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Sanemis pov:

The night was cold as the sun finally settled into the dark abyss. Sanemi walked out of his estate, immediately greeted with the cool breeze pestering slightly at his skin.

He didn't expect it to be that cold tonight but that didn't matter. He was looking for one thing just one thing only, Tomioka. His chest tightened at the thought of his missing comrade. He felt useless at the thought of letting tomioka slip out of his grasp so easily, he felt pathetic.

Meeting up with the two idiots in the woods was going to mentally kill him but if it was for Tomiokas sake then he didn't care. Shinobu and Muichiro were both waiting for him against a grey tree they said they'll meet at which wasn't so hard to find visibly knowing that every other tree was a low toned brown expect that particular one.

Sanemi was freezing to death out in the woods. It seemed like the air around him had gotten colder. All Sanemi could do to help himself was button up his shirt fully so that his tits wouldn't freeze off his chest.

Finally he spotted the grey tree from a distance and noticed some miniature figures next to it.

'Great, the ankle biters' Sanemi thought.
(Yes, short ppl slander)

As sanemi walked up to them, visibly cold, walked up to them shivering slightly.

Taking in the two people in front of him, he noticed that shinobu had little glass bottles with liquids in them. I'm guessing that was fucking poison.

Looking to his left beside shinobu was muichiro who was holding a net and had his sword tucked to the side of his layered clothes.

"What the hell are you going to do with that?" I chuckled slightly not confident in the nets good for use.

"Don't underlook this net." Shinobu said warningly.

Sanemi gave her a confused look.

"This net is made of the the scarlet crimson iron sand and the crimson ore from the top of the mountains, just like our personalized blades are made from." Shinobu explained.

"But still, is it going to be enough? I mean.. what if we run into and uppermoon or something? It won't mean shit to them. And plus the iron constructed into the net will mean that we will fight with a fucking net." I explained.

"I'm not that dumb Shinazugawa. The iron is just really a support. I had laced this net with utmost highly intoxicating poisons which is about 500x a normal demon can withstand." She said with a smile.

'Well damn. But that's Kocho Shinobu for ya.' I thought.

You can't go wrong with shinobu and her poisons. Shit I feel bad for the demons that have came in contact with her poisons but not really.

"Alright let's cut to the chase." Shinobu said.

"Before we met up here, a couple hours actually, we got most of the hashiras to go venture for where tomioka might be, plus some power corps members." She explained.

"When they came back to us for information they told us that they saw a cave with blood trails following inside but the cave had servers tunnels." She kept going.

"And since we know our fellow friend kamado has keen senses, we had him track the area by smell." She said cutting in between a pause on purpose.

"And?" I said impatient.

"Well, it was said that kamado smelled a faint scent of a demons blood inside the cave." She said giving out the information but suddenly being cut off by muichiro.

𝑆𝑘𝑖𝑝𝑝𝑒𝑑 𝑎 𝐻𝑒𝑎𝑟𝑡𝑏𝑒𝑎𝑡 ~ Sanegiyuu storyWhere stories live. Discover now