Chapter 22

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I pace back and forth in the hospital hallways, poor Tina I wish I was there to save her. I hear hurried footsteps come towards me, I look up to see that it's Brandon.

I called him over using Tina's phone obviously for Tina and to also tell him that Jeremiah is the killer. I know I'm going to be labeled as a snitch but I have to do this, I can't sleep peacefully at night knowing I'm the reason innocent people are dying when I could've just said something.

I can't stop thinking about it, the blood was just so much. "Any news yet?" Brandon speaks up next to me. "No not yet I'm still waiting for the doctor." He nods and sits next to me.

"Well I guess we'll j-"

"Jeremiah is the killer." I interrupt him, the silence between us is loud. I look over to see his expression and his eyes are wide.

"I figured." He finally says.

"What? How?"

"This morning it was announced on the news that two girls have gone missing." He pulls out his phone and shows me the picture of two brunette girls, one with straight hair and one with curly hair. "I saw them last night at a club leave with a man that looked exactly like Jeremiah."

"I don't have enough evidence to take him in, just a speculation. But how are you sure that it's him?"

"He came home last night covered in blood from head to toe and he also had a bloody knife." I say trying not to think about it too much.

He nods before reaching into his pockets. He pulls out a small black device. "This device is a small microphone that can capture voices and other sounds. It also has a tracker."

"That's cool but we need to be serious right now, we don't have time to show one another toys." He scoffs at my statement looking offended. "It's not a toy," he inhales deeply before continuing "You're going to wear this and get Jeremiah to admit that he's the killer."

All of a sudden I become dizzy. Do my ears deceive me? "Nope I don't want to do that." I start breathing heavily.

"I know it seems like a lot but you're our last hope, you have to do this or else people will keep dying. Do you want their blood on your hands?" How dare he try to guilt trip me.

"A verbal confession from him will put him behind bars forever." He looks at me with pleading eyes that holds a bit of desperation.

I sigh. Well if I'm gonna die I might as well go out with a bang. "Fine I'll fucking do it." He grins and gives me the device which I place in my pocket.

"Awesome and when you're with him you have to notify me." I roll my eyes at his stupidity, Tina would probably call him an idiota, oh Tina.

The doctor finally comes out and walks towards me. "So how is she?" I'm so fucking nervous I'm about to piss myself. "She needed quite a lot of stitches done, she obtained two broken ribs and she had a little bit of internal bleeding. But she's a strong woman overall, she could be discharged in about a weeks time. She's still asleep but you can see her now."

"Thank you doctor." I practically burst into tears as the doctor walks away. I'm glad she's okay but I can't help but feel like it's my fault. Brandon hugs me to calm me down.

Shit I can't believe I'm still wearing this atrocious outfit.


I decided that I'm going to sleep in the hospital for tonight and watch over her. "Can you not play games on my phone you're going to kill the battery, I wish I never gave you the password." Tina grumbles.

She woke up a few hours ago and the first thing she said when she woke up is that she hates men. I'm glad she's still her usual self even after all she's been through.

"Calm down, princess. Instead of worrying about your phone worry about your health." I smirk and look up to see that her demeanour has changed. She looks sad.

"I thought he cared about me. He told me that he'd never hurt me. He told me how he saw a future with me. He promised to give me the world. He said that he loved me. I took my time with him, I showed him my vulnerable side," she sniffles and wipes her eyes "all just so I could have three fingers remaining on my right hand and a busted face." She cries heavily.

When she told me everything that happened to her I felt like absolute shit. Antonio and Jeremiah tortured her so badly.

I get up to console her but she stops me. "No please sit, I'm in so much pain right now, a hug will make it worse." I nod in understanding and sit back down.

"I guess that creepy old lady was right huh? Who would've thought." She chuckles to lighten the mood.

"I know you feel guilty Isabella, but I promise you I'm not mad at you and it's not your fault. None of us knew that we invited psychotic men into our lives. Now we must deal with the serial killer and two crazy men."

I didn't tell her that Jeremiah is the killer because I don't want her to panic also she's a smart girl she'll figure it out pretty soon.

I get up from my seat. "Thank you Tina, just know that I love you very much. Now if you'll excuse me I need to empty my bladder." I've been pissing a lot lately.

"Pfft. So formal for what?" We laugh a little before I leave the room so that I could find the bathroom. It's 9pm so it's pretty late.

After five minutes of searching I finally find the bathroom. Thank heavens. I enter the bathroom and look myself in the mirror. I look so tired, my hairs a mess and I haven't taken a shower all day. I'm going to need a one hour shower after this.

The door bursts open again, I look up to see... Jeremiah. Oh shit. I run into one of the stalls and lock it. My breathing is now laboured.

"My angel stop playing games and come out now." He commands with his deep voice that causes me to shiver.

I quickly pull out Tina's phone and look for Brandon's name. This is my chance. My body jolts when he starts banging on the stall door.

"I'm not gonna tell you again. Come out so we can talk."

I quickly send Brandon a message notifying him that I'm with Jeremiah, he reads it immediately and I let out a sigh of relief.

I feel something grab onto my ankle and before I can even register what it is I fall onto the ground and I'm being dragged under the bathroom stall. I squirm around to loosen his tight grip around my ankle.

He grabs the phone and throws it on the ground hard, stepping on it repeatedly to assure that it's broken.

Tina's gonna kill me.

He picks me up and pushes me against the sink while maintaining a tight grip around my neck. "You're coming with me understand."

I say nothing and his grip tightens. "Understand." He says with a deathly tone and I nod slowly.


End of chapter I hope you enjoy.

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