<Chapter 16 - Breakthrough>

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Canada stared daggers at Egypt as he complained about basically everything, but mostly control. Egypt commanded the troops up north while Canada commanded the troops south of them. This pissed Egypt off because he "deserved" to command every Ha'ilite and Briton troop on the frontlines as Egypt was older and more experienced and just superior to Canada, which many Briton officers and soldiers would disagree about and a few Ha'ilites when they knew they wouldn't die.

"I should be in charge, you're only a kid!"

"First of all," Canada snapped, standing up. "I'm twenty. Second of all, who the hell said you were qualified enough to lead anyone? You're just a selfish whore who's ego blinds him so much he can't see that everyone hates him and would love him to be dead! If you believe you're so powerful, why don't you attack the Prussians yourself? Third of all, you should be fucking grateful I let you command any troops in my war! This war is Britannia's, not Ha'il's! Learn your fucking place, Egypt! None of my officers nor troops will refer to you as your title. They won't even mention your name. You don't deserve shit," Canada finished, sitting back down.

Both men remained quiet and a few officers from both sides not knowing what to do. For one, nobody has seen Canada snap like that, at least nobody he wasn't related too. Secondly, Egypt didn't try to fight back, something that was completely unlike him.

Suddenly, a soldier burst into the tent, sweat beads dripping down his face and it red.

"Sir, a report from the south! We've broken through their lines! General Hartman who's down there has ordered a flood of troops to breach through and get as far as they can!" he announced, gasping for breath as he did so.

"The orders are approved, send any extra divisions down there," Canada replied, his tone rough and still pissed.

   "Canada," a female voice said, outside the tent. A woman then stepped in, a stern look in her face as she wore a uniform, her rank stating she was a general.

    "Mama, what are you doing here? You were supposed to be with Zea on the front lines? That's what you said you were going to do!"

   "We've made a breakthrough, I came to report it as your sister is in charge down there.."

   Before France could speak again, another woman burst into the tent. She seemed out of breath but was definitely a foreigner. Canada jumped up and drew his sabre before France gave him a stare, telling him to sheath it. He complied and sheathed it, but kept his hand on the handle in case, as she too was armed.

   "Hello, I'm terribly sorry! I'm Princess Kyrgyzstan of Muscovy, so sorry for the intrusion!"

   "How's my son?" France asked quickly, immediately softening once she knew who the intruder was.

   "America is fine, he'll survive. He's supposed to be waking up soon and doctors were able to prevent an infection. However, most likely right now, Russia or Soviet Union are dead, one of them are. It's possible  my entire family but Tajikistan is dead, as Russia and Soviet have dueled at noon."

   "If Tsar Russia is dead," an officer spoke up, "who would be your new tsar?"

   The princess hesitated for a minute, thinking of what to say or how to say it. She was lost in words, not knowing how to answer the officer.

   "This is why we watch what we say, Damascus," Egypt harshly whispered to the officer, causing Canada to stare daggers once again, just this time he would take action.

   "Leave him alone, fucker," he yelled, pushing Egypt firmly, gently pushing the officer behind him.

   "Canada, Egypt, sir down right this instant!" France commanded, obviously annoyed at the two. "Please, Turkmenistan, continue."

   "Crown Prince Lithuania," Kyrgyzstan mumbled loudly, folding her hands together. "Unless Russia writes out of law saying that women are able to rule. Until then, our week old brother is the crown prince."

   "Which sister would be in line if she were able to hold that position?" France asked.

   "Belarus," Kyrgyzstan replied, actually being able to answer her quickly.

   Canada and Egypt, however, weren't paying attention to the two women, but rather staring at each other with piercing eyes. Hell, if they stared at anyone else with the way they're staring now, people would assume they are stealing every bit of soul and life from them, leaving them with only death. Egypt got ready to stand up when he put his hand on his sabre's handle but then again, another person entered the tent.

"So sorry to intrude! Hello Mother, I've got news from Father!"

Canada looked at his sister, Malaysia, but immediately turned away to stare at Egypt once more, keeping eye contact with him. Egypt kept his face stern, Canada keeping his fierce. Conversations around them wether they were planning, asking either princess a question, or something else, but the two didn't partake in any. They continued to keep eye contact forever who knows how long, then a guard violently shook Egypt. He looked over and saw a man in the tent. Iran. Oh shit.

"Sir Iran, a pleasure to see you!" France greeted cheerfully, standing up to shake his hand. "What's brought you here rather than the palace?"

"Egypt," he replied coldly, staring at the man. "I have news. You can no longer fight for status over heir as now Saudi Arabia has a child on the way."

"Oh that's delightful," France said, completely ignoring the tone and the facts.

"You should definitely be at the palace where it's safe," Malaysia butted in, Kyrgyzstan standing off to the side of her nodding. "Sukar untuk diingat sesetengah lelaki boleh mempunyai anak,"(It is difficult to remember some men can have children) she muttered to Turkmenistan as if she were embarrassed about it but it seemed to wash away when Kyrgyzstan agreed.

"Congratulations," was all Egypt said, returning the tone and stare back to the shorter man.

Canada, on the other hand, was unsure of anything to say. Does he congratulate or does he stay silent, which is the option he temporarily chose. Does he go the route Malaysia took and tell him to get somewhere safe?

"He's safe here, we made a breakthrough in the south with both Kiwi and Hartman's battalions. In fact, I do believe I need to head down there and see how the battles are going," Canada said, standing up and putting his hat on his head, heading towards the tent's door.

There were a few complaints and objections but Canada ignored them all, pushing past Iran and trudging to his horse. France has stormed out and was yelling at him to get back in, saying it wasn't safe for him, but he pressed on, mounting his horse.

"Je serai en sécurité. Je t'aime."(I'll be safe. I love you.)

With that, he quickly rode off, keeping the horse at a fast pace. He had tied a string on his cap so when he rode fast it wouldn't fall off, and he was really grateful for that now.

"Mama is going to kill me once I get back," he mumbled to himself, pressing on towards the battlefields.

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