<Chapter 20 - Dagger>

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   "Брытанская армія цалкам разбіла прускіх вайскоўцаў, заявіўшы пра перамогу.Султан Саудаўскай Аравіі заявіў, што яго вайна павінна скончыцца праз некалькі дзён таксама дзякуючы нашым добраахвотнікам. У свеце павінен нарэшце запанаваць мір."(Britannia's army has completely shot the Prussian military down, claiming victory. Sultan Saudi Arabia has said his war should end in a few days thanks to our volunteers, as well. The world should finally have peace.)

   Russia leaned back in his chair in relief, throwing his head back as well. Ukraine laughed and continued talking to her siblings while Russia drowned them out.

   He had lost three family members, only one he actually loved, fell in love with Britannia's Crown Prince, learned that Saudi Arabia is expecting a child with Iran and that he'll be marrying him in a month, and had just received a letter from King Britain saying he needs to treat his son well and that was his only wish, and only within a month did all of this happen. Now peace could finally become a normal thing again and he could finally feel what life was like.

Russia just became the youngest monarch in history, taking the throne when he was eighteen. Just recently he turned nineteen, but before he took the throne, Saudi Arabia of Ha'il was twenty-seven when he took the throne six years prior. Now, Russia was indulging in a new experience without any help. It scared him, he didn't like it. His mother should have been there, other monarchs should be there, but there's no peace anywhere. The most peaceful empire was thrown into a war, an already war-ridden kingdom was yanked into another war. Everything just had to be violent.


   Russia looked up at Ukraine who was the only person left in the room.

   "Ви приходите?"(Are you coming?)

   "Нет,"(no) was all he answered, earning a sigh from Ukraine before she left the room, closing the door

   Now Russia was alone. He looked outside of the window, it outlooking to the town. He watched the crowded streets, it looking much better than when Muscovy was at war. Now instead of only women and few children in the streets, almost everyone was outside as they finalized their adjustments to life without war. It was a rare for these people to not have any man not at home, but they were full of happiness now, people getting their fathers and women getting their husbands or brothers back. Very few men from the town remained in the army as culturally, people in small villages around the kingdom were the men who joined the military. Not just men, however, but some women too. All Russia had to do now was hope the population would increase. Maybe he'd get rid of or add a few laws to help with that, but for now, he stayed put.


   Russia turned around to see one of his sisters standing there, a worried face plastered on her. She had her hands folded behind her back, which was the sign that something was wrong within the family.

   "Yaponiya shu yerda,"(Japan is here) Uzbekistan mumbled, her voice quivering as she spoke. "Bizningcha, u Sovet uchun qasos olmoqchi."(She wants to avenge Soviet we think.)


   Russia stood up and placed his hand on his sabre, making sure it was still there. When he confirmed it was, he followed his sister to meet the Tokugawan princess, wanting to send her out as fast as possible.

   "Кажется ли принцесса Японии жестокой?"(Does Princess Japan appear to be violent?)

   "Bilmadim."(I don't know.)

   Russia grit his teeth, an uneasy feeling swelling up swiftly inside of him. He didn't know what to expect, but he dreaded the thought of another murder. Another one he'd be responsible for. He quickly found out why he was uneasy, however. Tokugawans were known to be excellent with swords and bows. If he had to fight Japan, he'd end up dead with this kingdom in the hands of an infant.

   "Узбекка, если я умру, Беларусь будет царицей.Она возглавит королевство,"(Uzbek, if I die, Belarus is in charge. She'll lead the kingdom.)

   "Biroq, Litva merosxo'r. U Tsarevich. U haqida-chi?"(Lithuania is the heir. He is Tsarevich. What about him?)

   "Он младенец. Если я умру, Московия будет иметь свою первую женщину во главе."(He is an infant. If I die, Muscovy is to have it's first woman in charge.)

   Russia and Uzbekistan arrived at the doors to the throne room next. She opened the doors and Russia stepped inside, immediately drawing his sabre.

   "Tokugawa really wants me dead," America joked out, his voice cracking from fear.

   In front of Russia, a woman held a sword to America's throat, holding him in place by his hair. Tears pricked at America's eyes, his eyes making contact with Russia's. Behind Russia, the door swung open and was immediately followed by a gasp from what he could assume was his two eldest sisters.

   "Отстаньте от него."(Let him go.) Russia's voice was cold and sharp, but the woman did nothing.

   She had long black hair and wore a white and pink ankle-length robe with large sleeves and a red sash holding it together at her waist. Her face was clear white with a red dot in the middle and red makeup. In her hand, she held a katana.

   "あなたが本当に彼を望むなら、彼を取りに来てください。"(If you really want him, come get him.)

   Russia complied, slowly approaching the two. He held his sabre tight, his eyes focused on the woman for any sudden movements. The last thing he wanted was America hurt. America did sniffle a bit, a sign he was crying, but Russia payed no attention to it. Step by step he approached, each step increasing the amount of caution he had.

   "Отдайте его мне."(Give him to me."

   Japan smiled devilishly, swinging her katana towards Russia. Russia brought his sabre up and blocked the blade, grabbing America and quickly yanking him to safety. Japan then threw a small dagger at Russia, it piercing his side. He groaned in pain but attacked back.

   The sound of the blades hitting each other filled the air, but slowly Russia was growing weak. Japan knew this, wearing the taller man down significantly. She would attack near his legs one second then immediately go after his neck. She was getting more frustrated, however, that Russia kept blocking each attack, Russia not wanting his life to end yet.

   With a quick counterattack, Russia pierced through Japan's kimono, pulling his sabre back to open the wound. She swayed for a few minutes before falling the the floor with a few colorful words in her native language. Russia stood over her, his vision growing dark quickly. He stumbled back and fell to the floor, his eyes just barely able to see the ceiling.

   "Russia! Russia, no!"
   "Росія, не спи!"(Russia, stay awake!)
   "Россия, бизге көңүл бур!"(Russia, focus on us!)

   Those were the last things Russia heard before his eyes closed and death consumed him. The last thing he remembers, however, is the feeling of him holding America's hand with America resting his forehead on Russia's. He wished he could kiss him one last time, tell him he'd be okay, but to die for America was the greatest honor he ever experienced now.

   "Россия, любовь."(Russia, love.)

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