<Part 15 - Duel>

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Ukraine marched angrily through the halls, her sisters Belarus and Uzbekistan following her, as well as her brothers Finland and Kazakhstan. She was grateful the two left their kingdoms temporarily over the mention of Mother's death, but now they have much bigger things to talk about. Their eldest brother.

"Venemaa andis mulle lihtsalt teada, et Nõukogude Liit ja Tokugawa keiser üritasid Ameerikat mõrvata.Türkmenistan ja Tadžikistan suunduvad Britanniasse, et rääkida oma kuningaga."(Russia just let me know that Soviet and the Emperor of Tokugawa tried to assassinate America. Turkmenistan and Tajikistan are heading over to Britannia to talk to their king.)

That news Estonia had told them continued to ring in her head. She was pissed. He could have caused them another war and quite possibly abolish Britannia as a whole. Then again, Soviet Union was supposed to be getting married to Princess Japan, the heir of Tokugawa, but since Father died that was pushed away.

"Я зрозумів!"(I got it) Ukraine announced, stopping and turning around to face her siblings. "Вони намагаються отримати ще одне королівство для принцеси Японії, оскільки жінка ніколи не була імператрицею в Токугаві, залишаючи місце спадкоємця своєму генералу або його синові!"(They're trying to get another kingdom for Princess Japan since a woman has never been Empress in Tokugawa, leaving the heir spot to their general or his son!)

"Неліктен олар мұны істейді?"(Why would they do that) Kazakhstan questioned, showing how almost all of them were confused.

"Sovet unga turmushga chiqishi kerak edi. Ota Tokugava va Prussiya yordam berayotganda britaniyaliklarni chalg'itish uchun urushga ketgan.Prussiya o'shanda maosh olishi kerak."(Soviet was supposed to marry her. Father went to war to try to distract the Britons while Tokugawa and Prussia help. Prussia has to be getting paid then.)

Ukraine mentally sighed in relief knowing her sister, Uzbekistan, understood where she was going. Now, the question was wether they were right.

"Бирок, Орусия Америка жөнүндө бир нерсе дедиби?"(But, did Russia say anything about America?)

Ukraine spun around to face her sister. She was wearing a white full length dress which wasn't too tight but not too poofy. She wore a gold and white vest over her dress and a matching thick belt over it on her waist. A matching hat with fur on the rim sat on her long straight hair, a large soft feather group sticking out on top. She had red skin with a yellow symbol on her flag, right in the middle of her face.

"Virossa ei ollut päivitystä,"(Estonia had no update) Finland replied. "Kaz, Uzbek, ja minä tutkimme Isän toimistoa.Kirgisia, lukitse itsesi Vian ja Liettuan kanssa lastentarhaan.Bella ja Raine, pysy Venäjällä.Tämä on riskialtista."(Kaz, Uzbek, and I will be searching Father's office. Kyrgyz, lock yourself with Via and Lithuania in the nursery. Bella and Raine, stay with Russia. This is risky.)

With that, Belarus and Ukraine were left alone as the rest left to do what Finland instructed them to do, so Ukraine and Belarus left too.

"Soviet doesn't speak English, neither do any guards, so speak in English," Belarus said, walking awfully close to her sister. "He probably knows we're against him."

"I know," Ukraine breathed out, picking up her pace. "Estonia should be with him so we shouldn't have to worry about her."


The two continued their fast walk in silence, Ukraine getting light headed and she continued. It was the thought that kept ringing in her mind, throwing her off balance almost and trying to kill her. Suddenly, two guards went running towards the courtyard, so Belarus and Ukraine immediately followed as they knew something was bad. Belarus picked up her dress and ran in front of Ukraine, Ukraine following close behind.

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