<Background Info + Warnings>

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Thank you everyone for 2k reads. I never really thought this book would go anywhere far and yet, here we are. I can only thank you all for this <3

If you guys can, please read my other books! They are RusAme as well and one is finished. I'm also planning on writing a Highschool AU RusAme book soon, so y'all should follow me to see when that comes out!

Thank y'all again! <3 :)

First is Background and Important Information! Warnings are at the bottom!


There's going to be some confusing parts, such as the first family, Britain's family.

Britain is married to France. They have ELEVEN kids, yes, eleven.

From oldest to youngest:

Hong Kong
New Zealand
South Africa

Why is there so many? Well, I've always thought of that of being his family, some I don't remember why. Australia, New Zealand, Fiji, and Tuvalu are independent nations who all bear a Union Jack on their flags. America, South Africa, Canada, Hong Kong, India(may be referred to as Raj), and Malaysia, are the ones who don't wear the Union Jack but I can explain. (Or for America and Canada, it's self explanatory.)

India used to be the British Raj and had "princely states" which were sovereign while under British rule. I felt like she could be looped into the British family no problem.

South Africa was at some point a sovereign state while under British rule. Again, felt like they fit into the family.

Hong Kong was a British colony in China. They stayed under British rule for a while, before being ceded back to China in 1997.

Malaysia was formerly British Malaya, following the same name route of India. They had their own ruler and both federated and unfederated states.

Nigeria, on the other hand, is a bit tricky. I don't remember how it started, but Nigeria somehow found it's way into my head cannon for the British family, and I believe it is due to the amount of English speakers there are in Nigeria. Nigeria used to be a protectorate of Britain, such as how the Korean Empire or Manchukuo where Japanese protectorates or the Philippines being a protectorate of America. Plus, African countries need more representation.

India has a son, Myanmar(may be referred to as Burma). She had him with a "common person" or a person who was not a country. He is was a guard and is now a prince. His name is Dampa. He lost his last name due to him being brought into a royal family of countries who do not have last names.

India also wears the bindi or tilak as a more cultural reason. Despite the Indian population being large on Hinduism, I decided that nations won't be religious (kinda doesn't make sense for them to be).

Now, the next family, the Russian family.

This family may be more confusing than the British family, so you'd have to pay attention to not create confusion.

The father is the Russian Empire. He's married to Sweden(may be referred to as Kalmar). The two have 12 kids with a 13th on the way.

From oldest to youngest:

Soviet Union
Unknown Child - Not Born Yet

A slightly larger family, though there are some countries missing from the original Soviet Union. They were not included because they were annexed from other nations, such as Armenia, and the family is large enough. Finland appears as Finland was under both Swedish and Russian rule for quite a while.

Russia is the youngest son of the group, Soviet Union being the oldest son. Everyone else but Finland and Kazakhstan are females, but Finland and Kazakhstan are also in charge of minor, puppet kingdoms, leaving Russia in line for the crown since the Soviet Union wanted to focus on leading the military instead.

Quick facts about countries in general:

Nations are also born to look like people in the region their county is in. Sometimes it's mangled or they have a different appearance, and it'll be because they're a multi-ethnic state. This does not mean a parent cheated, which also makes it difficult for parents to know wether their child is truly theirs if they're two completely different nations.

Not all nations are royalty, some are guards or folk people.

There are 5 main empires:

Kingdom of Britannia - Led by King Great Britain , Crown Prince - America

Kingdom of Muscovy - Led by Tsar Russian Empire , Crown Prince - Russia

Tokugawa Shogunate - Led by Emperor Empire of Japan , Crown Princess - Japan

Prussian Kingdom - Led by Kaiser German Empire , Unknown Crown Prince

Emirate of Ha'il- Led By Sultan Saudi Arabia , Unknown Crown Prince

Both Prussia and Ha'il have unknown crown princes. In Prussia, two men fight over the title, Weimar(or German Reich) and Germany.  In Ha'il, Saudi Arabia has recently risen up after his father, Hejaz, and his mother, Nedj, passed away. Also in Ha'il, a man named Iran and a man named Egypt both claim the title "crown prince". Saudi Arabia has yet to confirm if it's one of them or if it's someone else, such as his close friend Turkey(also Ottoman Empire).

This book is set during a major war between Britannia and Muscovy. No other large empires have joined. This war is due to a claim over borders and disagreements over trade. Despite many attempts to end the war from Britannia, Muscovy refuses. They want their land, really, and land they gained during the war. This war has been going on for 14 years.


•Violence will be heavily mentioned.
•Blood/Gore will be mentioned quite a bit.
•Sexual Themes will be mentioned, but no smut.
•There will be swearing!
•There will be words in other languages(and I'm terribly sorry, but I'm using google translate or other websites, so I'll put in parentheses what I mean next to it. For example, "'Bonjour,'(Hello) the French man greeted." It will be done for ALL words for phrases that's in a different language, even if it's a common word to know, such as Hola. The exceptions will be food, drinks, or something in cultures, as long as it's in the Latin alphabet/script. If it's Cyrillic, Logographic(A symbol/character means the entire word), Brahmi, ect., there will be a transliteration(how to pronounce it) and I'll try to make it to the best of my abilities.)
•I am an AP World History student, so I've learned a lot of different cultures and history. This does NOT mean I'm an expert in all cultures. If I get something about your culture wrong, LET ME KNOW. And if you know something about a different culture that I got wrong, again, LET ME KNOW. This is so I can create at least culturally accurate characters, scenes, settings, etc. If a word is used as a slur or used to degrade a group of people and I use it, on accident, LET ME KNOW. It will help create a more safe environment. Some characters may use slurs when speaking; those are for character development, insight into the character, or to understand the character more. (When understanding characters, you do not have to agree with them. It is to know who this character is and why they did what they did.)
•You will get mad at some countries decisions, do not take it out on me, please.
•Do not start an argument in the comment section unless a person is being racist, sexist, homophobic, etc. If this happens, try to remain civil, DO NOT DOXX, THREATEN, OR DO ANYTHING VIOLENT, VERBALLY OR ANY OTHER WAY, TO THE PERSON.
•Please understand that I am a teenager, so I am in school. I do school and school-related events throughout the year and even into the summer. Therefore, updates will be inconsistent and I'll ask that you all are patient. Some chapters may be rushed out or shorter to give you guys updates, and I apologize, but please take me, the author, into consideration.

Thank you!

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