<Chapter 12 - Change>

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   Russia slowly opened his eyes, groaning as he did so, slightly pushing himself up. The blinds were closed just enough so the light wouldn't shine on his face, but from the looks of it, it was morning once more. He quickly realized he was in his uniform still and decided to stay in it, just fixing minor issues here and there.

   Walking outside, he realized he would have to address the townsfolk, so he decided he would go find his brother.

   "Tere hommikust, Venemaa.Nõukogude on korraldanud teile kõne raekoja platsil täna pärast keskpäeva."(Good morning, Russia. Soviet has arranged a speech for you in the town hall square today after noon.)

   Russia turned to his sister. A look of sorrow hid under the tiny signature smile of hers. Russia only grabbed her and pulled her into a hug.

   "Извините, пожалуйста,"(I'm sorry) was all he said as she let herself hug Russia back.


   Russia turned his head to see a smaller girl wearing a white button up shirt and a red and white skirt hugging her waist. She wore a thick necklace around her neck under the shirt collar and a gold belt, tied together in the front, sat above the top of the skirt so you couldn't see where it ended. A white and red shawl hung over her shoulders and hid the majority of her body.

   "Да, Латвия?"(Yes, Latvia?) Russia asked, still holding onto Estonia.

   "Kur ir mama?"(Where's mama?)

   Estonia pulled out of the hug to look at Latvia. They hadn't told her. Shit. Estonia walked over to Latvia and shooed away, probably for the better, so Russia left.

Quickly, Russia found himself in the planning room, knowing his brother would be in there, and he was correct.

"Здравствуйте, Россия. Вы уже слышали из Эстонии?"(Hello, Russia. Have you heard from Estonia yet?) Soviet asked, staring at a group of papers on the table.

"да. Вы видели британцев?"(Yeah. Have you seen the Britons?) Russia replied, looking at the papers on the desk. They were plans for the 'speech' Russia had to do.

"Он с Беларусью." (He's with Belarus.)

"Правильно, спасибо,"(Right, thank you) Russia replied, leaving the room immediately.

Soviet hated him now. He killed his own father but his father was an abuser, a rapist. How could Soviet Union even like him? If it weren't for his father, his mother would be alive right now. He would have his mother. He wanted his mother.

Too fucking bad.


Russia stood in front of a large crowd. They were silent, waiting for him too say something. He had to address them, but the thought of him messing up was weighing him down. It didn't help that America was watching him, hidden among a group of guards. Once the last few people settled down and focused on Russia, he knew he had to speak. The crown that sat on his head was daring to fall, only being held by some pins and hidden ribbons that Ukraine was sure wouldn't fail. A bit too much trust she had in the tiny and fragile things, and Russia had no trust at all.

"Добрый день. С печалью я приношу весть о том, что царица Кальмарская уния, моя любимая мать, скончалась вчера вечером в родах."(Good afternoon. It is with sorrow that I bring the message that Tsarina Kalmar Union, my beloved mother, has passed away in labor last night.) Russia announced, holding any feelings back, trying his best to look strong. "Тем не менее, мы приветствуем другого князя в семье, принца Литовского.Он, до дальнейшего развития событий, является следующим очевидным наследником." (We do, however, welcome another prince to the family, Prince Lithuania. He is, until further developments, the next heir-apparent.)

   Chatter became loud as people talked amongst themselves over Russia's announcement, causing Russia's anxiety to be more than every person in Britannia's combined.

   "You're doing great," a quiet voice whispered, Russia barely being able to hear. It was America, and thankfully he calmed down slightly.

   "Следующая неделя будет неделей траура по нашей покойной царице Кальмарской унии," (This next week will be a week of mourning of our late Tsarina Kalmar Union) he added, then stepping back to allow his eldest brother to take the floor and announce anything else.

   Russia hurried off and was immediately yanked down by Ukraine so she can fix his crown.

   "Це було просто чудово! Як ви так зіпсували його?"(It was just fine! How did you mess it up so much?) she mumbled angrily.

   "Ударение,"(Stress) was all Russia replied.

   "I don't think it looked that bad," America added, causing an annoyed groan from Ukraine.

   "America is right," a man said, towering over Russia since he was pushed down still. "For your first time, you did great. It was better than any speech Isä can do."(Father)

   The man wore a blue-gray uniform and had his own crown which sat on his head.

   "Финляндия! Вы должны быть в Випурии," (Finland! You're supposed to be in Vipurii) Russia exclaimed, making sure he wasn't too loud the townspeople would hear him.

   "Äitini kuoli ja sain nähdä veljeni ensimmäisen julkisen puheen," (My mother died and I got to see my brother's first public speech) Finland replied, placing a hand on Russia's shoulder. "Lovely to meet you, America. I'm King Finland," he greeted to America who eagerly shook his hand and introduced himself back.

   "Actually, Estonia wrote to me about you. Coincidentally, this isn't the first time she's written about your family. She had a lot to tell about your sister."

   "Oh, Malaysia!"

   "That one, yes," he confirmed while Estonia repeatedly punched his arm. "She also noted a brother, said they were intimate with some guard here."

   Estonia immediately stopped punching Finland and said, "They were always around each other!"

   "Trust me, my entire family believes Canada fancied that guard. He's just on the border of Prussia right now trying not to die."

   "Oh, you're at war with Prussia, aren't you? How is your father holding up?"

   "He's awfully stressed," America replied. "He's got Mother though, so he should be fine."

   "Уберите всех монархов отсюда!"(Get all the monarchs out of here!)

   Suddenly, a large amount of screams came from the crowd. Russia turned around just in time to see an attacker lunge at America with a shortsword. Nobody could react fast enough, and America was stabbed. Russia held him as his sisters rushed to provide medical assistance, and Russia just watched America's face through his veil. Panic filled him. He had just allowed the Crown Prince of Britannia to be murdered whilst Britannia gets roped into another defensive war. Then he looked up and saw Soviet. He had a faint smile on his face. Of course, he praised Father. He was going to force a woman to marry him if Russia hadn't accidentally interrupted, which good for Russia. Soviet arranged the attack. He was just as insane.

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