<Chapter 5 - Meeting>

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America woke up, dreading the idea of his first meeting today. He never had meetings with anyone other than his family or occasionally some guards, so he was afraid he'd mess up.

"Fuck me," he groaned as he sat up, rubbing his eyes and stretching his arms out after. "Might as well get dressed and see is Malay is awake."

America diligently got dressed and left the room, immediately greeted by Canada and Malaysia.

"Oh, hey, Rica," Canada greeted. "We were just about to see if you were awake."

"A letter came in from Father," Malaysia explained, handing him the letter. "Negotiations failed, it's up to you now."

"Us. It's up to us. Alright, where's this prince I've gotta meet?"

"Your meeting isn't till an hour," Canada objected, grabbing the bottom of his coat, a habit he developed to do whenever he was one, nervous, or two, scared.

"Doesn't matter, we need to start now at best, get to know each other and get this dammed war over with. South Africa or Hong Kong is going to go to battle at this point."

"South's seventeen, he's not allowed till he's eighteen, and Hong Kong is Father's advisor just as Nadia's acting as yours or Kiwi is Mother's."

   "Random but related thoughts, why are those two advisors to our own parents?"

   "They're smart? I don't know what to tell you. And your more fit for military, Nada, so don't say anything," Malaysia answered, looking out a window. "Here, I found the meeting room, just follow me."

   The three walked through multiple corridors, America taking the time to memorize every little detail so he can get to and fro from the meeting room to the room he's staying in. America did notice a very scary, in his opinion, man, threatening Turkey. He recognized the man as Egypt, the General of the Ha'ili Military.

"Here, only you're allowed in. Nada and I will stand guard till his guard comes, then his guard will take my spot and I'll go off with their princess somewhere else, probably the garden."

"Alright, I'll see you later then," America said, entering the room. Once he shut the door, he looked around the room. A large table sat in the middle, only two chairs present. A flag of Muscovy and a flag of Britannia hung on either side. America walked to the side his flag hung and stood by the chair. "Please be here soon," he mumbled. "I don't want to stand for too long."

After a few minutes, the door opened and in stepped a man. He wore a nice, blueish-green uniform with red and yellow flair, matching pants, and a red sash.

"Привет, it's a pleasure to meet you."(Hello). He approached America, who walked to the midway of the table, and stuck out his hand. "Crown Prince Russian Federation of Muscovy."

"Crown Prince United States of America of Britannia," he returned, shaking his hand. "Let's get started?"


Once the two had sat down, they began the negotiations. America had let Russia say what he, or probably just his father, wanted.

"The land we took from you must be transferred to us," he finished.

"Question, you're the youngest right?"

"Male. Youngest male."

"Ah, alright. So, how badly do you want this war to end?" America asked, wanting to know more about the Muscovite's motives.

"I don't want any of your land, Отец does. I don't want my siblings living throughout a war."

"Then there's something we've got in common," America sighed in relief. "What if we make this easy, just sign a treaty, and Britannia will give you money?"

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