| The Feedback |

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Shinobus pov:

"The preparations are done lady kocho!" I quickly stood up as I heard Aoi call from the other room.

"You've got the medicine prepared and the rooms ready?" I said walking to the doorway.

"Take a look." Aoi said from inside of the room. Meeting my eyes through the doorway I see the cleaned up sheets, swept floors, and fluffed pillows. Walking up to her I see that she had the medication on the night stand on the left of the bed.

"Thank you Aoi, you a much appreciated and a very good help." I said looking Aoi in the eye smiling.

"N-no problem sister!" She said clearly flustered. She likes when people flatters her on her hard work and gets all flustered like.

"Well if you would excuse me now, I must send some reports back to Headquarters." I said getting ready to walk out.

"Oh..alright, b-..but I must ask," Aoi said looking at me.

"Have you already ran the tests?" She said nervously.

I sighed, "don't worry Aoi I already have him under control with shinazugawa, he won't attack us.." I said assuringly.

"Oh..just looking out." she said smiling apologetically.

I nodded in response and headed my way out to go write back a report on tomioka.

I went straight to the office room and quickly took out a sheet of brown paper from the drawer that I had next to the table in the office. On the table was a lamp to focus and a cup full of materials so I quickly took a writing utensil from out the butterfly themed mug and got straight to the report.

(A/N: If u wanna skip the letter part then you can if u wanna 😒)

My dearest master, I am writing you an important message on tomiokas wellbeing to let you know that we have found him. At the moment he is in our safe hands and is not willing to attack us, well for now at least. At this moment he is asleep and me and my candidates are willing to take him into our custody to look after. I have already ran test on him for drug usage. So I am just writing you a letter to state that we have tomioka in our hold and that he's safe with us. As for the demon who took tomioka in the beginning, we still have no clue on his whereabouts. Members of the corps are going back to search tonight but I doubt they will find anything. I have a bad feeling about this master. It might try to take tomioka again or even kill him, but I can only pray. But again we have tomioka safe for the time being, if you may please reach out to the other hashiras, thank you.
Your dearest,

— Kocho Shinobu.

After writing that he'll of a letter, I swiftly put back my utensils and grabbed the letter to leave. Walking out I see shinazugawa standing there in the hallway looking at the plain white paper walls.

He seemed to be aware of my presence as I walked up to him looking up at him about to ask him about tomioka, he seemed like he already knew what I was going to ask so he cut me off before I could even ask anything.

"He's still asleep." He said still staring at the wall.

"Well there dear friend, is there something on your mind? Perhaps your worried about your little sleeping beauty boyfriend in the other room?" I said teasing him.

"He's no my boyfriend!" Sanemi screamed as I could see his face turning hot.

"Yeah, and pigs can fly." I said sarcastically.

"Tch, whatever.." Sanemi said staring back to the walls once again.

I hummed slightly and slumped down beside him and we were in silence for about a good minute. As the silence kept passing I saw shinazugawas eyes wander to the Sid and looking to where the report in my hand was.

"Aren't you going to send the note off?" He asked sode eyeing me but not as aggressive as he usually does people.

"Taking a break." I responded sitting my head back against the wall and closing my eyes.

The silence between us once again occurred until shinazugawa opened his mouth.

"Do you think.." shinazugawa said stopping in between his words as if he was doubting on something. I saw his head slightly slump downward and his eyes looking dead at the floor. He then continued.

"That tomioka will regain his memories..?" shinazugawa with sadness in his voice. Knowing shinazugawa, I know he cringed at the way he sounded and the concern he had for tomioka but he just seemed to brush it off.

I sighed in response to his question and opened one eye to look at him.

"We'll figure something out. Maybe we should bring things to him that may spark a memory in him or seem familiar in sense to him." I said opening my eyes fully and sitting up a little to fix my posture.

"Yeah sure that may work, but I'm not familiar to what he likes or does on his time being." He said looking up at the ceiling.

"Maybe tanjiro can help. It seems like he is the only one nice enough to make tomioka open up." I said putting my hands in my lap while smiling assuringly.

"We'll since you already have ideas and plans for tomiokas little "brain issue", how about you take that fucking report back to start it all off." Sanemi said in his little smart tone.

I shifted slightly in my spot and started to stand up on my feet.

"How about you fetch you some eye drops in the meantime while I'm gone." I said smiling while walking away from him. I could practically feel his rage as I strutted away but he didn't say a word.

As I walked, I headed outside to fetch my crow by whistling a soft tune to know that my crow is needed. As I saw that my crow was approaching, I told it that the letter is needed to be sent back to Master Ubuyashiki. As my crow took the letter it flew off. Watching the crows fly away, the distance between me and the crow growing shorter, I walked back inside to go tidy up for the night.

(1067 words)
I'm going to fix the grammar mistakes later so just know that. Also can someone send me a dollar on cash app 😩 I wanna buy smth from shein tmr and it's like only a dollar. My cash app is slayterxz 🤭🤭 anyways love you all and have a gn/gmmmm 👏👏👏

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