Chapter 23

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I knew she was going to be at the hospital, that's why I didn't kill Tina because I knew she was going to go to Tina's house, find her like the way she is, and take her to the hospital. So I waited there all night and when she finally came I followed her to the hospital.

Now here we are, at one of the many houses I own, sitting in the living room face to face. My poor angel looks so tired I almost feel bad. I want to talk to her, for I feel that my time as a free man is slowly coming to an end.

"So you brought me here just so that we can have a staring competition." Her words pull me back to reality. I didn't tie her up because just like my other house it's in the middle of nowhere so she can't run even if she wanted to.

"No my love I just want to speak to you."

"I'm not your love Jeremiah." My jaw clenches at her words, how could she say that? She stares at me with so much hate in her eyes I don't recognise her anymore.

"Answer me this. Are you the killer?"

I chuckle at her question. It sounds like we're in some cheap, poorly written horror movie. "Wow straight to the point I see."

"Just answer the fucking question."

I let out a sigh. "I never told you how my parents died did I." She doesn't reply. "Isabella...I killed my parents."


I'm breathing heavily as I stare at my father's lifeless body. I shot him in the head twice. No more pain, no more sadness, no more heartache. I'm free.

I receive a notification on my phone.
"here's the address" the exact location of where my mother is. My work is not done yet.

I grab my jacket, my wallet and my gun just for safety reasons I don't want to kill her I just want to hear what she has to say.

It was a two hour drive but I finally arrive at the destination. I fix my clothes before walking up to the door. I'm nervous. I hope she's excited to see me it's been there years and six months, I wonder if she'll recognize me.

I ring the doorbell. The door opens and there she is. "Hi mom it's me." Her eyes go wide and she looks...scared? Why would she be scared? I hear children laughing in the background and a man's voice. "Honey who's at the door?"

She turns around and yells. "Don't worry babe it's nobody just give me a minute." Nobody? Who's a nobody? I'm her son.

She steps outside and closes the door. "What are doing here?" She hisses with so much venom laced in her voice.

"What do you mean mommy? I'm here to see you. God I've missed you." I lean in to hug her and she pushes me back so hard that I almost fall over.

"I'm not your mother Jeremiah. Do you understand me?"

"Why? You just packed all your shit and left me behind, you left me for three years and six months. You left me and started another family with some random man. You wanna hear some good news mom? Daddy is dead, I shot him in the head and watched as his blood seeped out of him." I wipe the tears that have fallen down my face with my sleeve.

"This is exactly why I left because you're  just like your father. You're a spitting image of him." She trembles as she steps back moving away from me.

"You're a monster and I couldn't bare having to raise one." My heart is so sore. It feels like it's been ripped open with a knife.

"Mom you don't mean that." I'm now on my knees holding onto my chest because it hurts so fucking much.

"Do yourself a favour and leave. You and your father can rot in hell." She finally says and slams the door in my face.

I cry for a solid 5 minutes before I see red. My body burns and shakes with so much anger. I knock on the door again even harder.

The door swings open. "What did I fucking tell-" BANG. I don't give her time to finish as I shoot her in the head. I move her dead body to the side and walk into the house. "Loren!" The man screams as he looks at my mom's dead body on the floor. I shoot him in the head too.

I hear kids crying and follow the noise. I bust into the room to see two boys that look like twins crying. These at my half brothers. They hold onto each other for dear life. If I can't have a happy life nor can they.

I shoot one of them in the head and when I'm about to shoot the other I realise that I ran out of bullets. Shit. I pull out my pocket knife, walk up to the boy and slice his throat open. He chokes on his blood before he collapses.

I feel no guilt, no remorse, nothing. I regret nothing.


By the time I finish the story Isabella is crying, I didn't realise that I was also crying. I wipe away my tears. "That was the day my blood lust was created. I've killed so many people in my lifetime. Different cities, different countries, different continents. I just can't help myself. They did this to me, they're the reason I'm a mess."

She stays quiet. "I love you very much Isabella. You know that night at the strip club, I was looking for my next victim. I saw you dance that night and asked for a private dance in the VIP room, you remember?" She nods her head and looks down at her hands playing with her fingers.

"I was going to kill you that night." Her breath hitches. "I was going to play around in your blood and rip you to shreds...but I couldn't, you were so precious, you were like a priceless artifact. I just couldn't do it so instead I decided to make you fall in love with me. I needed to have you I craved your taste so much. I still think about our first kiss each and every night."

Her face looks pale and she starts to gag. I quickly rush into the kitchen to get her a plastic bag, I hand it to her and she starts to vomit intensely.

"I love you very much and I only want you. That's why I decided," I sit down next to her.

"To swap out your birth control pills with iron tablets three weeks ago."


End of chapter my lovely human beings. The audacity that some men have. Tsk tsk.

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