Chapter 20

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That's all I saw, it was everywhere. His shirt was soaked in blood , a bloody knife on the counter and he stood before me with wide eyes, naked and covered in blood.

He grins at me. It was him all along he's the killer. My body is frozen, completely frozen. I drop the tablet and bolt out of the room I sprint downstairs. This has to be a dream.

"ISABELLA!" He screams from upstairs I grab my jacket that was on the couch and run to the elevator.

"My angel don't run!" The elevator opens and I rush inside, before the doors close I see him standing there with a smirk on his face. Shit.

I look down at my attire. An oversized t-shirt with knee length shorts and flip flops, this will have to do for now. The elevator finally reaches the ground floor and I make a run for the exit.

I need a taxi. Please save me lord. I see a taxi from the distance and I frantically wave it over. I fly into the car.

"Where to miss?"

"Just start driving please." He shrugs and starts to drive. Shit I think I forgot my phone. I search my jacket pockets and pull out a card.


That's it. "I still don't know where you're going ma'am."

"Sorry, let me give you the address."


Fuck. I messed up big time, but it was bound to happen, she was going to find out eventually that I am the serial killer.


She looks so peaceful when she sleeps. I have to give it to Antonio, drugging the water was a pretty good idea. I know it's a bit drastic but it's for her own good honestly. 

I can't control myself. I crave the sight and the smell of blood. I love the screams of my victims. You may wonder why I'm like this, but I just can't explain it.

I arrive at a random nightclub. Drunk men and women are everywhere so this should be easy. I walk over to the bar.

"Let me get a beer." I order and the bartender nods and hands me a beer.
"Hey there." I look to my left to see to brunettes, one with straight hair and one with curly hair.

"What's a fine man like you doing here?" The curly head asks.

"You know we could give you a really good time." The other one whispers in my ear and kisses my neck.

"Is that so? How about we take this back to my place huh?" They look at each other before nodding.

I take them to one of the houses I own. It's pretty small but this is where all the magic happens. I take them to the room and shut the door.

They start making out with one another. I will say they are attractive, they have a nice pair of tits, but they're nothing compared to the love of my life.

"Come here." I say and they crawl over to me. I drop my pants to the floor and they start sucking my dick. I grunt at the feeling of both of their wet warm mouths. I hate this part.

I never have sex with any of the women. I just let them suck me off. My dick belongs in one woman and one woman only. Isabella. I hope she's dreaming about our future.

I groan and squirt my semen onto their faces. They giggle and lick it off one anothers face.

I walk over to the drawers and pull out two blindfolds. "Lets have some fun shall we." I cover both of their eyes and lead them to the bed. I tie both of them to the bed, since it is quite a large bed.

"Oh yes daddy." One of them moans and I cringe. I reach into the drawers again and pull out my favourite large knife. So big and so sharp I cream my pants every time due to the knife.

I stab the curly heads thigh. "AAHH! WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?!" I twist the the knife and drag it down. She continues to scream.

"What's going on? I want to go home!" The other one screams, how pathetic. I'm just glad this house is practically in the middle of nowhere. I remove both of their blindfolds. They look at me with so much fear just the way I like it.

I remove my clothes and get naked. "Why the long face? This is what you guys wanted right?" I get on top of the curly head and stab her continuously. Her friend screams as her blood soaks the bedsheet. I get aroused at the sight before me.

So much blood, so much screaming. The last thing I do is slice her throat open and she dies instantly. "Please don't kill me please." The other girl cries.

"You're right let me free you." I walk over to her and untie her legs. "Thank you." She sniffles. I grab her leg and twist her ankle until I hear a sickening crunch. She screams out. I do the same to her other leg. I untie her arms.

"You can go now." I point to the door. She stands and collapses onto the ground immediately. She crawls towards the door and I grab the back her neck, pull her up and stab her eye. She falls back onto the ground and clutches her eye. "SOMEBODY HELP ME!!!"

"Let me help you out with that. COME AND SAVE HER, ANYBODY PLEASE!"

I chuckle and turn her around. "Any last words?" She continues to cry. "Oh well." I stab her in the chest, stomach and arms multiple times before I finally slice open her throat.

This was fun.


The police haven't caught me yet, probably because they're stupid. I run back upstairs and grab my phone, I call Antonio. He picks up on the second ring.

"Hello boss."

"She found out." I hear him cuss over the phone. "What are we going to do now?"

"We find her of course, we're not letting her get away."

"Okay I'll be there in 10." He hangs up. I thought she loved me, I thought we would be together forever. Fuck I wish I wasn't so arrogant sometimes, why did I come home looking like this. I should've doubled the dosage when it came to drugging her water.


I hope you enjoyed the chapter. It was pretty obvious this man was the killer, but our poor Isabella is too oblivious.

Jeremiah gives me such an ick now.

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