<Part 14 - Escape>

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Nigeria held onto his hat, leaning into the horse, pressing it to go faster. He had to get to Australia, it was urgent. They tried to kill his brother. They needed to pay. His dreads were tied up and out of his face, something he was thankful for as his horse raced through the tall grass and wildflowers as the plateau was nearing its end. Underneath, rice fields and hills sprawled out for kilometers. He was at the border of Tokugawa now.

He quickly guided the horse down the path to the bottom and made sure to not, purposefully, mess up the rice fields. If the horse did it itself, then he would slowly guide it back, just enough to cause some damage to the crops in the water. Nigeria saw a few farmers watching him, so he stopped "accidentally" veering into the rice fields. He could say he didn't want the horse to get anymore wet as it was flooding season in Tokugawa.


   Nigeria noticed the four calvary guards ahead of him. He knew riding past them would meet its problems, so he rode straight through them, never losing speed. There was a few yells and shouts coming from them in a foreign language, but Nigeria leaned into the horse more, hoping none of them had bows. He quickly outpaced the guards and went straight for the Tokugawan castle.

'Hurry, get Aussie back,' he told himself, riding into dense forests.

Nigeria slowed down a bit but not entirely, still wanting to get to the castle fast and not have the guards catch him. Insects and birds chirped and creaked throughout the forest, but Nigeria didn't pay attention. If he had time, he would stop and listen, possibly eat something he found, but his brother might be dead.

   Up ahead, the forest ended. Past the trees, the castle poke out, behind it being the city it sat in. The castle had a back entrance only royals new, and Australia had sent a letter about it, so he knew where it was and how to get in.

   Suddenly, a sharp piercing pain was felt on his back shoulder. He looked back to see an archer had shot an arrow into his shoulder blade. Definitely piercing. He kept the arrow in, knowing if he took the arrow out, he would bleed out. He veered the horse repeatedly, making sure nobody could see what he would do next as arrows flew past him. Those calvary divisions must've alerted someone. Nigeria spotted the entrance and bolted to it, dismounting his horse as it veered off towards the forest once again. He put his hat on and quickly administered first aid on himself.

   "彼はここにいる!"(He is in here!)

   Nigeria quickly packed himself back up, holding his sabre whilst it was in the sheath as he swiftly and quietly walked down the corridor. There were candles on one side of the wide hall so he stuck to the opposite side and low to the ground, limiting his chance of being seen. He heard their voices get lower and lower as he crept off, soon being met by a staircase. He slowly walked up the staircase and was greeted by a door, which he slowly opened. It was behind a curtain which laid on the ground, so he quickly got out and shut the door, hugging the wall. He peeled out from behind the curtain and realized he was in the throne room, as Japanese Empire was on the throne. Various guards burst into the room, startling both the Emperor and Nigeria.

   "ブリタニアの兵士の一人が国境を越えた!私たちは彼に矢を放ちましたが、彼は止まりませんでした!"(One of Britannia's soldiers has crossed the border! We've shot an arrow at him but he didn't stop!)

   "王国を検索し、それをロックダウンします。彼らはあまりにも早く攻撃した."(Search the kingdom, lock it down. They attacked too early.) Nigeria seemed startled by the response, but Japanese Empire continued speaking. "オーストラリアに手紙や何かを届けさせないでください、彼に気づかせないでください。カナダ、そして彼が必要です。イギリス王国を内側から破壊する。"(Do not let any letter or anything arrive to Australia, keep him unaware. We need Canada out, then him. We'll destroy the Brit's kingdom from the inside.)

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