| Beside You |

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A/N: I thought this song would go perfect with this chapter so.. enjoy 😈


Shinobus pov:

The night had passed by quickly. When I woke up I was quickly met with the bright sun in my eyes. I quickly stood up and closed the blinds then sat back down on the edge on my bed. As I sat there I started to think back to Tomioka. Thinking of him made me slightly rub my head in distress.

What if he never wakes up?

It hasn't even been that long since his coma happened and I was worrying, how pathetic. To take my mind off things I stood up from the bed and headed to the bathroom to freshen up.

Turning on the shower I quickly walked out of the restroom to let the water get hot while I went to go fetch a clean pair of clothes.

When I came back the bathroom was steaming which is just how I liked it.

As I started to get undressed I looked at myself in the mirror observing myself.

Why do I look so tired? Maybe from previous nights. I started to wonder if Nee-San ever had to deal with a situation as difficult as this. Probably not..

I wonder if I can ever be as great as she was. All I'm doing is filling in for Kanae to take care of kanao and the others. But I also need to run this place at the same time.

I sighed and went back to focusing on the shower and stepped in. As I got in I let the water hit my back. I soothed under the water and let my shoulders relax at the warm water.

Finally something I can relax my mind to, but I can't stay in here forever..

I reached for the bar of soap and started to scrub. Lavender scented. I may have to get some more. I started to wash myself off and hopped out the shower. With that I took a towel and dried and put on my clothes swiftly. I reached for the doorknob and exited the restroom.

I made my way to the room where Tomioka was resting. Shinazugawas been there sitting by his bed side ever since his coma which made me furrow my eyebrows slightly.

Walking up to the door I slowly open the door, no surprise that shinazugawa was sitting there like an idiot in love staring at Tomiokas pale face. He seemed to jump a little when he heard the door open and looked away from his face as if he wasn't just staring at him with actually soft stare instead of the usual glare he gave everyone he crossed paths with. He must've been too distracted by tomiokas face to hear that I was coming. Interesting sanemi.

I sighed and walked up to him.

"Just confess your love already, there's no need to hide in a tunnel, or I should probably say closet." I said sitting at the edge of the bed and practically feeling shinazugawa panic.

"I-it's not like that idiot! I don't like him like that and never will!" He said blushing.

"Right, and you weren't just staring at him like a child with a crush." I said groaning.

"I'll fucking kill you! Don't think for a second I'll let that dumbass tomioka interfere with my life! I hate his guts and it's staying that way. He's just a loser." He said crossing his arms frowning.

"Yeah well excuse me if you will but, I'm going to need some alone time with tomioka here.." I said looking towards him.

"For?" He said side eyeing me.

"Just..- please get out for a second. I'll let you know when you can come back in, and besides you haven't even ate breakfast." I said standing up and walking towards the supplies I left on the nightstand.

Shinazugawa just standed and sighed and left the room shutting the door behind him.

As he left I brought the supplies up to the bed and set them down on the side examining tomiokas face, taking in every feature. I lifted one of his eye lids examining his eyes. His eyes were dull but pretty, his face was pale but fairly smooth, and then his lips. Oh god don't get me started on his lips.

Tomioka looked very attractive even while still asleep and I couldn't help but think about his lips pressed against mine. They were a porcelain white still with a faded tint of pink. I could feel myself starting to lean forward a bit and feel my nose brushing against his slightly. I soon realized the position I was in a quickly backed away.

No..that shouldn't have happened. I don't need to interfere with my feelings at the moment. I have to deal with your condition in the meantime. Turning you back into a human. You're a hashira Giyuu. The water pillar. The loner that I'd always teased.

But I swear when I figure how to change you back, you'll be all mine.

(814 words)

Sorry y'all I got caught up with school but here's another chapter released. I want to thank you guys for the several reads this is insane. I'm quite tired atm so I won't be able to fix the grammar mistakes for the couple of chapters but I'll hopefully do it soon. Have a
gn/gm 😚😚

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