| Memories and Remembering |

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Giyus pov:

Waking up in the dark, it wasn't my thing. It was dark though. I can't move my body, it feels stiff. I try to sense out any sort of environment around me, but I couldn't sense anything. It was pitch black.

"Giyu!" A voice called.

What? Giyu? It's seems familiar in a way.

That must be a name of some sort. But besides that where is the voice coming from. It's pitch black and I can't see anything. It's like my eyelids are shut and unable to open them back up. It dosent even feel like I'm sleeping, It feels like I'm wide awake. No, I know I'm awake. What the hell is happening.

"Giyu, cmon giyu we're going to get in trouble!" The voiced called. It sounded like a child and they're voice was oddly familiar. I can tell where I've heard it from though.

Light suddenly came into my visual image, a bright light. Suddenly everything became clear. It was two young human boys standing on grass. It seemed like the two just got done doing something since they were all sweaty.

"Giyu hurry up and run we might not make it in time!!" One boy's voice called beside the other.

The other boy quickly turned to the direction the voice was coming from and saw the other young boy with peach pink hair and a scar on the side of his mouth. His haori had all types of colors and patterns on it, I knew where I've seen that haori before.

"Ugh giyu literally why do you keep getting stalling?" the peach haired male sighed walking up to the other boy. The boy had raven black hair, blue sparkling eyes with a red haori on.

Wait, It seems like some sort of memory or something. I notice that one boy with the red haori and had jet black hair. Just like me. Im so confused. That looks like exactly like me, but the young boy had a bright smile on his face and his eyes were all sparkly.

"Dosent the fish in this water look so cool Sabito?" The raven headed boy asked while staring at the pond full of koi fish.

The peach haired boy sighed. "Giyu, if you keep looking at the fish we're not going to make it in time. Urokodaki gave us a time limit." The boy said.

"I know bu-"

The raven headed boy was cut off by Sabito pulling him away from the pond by his ear.

"Ow- ow ow ow ow-" the raven head said.

"Get your ass to walking, it's almost dawn!" The peach haired boy said still dragging giyu by his ear.

Suddenly the visual stopped, and I was met with yet another one of these flashback things.

"Giyu you know no one likes you, right?" A woman said coming into view.

Wait, I think I know her. That woman.

"I am liked by people." The raven head said.

He looked older and more like me now. What's going on? I'm confused and want to get away from these things happening to me.

"Are you referring to those little sixteen year olds?" The purple haired woman spoke. The raven head just ignored her in silence.

"You know it's not nice to ignore people tomioka-San." She said poking at his shoulder.

"Tsun-tsun!" She said poking at him still.

The raven headed man just stared at her over his shoulder. She seemed to enjoy poking at him like that.

"Tsun-tsun?" The raven head said questioning.

"Yes! Tsun-tsun" she said continuing to poke at him.

I don't know if I realized this before, but that woman reminded me of a butterfly. A beautiful one. She also had the haori and butterfly clip to match with it. That also seemed like the same woman I saw in the cave master put me in.

Again the flashback stopped and I was met with another one, hopefully the last one.

And as soon as it came into view I just knew. Oh. My. Fucking. God.

That man with the violet dagger and scars all over his body with the silver white hair. I don't know why it's such a blessing to see him come into my view but it doesn't matter either way. It's just something about that man the just propels him to me.

I saw the raven head again  and the scarred haired man together.

The scarred one was pinning the raven head to the wall and was screaming at him for some reason. Damn what did he do to make him so mad? The man just continued to yell while the raven head just looked at him blankly but was desperately trying to release himself from the scarred man's grip.

Then I finally started paying attention to what the scarred man was saying.

"Why the hell do you keep saying that shit?! I should rip your fucking head off!" The scarred man yelled.

"I am sorry shinazugawa, I-

"Sorry my ass! You think your better then everyone else? We'll let's me break some shit to your bitchass, your not! Trying to isolate yourself from everyone dosent make you look like your better, it just makes yourself look like a stupid fucking loner who's afraid! Take my fucking advice and fucking kill yourself."

The raven head seemed shocked at his ending sentence and then the scarred man finally let him go and walker off.

Damn that was some harsh shit. I seemed to recognize all of these memories though..
From the peach haired boy, the butterfly woman who enjoyed poking a people, and the scarred man who was yelling at the raven headed man.

What if that raven head was me? I mean that was a split image of me. Maybe I was human before this. Maybe I'm still trying to regain my consciousness of my human self. Maybe I am Tomioka Giyu.

(987 words)
Hey y'all 😅 um so y'all are probably mad and I feel for you guys but I had fucking 3 projects😕 I know y'all miss the early updates but I'm still worki bc in school at the same time so ... yeah. I'll probably have to stop these little messages at the end of chapters eventually because I feel like their unnecessary. But I'll still do them if I REALLY need to. Anyways ily guys and thanks for 3k reads 🫶

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