<Chapter 9 - Problems>

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"King Britain, I have news from Prussia!"

   America looked over to see a knight running in, getting onto his knee once he reached the foot of the thrones. America was sitting next to his father, his mother not present.

   "Kaiser German Empire has declared war on us," the knight announced. This earned him a angry sigh from Britain.

   "Thank you. Alexander," he called to a servant who had just entered the room, "please fetch Canada and send him here."

   Both knight and servant left the room and America slumped into his seat.

   "Fucking backstabbers those Prussians are. Don't ever trust a Prussian, America. They're nothing but a kingdom of liars."

   America nodded in response, directing his gaze to outside the windows. He watched as a bunny hopped around a bush full of flowers, it occasionally stopping to sniff some then continuing on its dance. He was so focused on the bunny, he didn't notice his brother entering the room. Canada and Britain had started talking already but America now set his eyes on a butterfly. The butterfly landed on the bunny's nose and both sat still, as of knowing if they moved, they'd scare the other. A bunny and a butterfly, two delicate animals, sat in stillness as the gardeners and servants walked around them. Both were protected. Safe. Both were safe with each other, being a sight to behold.

   "America!" A voice called, breaking his thoughts.


   Britain rolled his eyes and told America everything they talked about, catching him up. He listened intently although he desperately wanted to look at the bunny and butterfly again. Instead, all he was paying attention too was about what was the appropriate action.

   "Did Prussia say why the declared?" Canada asked, sitting down on his mother's throne. "Did the Kaiser go insane?"

   "I don't know," their father responded, taking the crown off his head and setting down on the arm of his throne rather harshly. "Britannia cannot afford another war, we've taken too many casualties and the costs of the was against Muscovy was seeming to be expensive. I don't know what we Britons have done, but we surely didn't deserve this."

"Maybe the Kaiser made a secret deal with Tsar Russian Empire that if they can't take our kingdom out then they will."

"Your Royal Highness! You've received news from the Emirate of Ha'il," a guard announced, entering the room.

"What is it?"

"Sultan Saudi Arabia has announced that the Emirate of Ha'il will be fighting along our side in this 'War of Prussian Aggression' and will be sending troops immediately to get to the front line."

"What a relief," Canada muttered. "Thank you, Daniel, you are dismissed."

With that, the guard left the room and the three men sat in silence. America turned to face the window again and was saddened when the bunny and butterfly were gone. He turned back to his father and brother who were deep in a conversation and decided to listen as he now had nothing better to do.

"...reason why a brand new ruler who doesn't have an heir yet would even join us in this war."

"Leave it alone, Canada. Send Malaysia to Ha'il, she's been there already now, so I'm sure she would know what she's doing. Please, go bring me your mother and come back with her, this is urgent."

Canada nodded and stood up, walking away from the two. America watched him leave, wanting to follow him, but for some reason, to do something else. He didn't know what, but he felt as if he needed to do it.

"Father," America started, finally speaking after a while, "maybe we can talk to the new Tsar of Muscovy or the Emperor of Tokugawa so they won't declare war on us as well."

   Britain stared at his son. America couldn't tell if it was in thought or anger, but he was now scared. He felt as if he suggested the wrong thing. That he suggested a stupid thing.

   "We'll try to make it work. You'll go to Muscovy, you've already met the Tsar. I'll have Australia go to Tokugawa. Go get ready."

   America gave a slight nod and walked away and into the hallway, heading towards his room. He assumed he'd have a guard get Australia and bring him to Father, but he didn't want to head back and ask. He reached his room fairly quickly and opened the door, immediately heading towards his wardrobe to pull his luggage out and pulled what he needed to bring. He grabbed some clothing, a messenger box, and a bottle of liqueur and bourbon whiskey and closed his luggage shut. He opened it back up to set his hat inside and shut it once again, decided to wear his crown instead. He grabbed his crown and set it on his head, then grabbed his luggage, heading to India's room.

"Hey, India, may I ask for a favor please?"

The woman opened her door and allowed America to step inside, sitting down on a chair.

"Leaving again?" she asked, applying makeup on herself while staring at her reflection in a mirror. "What's the reason this time?"

"Negotiations with Muscovy. Prussia declared war on us."

She looked at him and nodded, grabbing a red, white, and gold-accented veil and turned to face him.

"It'll match your uniform better, and this one will fasten to your crown," she explained as she put the flashy veil on his crown. "These pins will also blend into your crown, so all you need to worry about is the attention you're attracting for being out the palace again, not for having your face showing."

As she finished putting the pins in, she stepped back and tugged on the bottom of the veil a bit, making sure it wouldn't slip if anything happened. Once she was content, India pulled America into a hug.

"Stay safe in Muscovy," she said, holding onto him. "Burma looks up to you, you know. Stay safe for him."

   "I will," America promised, pulling away from the hug. "I will."

   Once they said their goodbyes, America left the room and grabbed the luggage he left sitting outside the door. He began his walk towards the stables once more, doing a quick check while on his way.

   "Do I have my sabre? Yes. I have my crown and veil, yes. I put my cap in my luggage and a change of clothes in case. I got alcohol. Shit, water."

   America took a detour to the kitchen and grabbed a few canteens of water and then continued to the stables. Once he got there, he saddled his horse and packed his luggage up and got on, heading out to the village.

   "Alright, just ride on, let the people get out the way," he told himself, mentally prepping.

   He trotted the horse into the main street of the village, holding himself high as he did so. He made sure his back was straight and his shoulders were back so his posture was great and he could see where he needed to go. Crowds immediately attracted to him, but he kept the horse moving. When the horse started slowing down, America pulled out his sabre and held it in front of him in order to intimidate the crowd. People immediately began to open up a pathway in the beginning, but they would soon stop the further he went.

   "Move!" he commanded, sticking his sabre out in front of him to have the tip pointing at the crowd in front.

   The crowd quickly left the path, sticking to the side of street as America rode through. He sheathed his sword, allowing the horse to trot again as he grabbed both reigns.

   "Let's go see that damn Tsar," he mumbled to himself, his vision whitened from the veil. "Since Britannia is in a state of everlasting war."

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