<Chapter 3 - Outside>

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America stood in front of his parents, shocked by the news. His mother agreed to let him go to Ha'il. He would meet the Crown Prince of Muscovy.

   "Thank you, but before I leave, should I bring some sort of veil? Hide myself?"

   "Yes and no. You'll wear a veil while on the horse, but you will be face-to-face with him. Anyways, I must be going. America, pack your stuff, take Canada with you as your guard. I'm heading to Muscovy, now."

   Britain stood up and grabbed his crown off the arm of the thrown, kissing his wife on the cheek as he did so. He stepped down the steps, carrying the crown in his hand and then walked up to his son, embracing him in a hug.

"Stay safe, Ame. I'm putting my trust in you that you'll stop this war."

America nodded in response, hugging his father back. Once they parted, Britain walked out the throne room, his cape gliding while he walked away. America turned to his mother, who had walked down the steps and was a few steps from him. She got closer and grabbed his hands, holding them firmly.

"Fiji and Tuvalu cannot continue living in a war. Poor Myanmar is so young, he shouldn't remember it if you end it if your father fails. And it isn't your father's fault, you need to get under the Muscovite's skin. We're all counting on you. Take Malaysia, she's smart, she can help you create compromises. And ask India for a veil, she can lend you one that you can see through."

   "Thank you, Mother. I'll do my best. I'll let Nada and Malay know. I love you."

   France pulled him into a hug, resting her chin on his head. "I love you too, dear. Now, hurry along."

   America pulled out the hug and smiled, quickly turning around to run to go get his brother and sister. First, he'd get his sister Malaysia, her room was closest. He ran up a flight of stairs, occasionally getting his aiguillette's point hitting his face. Once he got to her room, he took a breath and knocked.

   "No, I'm not hungry, Nigeria- Oh! America!" Malaysia said while opening the door.

   "That was a concerning sentence but, Mother said you have to come with me. I'm leaving the kingdom!" He proudly said, sticking his chest out.

   "But- alright, I'll get ready. I'm assuming we're taking horses."

   "Yep, just me, you, and Nada."

   "Alright, well go tell him. I'll meet you at the stables. And get a veil from India," she said, closing her door.

   "Mother already said that, but thanks. We'll be gone for two months according to dad!"

   America then began a slight jog to Canada's room. It was just down the hall, and India's was right next to it. So he decided to yell.

   "Canada, India! I need you!"

   Canada was first to open his door. He looked tired, but America understood why. The sun had only risen enough to see about half and hour before. India was next to open her door, her long hair a mess. A little boy peaked out from behind her legs.

   "Alright, Nada, we're going to Ha'il for two months. You, Malay, and I. We'll be, or I'll be rather, meeting the Crown Prince of Muscovy. You're just a guard for this mission I think and Malay is like an advisor. India, I need a veil to wear from you. We three will be riding horses there so I need something to shield me as we go through town. And hi, Myan, you should go get more sleep."

   "Yeah, I'm gonna get ready, I'll meet you at the stables," Canada yawned, shutting his door.

   "Come in, Dampa won't mind. I'll get you ready," India said, opening the door more so America could step in.

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