and had multiple trees like a forest near there, it makes since that there is probably a cold blooded demon lurking around there. It has to be.

The whole time the boys were walking they didn't say a word (again), they just kept silent but still alert on their surroundings as they sense themselves getting closer to this area. Once the noticed they had arrived the two decide to part ways on their own. Tomioka went to ask people on reports on the suspicious activity around the area while sanemi tried looking for clues if a demon might've been there.

While sanemi was was looking for clues, he noticed the nearby forest in the area so he decided to go look there. Immediately before Sanemi took another step through the forest was a raging presence. He sensed a demon nearby. He immediately pulled out his katana and looked around still alert. He was in a stance in case the demon lurking in the forest tried to sneak attack him.

A few seconds after looking in the darkness of the forest around him he heard a branch snap.

It's over there.

He began sprinting towards the area where he heard the branch snap, pausing when he saw there was nothing there. He looked around still searching for any presence of the demon and couldn't pick up a single sense of unusual presence. What sanemi saw next shocked him. Across from him was a tree that had carved words on it, saying...
"Look after your partner, sanemi"

Dammit, I let the demon slip up!

Sanemi immediately started sprinting out of the forest and to where sanemi last saw Giyuu before they separated. He looked everywhere, but couldn't find him...

(1087 words)

Sorry for the late update, I wasn't really feeling well but miraculously I just sucked it up. I also dont feel like correscting my grammar mistakes rn so maybe tmr. I was also working on my grammar and my choice of words and Ik this chapt is kinda dry BUT DO NOT WORRY I WILL HAVE NEXT CHAPT BETTER (hopefully)
Anyways ly <3

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