Chapter 17

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"Hey mom where are you going." I asked as she aggressively shoved clothes in her suitcase, she looked at me with wide sad eyes. She wiped dry tears off her face "I'm just um...going to grandma's house for a day." I'm 18 I'm not stupid. Who travels to another country just for a day? "But mom she lives in Spain." I took a step closer to her and she stumbled back in fear. Was she scared of me? I mean I was taller than her but I'd never hurt her.

She picked up the suitcase and walked past me, she rushed down the stairs with me following behind her. She finally turned to look at me when she reached the door. "I love you Jeremiah I just want you to know that." She hugged me as if this was her last time seeing me.

"When will you be back mom?" She stayed silent just analyzing my features. "Soon." That's all she said before leaving the house and jumping in a random car.

Where's Isabella is what I thought. I wasn't angry at her I understand that she's curious it's just that I hate thinking about those awful people I called my parents. I hear the door open and close, I look up to see Isabella. She's so beautiful, she's absolutely breathtaking. I could never stay mad at her, she could cut my finger off and feed it to me and I'd say thank you. She smiled at me before she started looking sad. I walked up to her and hugged her.

"Can we talk?" She mumbled in my neck and I nodded. "I just want to say I'm sor-" I cut her off by kissing her soft lips.

"I should be the one apologizing, it was wrong of me to ignore you and because of that I've probably caused you to overthink." She laughed a bit at what I said. God that laugh. It's like music to my ears, she doesn't know this but one day when we were having a conversation and she laughed I recorded it, now when I'm feeling sad or stressed I play that recording over and over again. It's like a drug to me.

"I guess my work here is done." She shrugged and I kissed her again. Kissing her was one of my favourite things to do, along with biting her. I like biting people that I like and so far she's the only girl I've ever bit, I just can't help myself she's a goddess.

Sometimes when I'm bored I think of our future. A big house, 4 kids, a dog or two and a big diamond ring on her finger. She deserves the world honestly.


"I don't wanna go home." Isabella whined as we sat in the plane. Our trip to Greece has finally ended and so has her period so I'm ready to pounce on her when we get back.

"I might not even have a job when I get back." She pouts looking out the window I can't help but grin like a maniac at this information.

"Isn't that great, Why are you complaining?"

"Because I'll be bored, sitting in a stupidly big penthouse waiting for you all day. I feel like a housewife." She sighed.

"I'll buy you a dog if it'll make you feel any better." I rubbed her back and she quickly smiled before she hid it. "Yeah whatever you say." She playfully pouted.


"Well if it isn't the two traitors."  Brandon says as Tina and I walk in the restaurant, surprisingly when we spoke to our boss she let us keep our jobs. I guess she must be really desperate considering this restaurant is pretty... fucked up in my opinion.

"Yeah yeah we know you missed us." I playfully shove him. "No but seriously do you two know what I've been through working here by myself."

"Okay we get it, now if you'll excuse me I need the toilet." Tina dropped her bag and rushed to the bathroom.

"So how have you been Isabella?" I shrug my shoulders and look at him. "I'm alright." An awkward silence fills the air before he clears his throat.

"I need to tell you something-" he's interrupted by our boss yelling out. "YOU GUYS BETTER BE WORKING ESPECIALLY YOU ISABELLA!"

Why is she yelling?

"What did you want to tell me?" I turn back to Brandon, he shakes his head. "I'll tell you when we're on break don't worry about it." I shrug.

"Okay I better get to work then."


"Shit my feet hurt." Tina complains next to me. "You know my father always said, Tina, estás destinada a ser tratada como una reina."

"What does that mean?"

"It means, you are meant to be treated like a queen. Yet here I am slaving away in a crappy restaurant, and my mom thinks I'm some lawyer. If she were to find out that I lied to her she'd slap the melanin out of me." She sighs and I chuckle a bit. I'm also terrified of Tina's mom.

Brandon comes up to me. "Hey Isabella can we talk now." I'm interrupted by my phone ringing, I apologise to Brandon before answering the phone.

"Is this Isabella Brown?"


"We're calling from Lenox Hill Hospital, your uncle Peter Brown put you as his emergency contact."

"Okay, what is this in connection with?"

"Unfortunately your uncle is suffering from stage 4 lung cancer and he doesn't have much time left, he has requested for you to visit him."


I stay silent for two minutes. "Ma'am are you still there?" The lady on the phone asks me.

"Thank you for the call I'll see what I can do." I hang up the phone, I take a deep breath before I start to cry heavily.


End of chapter I hope you enjoyed.

Thank you all for reading this book, even though it can be crappy at times. But I love you all.

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