<Chapter 4 - Arrival>

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Hi, I'm sorry if formatting is weird and hard to read. Arabic is read from right to left so the formatting on some paragraphs with Arabic is tricky/hard to read. I'll try to use Arabic the least I can but sometimes it's hard to avoid. Hopefully, the only thing that gets messed up is the punctuation.

Thank you for your understanding!

   Russia arrived in Ha'il around sundown, deciding to make his way to the palace there with Serbia. They had taken Estonia with them in order for Russia to blend in more. Once they arrived at the palace, they got themselves situated with the palace guards and maids and made their way inside. There, they were taken to the throne room, where they would meet the Sultan.

   "Помните, Эстония, скажи, что мы здесь, потому что тебя послали учиться сюда.Он знает истинную причину, но его охранники этого не делают и не нуждаются. Действуйте так, как будто вы только что приехали для вас."(Remember, Estonia, say we're here because you've been sent to learn here. He knows the real reason, but his guards don't and don't need to. Act like you've just arrived for your learning.)

   "Ma tean, mida ma teen."(I know what I'm doing.)

   Russia nodded in response as he walked by his sister's side. Serbia was at her other side, quiet as he was actually a guard. Russia forced himself to look professional, keeping his eyes forward and a dead panned face. When they reached the throne room, both Serbia and Russia stayed outside.

   "اليمن ، واحد منهم هو موسكوفيت ولي عهد.أنا أعرف ذلك ، فهو يرتدي دائما زي حارس عندما يكون هناك جمهور حوله," Yemen, one of them is the Muscovite Crown Prince. I know it, he always dresses as a guard when there's public around,) one of the two guards said. Russia felt awkward, he couldn't translate it, but he had a feeling they were talking about him, as he heard Muscovite thrown in there.

   "هل تعتقد أن الأميرة موجودة بالفعل هنا للدراسة؟يبدو الأمر أشبه بوجود الأميرة هنا كإلهاء لأنه ستكون هناك مفاوضات هنا."(Do you think the princess is actually here for schooling? It seems more like the princess is here as a distraction because there'll be negotiations here.) The guard who replied too had a flag. His flag had a red bar on top, a white bar in the middle, and a black bar at the bottom.

   "أعتقد أنه من الممكن بالتأكيد. يبدو أن ولي عهد البريطاني قادم إلى هنا.لكنني متأكد من أن سلطان السعودية سيخبرنا بالتأكيد."(I think it's most certainly possible. Apparently the Britannian Crown Prince is coming here. But I'm sure Sultan Saudi Arabia will most definitely tell us.) The guard who spoke bore as flag as well, it looking similar to the other guard's. He had the exact same flag, just there in the white bar sat two green stars.

   "لماذا لا تسألهم يا سوريا؟,"(Why don't you ask them, Syria?)

   Russia decided to ignore the guards as they continued their conversation, when something caught his eye. A man in a uniform similar to his royal uniform, except all black with a blue sash draped across his chest. For a quick second, Russia wondered why all royals or some guards wore a sash. He had quite a few medals and wore a very decorative necklace. His hair was neatly slicked back, a crown resting on the top. He wore a cape of a silk type fabric, but it wasn't silk, it had embroidery of gold leaves and swirls everywhere. His flag, though, was one of the most complicated ones he's seen. Green at top, white in the middle, and red on bottom, but a red symbol sat in the middle of the white. At the line where the two other colors meet the white, there was what seemed to be white patterns or writing, and Russia assumed writing. He walked over to where the other guards were and stood in between Russia and Serbia, who stood next to the two Ha'ili's.

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