<Chapter 19 - News>

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India held the letter tightly in her hand, containing every bit of excitement she within in her by a thread.

"Raj, supper is in five minutes," Australia announced, entering the office she sat in.

"America is in love!"

"He's what?"

Australia stepped into the room and was followed by Canada. Canada shut the door while Australia took a seat, Canada sitting in a chair next to him.

   "I thought you were commanding the troops," India said, staring at Canada.

   "Mother is in charge, this war should be over in a few days. We have great calvary and our own troops on foot are pretty fast. Prussia just learned to never fuck with Brits again," Canada replied, allowing his composure to let out.

   "Now explain this 'America is in love' thing you've got going on?"

   India nodded, setting the letter off to the side. She apologized in advance for if she got far too excited and loud, something she did often, but also because she had to go fast.

   "Okay, America sent Mother, May and I letters. Only May and I had an extra topic, however. He wrote about an experience he had with another man."

   "Oh God, is he pulling a Nada and sleeping with some guard in Muscovy? Don't give me that, we can go on about Serbia!"

   "Better," was India's reply, directing the two men back to her. "Russia."

   "Russia? The tsar? Tsar Russia of Muscovy, Vipurii, and Chagatai?"

"Yes, the tsar."

The room was now quiet, both men having to process the information. Australia look totally lost for words while Canada appeared to be trying to find the words, failing pretty horribly.

"Wait," Canada then suddenly announced, standing up. "What about the kingdoms? Do they just rule them both once Father passes and they're married?"

"Not where I wish you went," Australia groaned. "How about, 'does this mean I can sleep with Serbia forever' or 'now I can have my future husband with me' so we aren't so dark?"

Canada immediately slapped Australia's arm and sat back down, sulking in the chair. India laughed a bit, leaning back in her own chair.

"America has said he kissed him and slept with him, so they are in deep. Hell, let me read you this part," India said, reaching for the letter. "Here."

   India handed the letter to her two brothers who both read the letter together. India watched as their eyes widened around the same time, only widening the further they read. When Australia handed the letter back to India, Canada stood up and repeated a part of the letter for confirmation, which he received.

"Oh shit, maybe I can be with Serbia."

"Out of that entire statement, that's what you got out?"

The three turned to face New Zealand who stood there, arms crossed. Canada merely chuckled a bit, embarrassed to the extreme. Australia was just confused on how New Zealand got in the room, switching his gaze from the door to her and back to the door repeatedly. India, on the other hand, was scared. She wasn't really supposed to tell, but now another sister knows.

"Oh, supper! Right! I'll just tell the family there," India said, standing up.

She fixed her saree quickly and walked around the desk and towards the door. The two men followed her as she followed New Zealand to the dining hall.

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