| Blessingly Defeat |

387 6 29

Giyuus POV

Soft breathing and cold breeze combating with warmth of this touch. Never have I ever experienced such an engulfing feeling.

The warmth from this person wasn't enough, I wanted to seep through their skin and rest there for however long I wanted. Although warmth and the sound of soft breathing made me restless, I knew I had to awaken for the swole purpose of realization who I was surrounded by.


No scent of my kind in radius, just the smell of flesh and the thumping noises of a heart beating next to me.

Humans always have a mixture of smells within them. The smell of hatred, fear, disgust, surprise, enjoyment, and pride, not to mention sex. Yea that's right, sex. You could really tell who's a. virgin or not around this place.

One thing did throw me off though, and that was how strong their scent was. The scent that was filled with more potent than regular. Their blood was special, and had the man instantly salivating for it.

He didn't know if he was just hungry for human flesh or if he was genuinely being lured into something he'd regret. Something that he knew would finally arise from his least worry.

"You haven't devoured or consumed a drop of human blood besides my own yes?" Master Douma conveyed to his new disciple.

Tomioka just looked up at him, in a way of such that meant his master already knew the answer to, but just wanted to hear himself speak. Thats what all demons do. They talk, walk, and act as if they're better than average, which isn't completely false, but made the man cringe.

He knows that someone could send him straight to hell if they wanted to. Hell, even his master could, but he dosent like the feeling of defeat. Within him defeat was a feeling all too familiar, but he doesn't like encountering it.

He'd do anything to become numb of this feeling. The feeling felt like it's been holding him back for so long, even though he's only been a demon for a shorter period than most. It's ironic because a demon who could be living for 100 years would still be considered weak and unexperienced to other man eating demons.

I guess demons were made to stand and for the sole purpose to feed and give humans migraines, not to mention missing limbs.

But at that moment, Tomioka didn't give a shit about what Douma said or how many years so and so lived or the feeling of defeat, he needed an appropriate answer to the smell that's engulfing his lungs.

Tomioka didn't so much notice that he's been drooling on the fluffy white pillow under his head ever since he got the alarming smell wrapped around his nose. He sat up quickly and wiped away the drool off his porcelain pink lips. His lips were dry, but the saliva was enough to moisten them up.

He was breathing hard, a little too hard for his liking. He didn't like the way the scent was making him act. The veins in his neck popped and his eyes were broad and intense. His fist were balled up and could see his wrist pulsing.

He felt like he was about to start throwing shit around. It was making him go crazy.

He turned toward the scent, but slowly. He didn't know if he was scared of what it was, or scared that his might start drooling a waterfall of his saliva on whatever it was and make a sudden mess.

Not that he cares so much for someone else's property, just that it wouldn't be so pretty to look at and would potentially cause him to feel like he was a tiger or some wild shit, just salivating for the prey right in front of him.

He finally met the sight of the smell, the being behind the soft breathing and warm touch all at once. He wanted to scream once he finally came to realization of the person.

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⏰ Last updated: May 17 ⏰

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