<Epilogue - Memory>

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~<Six Years Later>~

America sat at his desk, signing a plethora of papers. He had to talk to his dad in less than an hour and figured he might as well be a productive twenty-four year old.

The door to America's office slowly opened and shut, announcing the arrival of his father. He looked up as Britain took a seat, getting himself comfortable.

"How are you feeling?"

"I think I'm doing okay," America replied, setting his pen down in a small dish. "Have you seen the twins anywhere?"

"They are with your mother," Britain replied, a faint smile on his face. "I do have to say, they keep stealing my crown."

America laughed a bit, relaxing slightly.

"What did you want to talk about, Father?"

"This topic cannot be pushed further any longer, America. You will have to take the throne soon, you know that."

   America's happiness had left him once his father said that. He knew his parents were growing older each day, but the thought of them actually abdicating their thrones from death always was pushed away.

   "Your mother and I still have quite a few years on our lives, so you mustn't worry. You just need to think about it, not push it away."

   America only nodded in response. Britain said his goodbyes and left after, leaving him alone. America threw his head back and sighed heavily, fighting tears.


"Yeah, what's wrong?"

America lowered his head to see a young boy, only a toddler, walking toward him. He held a brown stuffed bear in his arms and wore a off-white button up shirt and black pants. He climbed up onto America's lap, resting his head on his chest.

"Don't take up too much room, Rus, your sister may want to sleep on me too."

The boy carried his late father's name, a suggestion given to America by Malaysia. He looked nearly identical to the man who he shared a name with, whilst his sister on the other hand looked more like America. She was more energetic than her brother, so she was not with him as he just wanted to sleep.

"America? Have you seen Alaska?"

"Last I heard, she was with Mother."


America gently bounced his son on his leg, holding his head and back as he did so.

These two kids were the last thing America got from Russia. He loved them to death and even met with Princess Ukraine to teach them Russian, which America learned as well. His son was the heir of Muscovy according to Tsarina Belarus, so he had to take good care of him, making sure he was well taken care for. His sister didn't miss out on any treatment, the last thing America wanted was her to feel left out.


America looked up and smiled as his daughter ran at him. She crawled onto his lap the same way her brother did, just on the opposite side.

She and her brother were both blonde, just like Russia, but carried America's curly hair. Alaska, on the other hand, didn't carry the red, white, and blue flag. Her flag was a dark blue field with gold stars on it in the shape of a constellation.

   "What's up, dear?"

   "Aunt Malaysia gave me this!"

   She showed her father the gift she was given, it being a white stuffed bear. America nodded and smiled, acknowledging the gift. He was thankful for his sisters as they put the time in to make his kids these gifts and took time to watch his kids so he could have time to work.

   America rubbed the back of his daughter who was still holding onto him, presumably to fall asleep, which she did. America only smiled, leaning down to kiss the top both children's heads. He would do anything for them, going as far as dying for them, just as their father had done for him.

"Sleep well, you two," he whispered, leaning back in his chair so they would be more comfortable. "Спокойной ночи, я люблю вас обоих."(Good night, I love you both.)

"Спокойной ночи,"(Good night) his daughter sleepily repeated, "Спокойной ночи."

America was always amazed by how children could fall asleep so fast, but he figured there was at least one parent they inherited it from. Russia always fell asleep quickly, especially when he was holding America as he did so, so it must've been a trait that was passed down. It must've been Russia letting America know he's still with him.

"Я люблю тебя, люблю."(I love you, love.)


Hi everyone. Thank you for sticking around and reading this! I am currently writing another RusAme book and plan on writing more books. This has been my first book since 2018/19 I believe and I'm glad you guys enjoyed it. I would like to to thank you all one last time, as this book has reached its finale.

Thank you.

                                                      Cake ♥︎

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