<Chapter 17 - Sultan>

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   Quickly he ran down the corridors, his best friend on his heels. The palace was nearly empty as most guard were guarding the outside of the palace and any servants weren't needed at the moment.

   "Maybe we shouldn't teach everyone English, now they can just be confused when we are talking about important stuff."

"Like what?" the man replied, not slowing his pace to talk at all.

"Egypt," was the other man's reply.

"From what I heard, he's doing fine."

"Saudi, he's literally halted his entire line! Prince Canada was polite enough to give him part of the front and Prince Canada's troops have broken through the front line, and he's got the hardest front!"

"He's not in complete power, and there's strategies."


"He'll be safe, he's already written me a letter. He's with King Britain. I know what I'm doing, Türkiye."

"Your child?"

Saudi Arabia stopped. He hadn't thought too much of the fact he'd be a father, only on the war. Turkey continued talking behind him, but he couldn't bear to listen. He had let Iran leave to a kingdom at war when he was in such a vulnerable state.

"Saudi! Kurdistan brought you a letter."

He turned around and took the letter, opening it quickly. He read through the letter thoroughly, sighing when he reached the end.

"Recall Egypt and have Iran go to Muscovy. We're at war with Tokugawa Shogunate," he announced, turning around and continuing his way.

This time, he was alone.

   Saudi Arabia walked outside, finding a bench to sit on. He now had to think about something he dreaded. Marriage.

   He knew the public was very fond of his and Iran's relationship, but he hated planning and he'd have to get it done before Iran was due, or looked like he was expecting. There was a lot of variables he had to think about.

   "A child. Maybe a son, maybe a daughter."

   Saudi Arabia turned to see a familiar woman next to him. She sat down on the bench next to him, not looking at him.

   "Congratulations, Sultan," she said, having her eyes fixed on a flower bush.

   "Thank you, Malaysia," he replied, dipping his head.

   "Which do you hope for?"

   "A healthy one."

   She laughed a bit, turning her face towards him.

   "We've already sent Iran, Tuvalu, India, and Fiji to Muscovy now that it's safer for them there. They'll be with America."

   "And why are you here?"

   "Multiple reasons. First, I'm relaying a message from Father. Second, I've got news about America. Third, news from Prussia."

   Saudi Arabia nodded, allowing her to speak entirely.

   "Father wishes you luck on your new journey, that journey being raising a family. Father can definitely help if you want, he's had a plethora of us children."

   "I appreciate it," Saudi Arabia gratefully said, thankful he had the support of Britannia.

   "America has also woken up and is expected to make a full recovery really soon," Malaysia announced, a full smile present on her face. "He'll survive, and Australia is safe and out of the Tokugawa Shogunate now."

   Saudi Arabia nodded in response, leaning his head back. Malaysia asked if he was okay, but Saudi Arabia took a minute to respond.

   "I'm just stressed. It's good stress, I think. Or at least normal. And before you ask, it's about a wedding, a child, and a war."

   "Well, I must say, this war is going good," Malaysia responded. "I think your stress should go down."

   "Emperor Japanese Empire has declared war on us for our involvement in your war," Saudi Arabia explained. "Egypt is being recalled, giving Canada the whole front to deal with."

   Malaysia was silent, staring off at some plants. She seemed lost for words and she couldn't seem to find a single word no matter how hard she tried. Saudi Arabia could understand her, however. Ha'il had never fought a war before, they only helped. Ha'il is going up a kingdom with plenty of experience in war. Saudi Arabia was possibly going to lose his empire, his parents' empire, his people's empire.

   "I do believe I'm going to have to lead my own army into battle," Saudi Arabia finished.

   "And your partner?" Malaysia quickly said, disbelief heavy in her voice. "Your child? Turkey? There are more things you have to worry about the leading people into a battle that would kill you!"

   "It's hard to understand, I know, but they'll all be fine. I can't let anything happen to this kingdom. There's so many children that run the streets and play in the gardens here in the palace, they all deserve a life. The best life that can be offered to them. Tokugawa will take it all away. Their freedom, their life. I am willing to give my life so the future generations of this kingdom can still call Ha'il home."

   "عربستان، تو وارد نبرد نميشي."(Saudi, you aren't going into battle.)

   Saudi Arabia turned to see Iran walking towards him. He stood up quickly, surprised that he was there.

   "فردا توي "موسکوي" ميمونم، فقط بايد مطمئن ميشدم که مشکلي نداري,"(I'll be in Muscovy tomorrow, I just needed to make sure you were okay) Iran explained, wrapping his arms around Saudi Arabia. "تو نميتوني با ارتش به جنگ بري توي قصر ميموني و در امان ميموني .تو هنوز وارث نداري ."(You can't go to war with the military, you're going to stay in the palace and stay safe. You don't have an heir yet.)

   "أنا أسف جدًا."(I'm so sorry.)

   It was all Saudi Arabia can breathe out, holding Iran as tight as he could. He heard Malaysia behind him walking towards them but not saying anything. Maybe she did say something but he couldn't hear it, but he felt himself fighting tears.

   "ركز على أن تكون أبا ، دع تركيا ومصر تركزان على الحرب,"(Focus on being a dad, let Turkey and Egypt focus on the war) Malaysia said, standing a good few meters from them, respecting their space.

   Saudi Arabia didn't even know Malaysia knew Arabic, but he wasn't worried about that. He was worried about what Iran would say next.

   "من هايل رو ترک نميکنم من اينجا ميمونم مهم نيست چي بگيتو اينجا بهم احتياج داري، با من بهتر ميشي، استرس کمتري داري."(I'm not leaving Ha'il. I'm staying here, no matter what you say. You need me here, you'll be better with me, less stress.)

   Saudi Arabia didn't bother arguing, he never wanted to argue with him. He just continued to hold onto Iran, burying his head in his shoulders. He let his tears fall into his partner's shoulder as another set of footsteps announced their approach, followed by a man speaking to Malaysia and Iran, possibly Saudi Arabia but he wasn't really listening. He just wanted to hold onto Iran as long as he could.

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