<Chapter 10 - Frontlines>

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   Canada rode on his horse to a tent in the middle of a prairie, disturbed by the lack of sounds. He was nearing the main battle front, but this tent he needed to stop at as he was the commander of the military. He dismounted his horse and entered the tent, immediately being treated by a couple generals huddled around a table.

   "Good morning, Sir Canada," a man greeted, causing the rest to face him. "We were just trying to figure out a way to hold the lines."

   Canada nodded and looked down at the map, examining it carefully.

   "So they're trying to flank our men, huh? Alright, we'll, keep the men where they are, troops from Ha'il should be arriving soon and can help reinforce our line."

"Yes, Sir. General York, will you relay the message?"

"On it."

Canada dismissed the other generals to go off and do their own thing while he continued to stare at the map on the table. There were two maps on the table. One of the border with Prussia, marked with battle plans, moved fronts, and places of units. The other, however, was a map of Britannia, showing the borders and where units were and when they'd get to the lines. He noticed some units were staying on the borders of the other nations, and he didn't blame his generals for keeping them there, but he knew he could move them.

"General Penn," Canada called, bringing the man back into the tent. "These men that are on the borders, they shouldn't be there. We are close with Tokugawa, the Emperor or heirs wouldn't attack us."

   "But Muscovy, Sir. What about them? We don't know their new tsar, so he can be unpredictable."

   "America had formed a friendly relationship with him when he was in Ha'il for discussions. He's been sent to Muscovy to talk with Tsar Russia and keep us at peace. Right now, keep some troops there, but most likely we'll be able to remove them."

The general nodded in response and began to re-examined the map, figuring out what to do next. He called for a colonel to be brought into the tent.

"Sir Canada, this is Colonel Castillo, he'll be relaying the message to the troops at Tokugawa's border."

"Pleasure to meet you, Your Highness," the colonel said, reaching out his hand. Canada accepted his hand and shook it, greeting the other back. "I've been told you have a mission for me. I will fulfill it to my best abilities."

"Thank you. I need you to tell troops at the Tokugawa border to make their way to the front lines. If you happen to cross paths with troops from Ha'il, please tell whoever is in charge to stop at this tent, but the rest of their men can continue going."

"I understand, Sir."

"You may leave."

   Canada watched as both men left, a heavy sigh leaving his body. He looked back down to the map, his eyes locking onto the listed units on the border with Muscovy. Canada put his hand in a pocket and pulled out a set of prayer beads, holding them in his hands firmly. He bowed his head, praying quietly that his America would succeed and they can take finish  this war with as little casualties.

   "Sir, you're going to have to see this."

   Canada quickly finished his prayer and put the beads back in his pocket and left the tent. He was immediately greeted by a massive army coming to the horizon.

   "And," he started,"what the hell am I looking at? It looks like a herd of angry cattle."

"That's the army Ha'il sent, Sir." The general stepped up next to Canada and let out a sigh of relief. "I'm unsure of what you, Her Majesty Princess Malaysia, or His Majesty Crown Prince America did in Ha'il, but whatever it was, it helped us a lot."

Canada kept his eyes fixed on the approaching crowd. He knew he had to write to his father about the volunteers Ha'il's sultan sent, but he wanted to figure out the amount from their general first. Then something hit him. He knew Ha'il's general-in-command would be there.

   "Hey, all of you. They have a general-in-command, and he's a bit of a dick, so just try to please him. If he threatens any of you, I need one of you to get me immediately. I'll be in the tent. Oh, and his name is Egypt, but you'll refer to him as General-in-Command Egypt, despite most of you being generals, he's just stuck-up."

   "Bit of an ego, eh?" A general joked, earning laughs from the rest of the group and Canada.

   Canada ducked back into the tent and began mental preparations for the man he was about to meet. He met Egypt while he was in Ha'il, and he hated every bit of that man. He sat down in a chair and pulled out a messenger kit and began writing his letter, knowing damn well that Egypt would give him so much of a headache he couldn't write it after. Now all he had to worry about was making sure Egypt doesn't kill his officers and America in Muscovy.


Hi, Cake here! I'd like to thank y'all for the 500+ reads! I don't typically do little footnotes, but I just wanted to say I appreciate y'all for taking the time to read this! I'm sorry updates are slow, I have to do math work everyday and it's kinda stressful, plus drivers ed, but I'm working on getting these out quicker for you guys. Thank you again, and love y'all! <3

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