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Giyuus pov:

The air was cold and I couldn't stop myself from shivering. The words he said to me kept flashing back to me like an unstoppable time loop. What was it again? Oh right..

"Drink this blood of mine and you'll have infinite living my friend. Or I'll force you."

Yeah that's what the douma guy said. This headache aches me to the bone. As soon as I drunk the blood he offered it sent me into a coma, well that's what he told me. But as far from that I can't remember.

I don't remember being human. Was I? I don't know. It's like I've been reborn and can't put my finger on what happened in my "past life".

This cave is where he put me. It's cold and I don't have a shirt. The only thing I had was the two sided cloth, no, it was called a haori wasn't it? Damn it was so frustrating the way I couldn't make out things that I have surely sawn before. I knew I saw this haori before but didn't know what it was called until now. Was it mine? That I didn't know but it was beside me when I woke up from a coma so I could care less about who it belongs to. I call dibs. And plus, I needed to warm up.

As I was bringing the haori up to my shoulders to cover up, but then I noticed the scratches on my body and a huge wound I had on my stomach. The wound itself looked very deep and severe but something was off about it. It looked like the wound was descending and was being healed. Smoke filled the air as I watched it heal slowly but surely. I didn't even know my own body had this reaction to wounds, but I don't remember anything to be honest.

My hair was down to my back and was tickling at my face, it was really annoying. The bangs covering my eyes seemed to be poking at me and in my eyes so I swiftly ran a hand through my jet black hair.

I started to observe myself a bit more by looking at my hands. I don't think my finger nails were that long and blue. They were definitely pointy and the nails started ombré then went to a bluish fade.

I turned over my hand to see that both of my hands were veiny and pale. Now looking down at my wrist, they seemed to be purple like I had on some tight restrains on them. I continue looking over my shoulders and legs, and something tells me that I wasn't this pale. I mean I don't remember but I still ask myself all these questions.

I look around me and theres some brim light which was enough to see and the cave just had ordinary stone walls around it. The usual.

I sat there for a moment, thinking about master douma. "I'm his desciple." I remind myself thinking about him. Master douma told me that he took me in for the sake of my living and that I was abused. He told me several times that he was my only hope and that I couldn't function without his leadership.

I am thankful for master douma although I don't remember a thing, I will take his word and let him use me. I will use myself as a shield for my master. I will gladly off myself for master. I'd be his toy, his hate, his trap, his joy, his anything and everything.

I am his.

He says that if I'm a good boy and do as he says, then he'll award me by giving me some of his blood. He told me that theirs these strong beings called the Hashiras and asked told me that if I at least killed 3 of them, then he'll offer me Kibitsujis blood. He never told me what was so special about the other guys blood but I'll gladly accept it.

I rarely see kibitsuji but if I ever do, then master douma ask's of me to be respectful and hold my head down for him and to bow for him, so of course I will do just that.

Doumas the reason I'm here today. If I were to never discover his being, then I wouldn't be anything.

In the midst of my thoughts, I slowly hear footsteps and immediately snap out of the clouds and focus on the approaching footsteps.

Once the footsteps stop I turn my head. Three beings. One was a woman, young, with black hair and purple tips, her eyes glowing lowly but she looks shocked.

The other one was a boy. Young looking, who also had black hair but teal blue tips, his eyes following the same color and he also looked taken aback but not as mush as the woman, just startled looking.

The other one was a man who was covered in scars, his eyes were like violet daggers seeping into your stomach. His hair was a white silver and looked fluffy, it looked nice to touch. He looked the most startled of them all. Who are they? They must be human that's why. I don't know why but god did the man with the scars look so...- how do I put this... interesting? No definitely attractive. He was a hard smash for me.

Wait what am I talking about? I must be doumas blood kicking in. Moving back to the people staring at me like they seen a ghost. I was about to open my mouth to say something till the man with scars said something.


(947 words)

I checked over this chapter so there won't be many spelling mistakes in it so yeah. Also that you guys sm like we are LITERALLYYY ALMOSSSSTTT AT 1kkkkk Ily gals sm. Also sorry I didn't put any trigger warning in it I was rushing so sorry if this chapter made some of you uncomfortable but I will definitely put tw's tomorrow for when I wake up bc it's getting late again ily all and have a gn/gm <33 🫶

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