<Chapter 7 - Traitor>

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   "Isa on käskinud vallutada Britannia hertsogi Myanmari, kuid nüüd on tal vangistuses nii hertsog Myanmar kui ka prints Fidži."(Father has ordered the capturing of Britannia's Duke Myanmar, but he's now got both Duke Myanmar and Prince Fiji in captivity.) Estonia explained, twirling her hair with her finger. "Kasuta seda olukorda enda kasuks, et isale meeldida. Nad teevad kõik, et oma pere turvaliselt tagasi saada."(Use this situation to your advantage to please Father. They'll do anything to get their family back safely.)

"Представьте, что вас похитили, Эстония.Мораль отца вся неправильная, он просит всю Британию сжечь Московию дотла!"(Imagine your were kidnapped, Estonia. Father's morals are all wrong, he's asking for the entirety of Britannia to burn Muscovy to nothing!) Russia exclaimed, slamming his hands onto the table. "Он сумасшедший! Мы все это знаем! Я могу закончить это, просто будучи царем, вы знаете!Тогда Московия не будет в глупой войне, вызванной упрямым человеком!"(He's insane! We all know this! I can end it by just being tsar, you know! Then Muscovy won't be in a stupid war caused by a stubborn man!) Russia threw a quill across the room, standing up to pace and rant.

"Venemaa, kuula mind."(Russia, listen to me.)

"Нет! Ты такой же сумасшедший, как и он! Я должен был привезти Украину, Белоруссию или Узбекистан!" (No! You're as insane as him! I should've brought Ukraine or Belarus or Uzbekistan!)

Estonia mumbled something under breath, leaning back in the chair she sat in and crossed her arms. Russia glared at her but continued to pace.

"Сербия! Войдите, пожалуйста!"(Serbia! Enter, please!) he called, stopping in his tracks.

The door opened and Serbia stepped in, shutting the door behind him.

"Да , Ваље Велиианство?"(Yes, Your Majesty?"

"Немедленно вернитесь в Замок и убейте Отца, то есть приказ.Расскажите любому охраннику мой приказ и скажите им, что у них такой же приказ.Теперь я буду царем, он слишком сумасшедший, чтобы управлять королевством."(Go back to the Castle immediately and kill Father, that is an order. Tell any guard my order and tell them they have the same order. I'll be Tsar now, he's far too insane to run a kingdom.)

   Serbia just stood there, shock encasing the entirety of his face. For the first time, it looked like he had emotions, something that all Muscovite Royal Guards hid extremely well.

   "Kas sa oled hull? Oma Isa tapmine? Aga ema?"(Are you insane? Killing our own father? What about Mother?) Estonia protested, standing up to face Russia.

   "Мать была вынуждена выйти за него замуж! Она бы не хотела иметь столько детей с этим мужчиной!Женщина даже не должна заботиться о таком количестве детей!Используй свой собственный мозг, Эстония!"(Mother was forced to marry him! She wouldn't choose to have this many kids with that man! A woman shouldn't even have to take care of that many kids! Use your own brain, Estonia!) He yelled back, throwing his fur hat onto the desk. "Если бы вас заставили выйти замуж за человека, которого вы не любили, опасаясь, что ваша семья будет убита, вы бы захотели даже жить в той же постели, что и он?Заняться с ним сексом? Быть вынужденным выносить своих детей?"(If you were forced to marry a man you didn't love in fear your family would be murdered, would you want to even share the same bed as him? Have sex with him? Be forced to carry his children?)

   Estonia sat back down, staring at the ground with her hands in her lap. Russia just told his younger sister something that only him and his eldest brother knows. Now his guard also knows, and he could tell other guards in order to justify his order for the murder of his father. He let his anger get the best of him and now he told a massive family secret that nobody was supposed to know.

   "Идем сада, бижу тамо пре заласка сунца.Да ли да доведем некога или да објавим да је Цар руско царство мртво када заврљим свој задатак?"(I'll leave now, I'll be there before Sundown. Should I bring anyone back or have it announced that Tsar Russian Empire is dead once I've completed my task?) Serbia announced, finally pulling himself back together.

   "Teatage tema surmast, see paneb Venemaa tagasi minema, nii et me valmistume lahkuma pärast tänasi läbirääkimisi.Tee, mis sinu arvates on õige, Rus."(Announce his death, it will cause Russia to go back, so we'll get ready to leave after today's negotiations. Do what you think is right, Rus.) Estonia replied for Russia, looking at the floor still.

   "И, Сербия, если вы хотите, вы можете сказать другому охраннику, чтобы он выполнил приказ за вас."(And, Serbia, if you wish, you may tell another guard to execute the order for you.) Russia added in, looking outside the window that gave a clear view into the garden outside. "Вы уволены."(You are dismissed."

   Serbia bowed and left the room, leaving Russia and Estonia alone once again. The two sat in silence for quite a few minutes, the birds outside and conversations in the corridor the only things they could hear.

   "Когда я закончу эту встречу, мы немедленно уйдем."(When I'm done with this meeting, we'll leave immediately.) Russia announced, finally breaking the silence.

   "Sa ei vaheta oma mantlit? Nad teavad, kes sa oled,"(You won't change your coat? They'll know who you are) Estonia replied, worry plastered on her face. "Kas see on tark mõte?"(Is that a smart idea?)

   "Я буду их царем, плюс, должны быть изменения в обществе.Мы не должны быть скрыты, это глупо."(I'll be their Tsar, plus, there needs to be a change to society. We shouldn't be hidden, it's stupid.)

   Before Estonia could reply, Russia walked out of the room and into the corridors, heading towards the meeting room. He quickly noticed he forgot his fur hat, but he didn't turn around, he couldn't be bothered to, he just had to hope Estonia grabbed it for him so he can wear it when they leave. He kept his pace the same, passing many guards who all gave him the same look, one of immense confusion with worry mixed in between. He ignored them all, reaching the door to the meeting room. He turned pushed them open and was greeted by the other prince who sat in his chair, waiting for Russia. Russia noticed that his brother wasn't outside, but he'd ask once he sat down. He shut the doors gently and pulled the chair out, sitting down and looking at Britannia's Crown Prince.

   "Where was your brother?" Russia asked, starting the conversation off.

   "He's strolling around the palace somewhere. I heard you sent your guard back to Muscovy. What was with that?"

  "I'm sure you've heard."

   "Heard what?"

   "About your family."

   "Yes. I'd like my nephew and brother back."

   "Consider it done," Russia responded, leaning back in his chair. America just stared back at him in return, utter disbelief on his face. "Чтоo?"(What)

   "You're just going to give them back? What about your dad?"

   Russia twiddled his fingers, trying to figure out whether he should tell the truth or lie. America still kept his eyes sharp on Russia, pressing him for an answer. Feeling pressured, Russia decided to answer vaguely.

   "You'll hear about why soon," he answered, still fiddling his fingers under the desk.

   With that, Russia said his final goodbye and exited the room. When he arrived to the stables where his horse was, Estonia had their luggage and his hat in her hand, throwing it at him. He caught it and put it on, saddling up their horses and putting the luggage on the horse Estonia would ride.

   "Parem looda, et see plaan töötab."(You better hope this plan works.)

   "Если этого не произойдет, я убью его сам."(If it doesn't, I'll kill him myself.)

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