<Chapter 13 - Revenge>

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France walked down the corridor, off to the throne room where she was sure her husband was. She was reading letters from all her children that were abroad now. Canada, Australia, Hong Kong, South Africa, and America. She read through all but America's letter, finishing up Canada's.

"Au moins, ils sont tous en bonne santé," (At least they are all of good health) France said, pulling America's letter to the front of the stack, sending Canada's to the back.

Immediately, she knew something was off. It wasn't America's handwriting, nor any of her kids. Perhaps he is ill and a Muscovite wrote the letter for him. She opened the envelope and took the letter out, opening the folded parchment. She began reading it but couldn't get past the first sentence without stopping. Russia, the new Tsar, wrote the letter.

Queen-Consort République Française and King United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,

I hope this letter find you both whilst you are in good health, for only bad news will this letter contain.

France picked up her dress around her feet and kicked her heels off to the side of the corridor, beginning to run to the throne room. She passed many confused guards and servants alike as she ran past them with the letters in her hand. She quickly pushed the doors open and ran to her now very shocked husband.

"Mon amour, c'est l'Amérique ! Laissez-moi vous lire sa lettre!"(My love, it's America! Let me read you his letter!)

"Alright, but please sit down, my dearest," he replied, guiding France to her own throne. "Hold my hand."

France grabbed his hand and set the letters down, grabbing America's letter again.

Queen-Consort République Française and King United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,

I hope this letter find you both whilst you are in good health, for only bad news will this letter contain.

My dearest mother, Kalmar Union, has passed away from complications due to labor. A mix of stress and being pre-term, it was too much for her to handle as she delivered a new son into this world.

In more important matters, Tokugawa Shogunate has sent armed attackers after your son. During a speech, the attacker slipped through guards and was able to stab your son. He is in care of our top medical officials.

I do not feel as if I can apologize enough, as it was my duty to keep your son, your crown prince, safe. I am by his side as I write this, and will write again when there's an update.

This attacker is a Tokugawan official who was hired by my own brother, General Soviet Union, to kill your son. I am, at the time, discussing with my younger sister, Princess Estonia, about how to correctly address this situation and what to do about my own brother.

Again, I am very sorry for this poor news and the sorrow it may/will cause you. I will do anything in my power to make sure your son stays alive. If there is anything you'd wish me to do, please send me a letter. I do not want anyone of your lineage in my kingdom at this time for fear of your safety.

Sincerest Apologies,
Tsar Российская Федерация (Russian Federation)

France looked up at her husband, tears swelling in here eyes. Britain just stood there, staring out of a window.

"My love," France muttered, trying to get her husband's attention without startling him.

"I must ask you to tell Australia what happened. He's not safe in Tokugawa, he needs to be repealed immediately. If there isn't a response by tomorrow night, I will go myself."

   "Mon amour, that isn't the smartest of ideas. Maybe send a letter to Hong, I'm sure he can help."

Britain grabbed his wife's hands and sat down in his throne right next to her's. He gently placed his forehead against France's, continuing to hold her hands aa tightly as he could without hurting her.

"France, my dearest, Kiwi, our own daughter, has left to go help fight this war. We are no longer safe. This kingdom is no longer safe. We need to make it safe. For our people, for our children, for America, for us. If one of us doesn't step up to fight, we can't be safe. We would be cowards, sacrificing our children's lives. Our son, the heir, the person our citizens look up to, has nearly died. It's time we take action."

The room stayed silent for what felt like hours, the silence only being broken by some sobs that France failed to hold in. She knew Britain was right. But she also knew that if he died, America is King and he isn't even in the kingdom nor will he be for a while. So she made the ultimate choice, sacrifice, one she knew nobody would like.

"Vous devez rester en vie pour notre fils, nos enfants. Je vais me battre, je l'ai déjà fait en Occitanie.Vous devez rester à l'intérieur et en sécurité jusqu'à ce que notre fils revienne ici vivant." (You must stay alive for our son, our children. I will fight, I have already done it in Occitania. You have to stay inside and safe until our son comes back here alive.)

"France, darling," Britain started, lifting a hand to place it on her cheek. "Our children need you, their mother."

"Quelle mère suis-je si je ne me bats pas pour que mes enfants continuent à vivre et à avoir leurs propres enfants?"(What mother am I if I don't fight to let my kids continue to live and have their own children?) France replied, sitting up and pushing herself to her feet. "Je rencontrerai le Canada en première ligne demain matin.Je pars pour aller m'habiller et me préparer. Je t'aime."(I will meet Canada at the front lines tomorrow morning. I'm off to go get dressed and ready. I love you.)

"Je t' aime,"(I love you) was all Britain could say. He was horrible with arguments, hence why he had Hong Kong as his advisor. "Je t' aime."(I love you.)

France quickly made her way to her and Britain's room, deciding she had to be rather quick. Most people will tell you they've never seen a woman wear a uniform, but since the sun hadn't set yet, it would be most people outside of Britannia who haven't seen a woman wear a uniform. Especially when the woman's rank is a general. The all were asleep when Kiwi left, so they couldn't miss their chance now.

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