<Chapter 8 - Murder>

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"Mama? Kur ir Tēvs?"(Mama, where's Father?"

"Oroa dig inte för det, Lettland, kära. Gå och hitta Estland, jag är säker på att hon kommer att leka med dig."(Don't worry about it, Latvia, dear. Go find Estonia, I'm sure she'll play with you.)

The little girl nodded and ran off, leaving the mother alone. The mother looked around the room, squinting when light from past the large windows met her eyes.

   She wore a white silk dress that had gold and blue flowers around her chest and the trail of the dress. The top of her dress hang a bit low, exposing the top of her chest, and puffy sleeves hung off her shoulders. She had diamond-like jewels embedded in her dress, her earrings, and her necklace. In fact, they probably were all diamonds. She had blonde hair tied up in a bun, it allowing her neck and shoulders to be exposed. She had a flag, one comprising of a golden-yellow background and an off centered bright red colored cross. She had silk gloves pulling her look together as she had taken her crown off earlier and left it on her throne.

   "Прывітанне, ахоўнік Мамы.Расіі вярнуўся дадому, але Расія і Эстонія яшчэ ў дарозе."(Hello, Mom. Russia's guard returned home but Russia and Estonia are still on their way.)

   The woman turned to see a much younger girl, her face encompassed worry.

   "Ён сказаў, што Расея адправіла яго раней, каб знайсці бацьку, але сказаў, што прычына канфідэнцыйная."(He said Russia sent him ahead earlier to find Father, but said the reason is confidential.)

   "Berätta för honom att ryska är i tronrummet," she replied, allowing the girl to leave and let the mother be alone once again.

   She sat down on her chair and allowed herself to lose her composure, leaning her head back. She was tired, worn out, and she was practically done with life.

   "Ona! Tez kel! Bu muhim!"(Mom! Come quick! It's important!) a male called from down the hall.

The woman dreaded the call but obliged anyways, getting up and leaving the room, heading towards the voice. She kept a brisk, steady pace as she approached the throne room where her son called her from. When she walked in, she saw it. Blood everywhere. And there he was, Russia's royal guard, standing over the now-dead person. Her husband.

"Испунио сам наререња која сам примио од Његовог Велиианства, престолонаследник Русије."(I have fulfilled orders I received from His Majesty, Crown Prince Russia.) was all he said, keeping bearing.

"Мама, мне так шкада, я не хацеў, каб гэта адбылося."(Mom, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean for this to happen.)

The woman heard footsteps behind her but she didn't turn around. Her husband was dead. She forced herself to feel remorse, although she was glad he was dead.

"Я новый царь Московии,"(I am the new Tsar of Muscovy) a voice announced, stepping forward past the woman. "Его царство террора закончилось, пришло время изменить это.Украина, объявите об этом, пожалуйста. Я говорю, что моя коронация через три дня."(His reign of terror is over, it's time to change this. Ukraine, announce this please. I say my coronation is in three days.)

"Ryssland, hur kunde du? Han var din far!"(Russia, how could you? He was your father!) she exclaimed, stepping forward to her son.

"Мы оба знаем почему."(We both know why) was his reply, not turning around.

He grabbed the crown off his dead-father's head and placed it on his, turning to face his family. There was no sign of regret, happiness, or sadness on his face. It sent shivers down the woman's spine, causing her to step back a bit.

"Мой первый указ – немедленно прекратить эту войну. Это продолжается слишком долго, пришло время дать нашему народу шанс на жизнь."(My first decree is to end this war immediately. It's gone on far too long, it's time to let our people get a chance at life.)

"Ang inyong kaitaasan, si Tsarina Kalmar, pinakamainam kung umalis tayo.Ikaw ay dapat na pagkakaroon ng iyong anak sa lalong madaling panahon, ayaw naming panganib dito."(Your highness, Tsarina Kalmar, it's best if we leave. You should be having your child soon, we don't want to risk it here.)

Kalmar turned to face a shorter woman who had her hands folded together, her head dipped down. A little tight bun was put together in the back of her head with a braid wrapping it. She had dark, practically black, hair, much like Russia which hinted at Asian heritage. She wore a yellow dress which resembled that of the other maids, but at least her's has color.

"Okej, tack Filippinerna, vi åker nu."(Alright, thank you Philippines, we'll leave now.)

The two left the throne room quickly and just as quickly made their way to the nursery. Sweden knew Philippines would pull her away in order to save her mental health, and she couldn't be more grateful for it. Her child wouldn't be due for another month, but she didn't care. Once they reached the nursery, Kalmar immediately sat down in a chair and relaxed herself. From now on, her life would be extremely stressful and non-stressful at the same time.

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