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Sharanda ( Randa ) in Visual.


The first day of 12th grade, I was ready and alert. I was prepared to serve hands to any bitch who came at me any type of way. Last year I was on that weak shit, staying quiet, but this year I'm here to pop out.

As soon as I stepped out of my car, I noticed a lot of people trynna stunt. I shook my head at the fuckery I was witnessing.

A group of girls were bent over their cars with a boy in front of them. More than likely they was giving him top and 99% of the administrators knew but none of them came to stop it.

"I know y'all see what I see," Makaysia turned to us then back at the scene.

"Girl that ain't nothing new," Sharanda laughed while I continued to shake my head.

Shantii stepped out of her car and walked besides me. As soon as she fell into step with me she sucked her teeth, "First day and I already have a bitch looking me up and down," she chuckled.

"Where?" I asked before she directed me.

"Bitch now you know she don't like you since last year," I bust out laughing when I looked where she pointed.

"You wild, I don't bother anyone for them not to like me. The only reason why these females don't like me is because either they nigga do or they friend don't. I'm not stressing it," she rolled her eyes.

Shantii's a hothead forreal, this girl stay placing her hands on somebody child. She has anger issues and she does try to control it but the way the females in this school set up, you would be laying hands too.

"Y'all come on we gotta get to class before the bell ring. We always end up arriving late because of yall," Makaysia said, smacking her lips.

"Girl hush." I mumbled, eyeing a group of boys as they walked past. I swear over the summer, these niggas been going through their Glo-Up's. More than half of them was looking better since last year and I was feeling it.

Sharanda dumb ass was staring so hard at this one boy in particular and walked straight into a locker. I looked at the red knot already beginning to swell up on her forehead and bust out laughing.

She pressed on it, chuckling lightly, even though she knew that shit hurt like a bitch.

"I'm weak!" Shantii wiped her tears from laughing so hard.


The loud ass bell begun to ring and Makaysia was getting hyped.

"See, what I said. Y'all always making us late!" Makaysia yelled before speed walking to class.

"Oh shit," Sharanda yelled, running after her to get to class.

They act like they know where their going. First off, they need they schedule and shit so all that rushing and shit is unnecessary. I popped my gum and continued walking at my own pace.

I realized Shantii was still walking besides me. She was looking at something, I followed her eyes to see this light skinned boy ruffling his hair while putting in his combination. I nudged her and she looked at me.

"Huhh?" she asked, returning her eyes back to the boy.

"Let's go before we be real late." I said, grabbing her arm and dragging her off to the guidance counselor for our schedules.

Once we got it, we headed off to our classes.

Class was okay, the teacher was explaining the supplies we needed and the curriculum we were going through for the entire year. I looked at her like ..bitch, it's the first day. She was already talking about the end of the year. When the bell rung I was too hype.


I packed my shit up and made my way to the door. As soon as I stepped out of class, Makaysia joined my side.

"I just saw this sexy ass white boy in the hall way," Makaysia said, glancing behind her.

"Get it girl!" Sharanda laughed.

Makaysia's experience with niggas been nothing but terrible, I swear every single one of them found a way to play her.

So I guess that's why she's crossing but shit that ain't a problem. If it makes her happy, I'm all for it.

I glanced at all the boys wandering down the halls. I don't know how Makaysia could give up all this chocolate though. Boys were walking by in every shade of brown. Light to dark.

I looked at one in particular, who was a honey brown. He had curly hair and some thick lips. I tore my eyes away when I seen a female walk up behind him and peck his lips.

That's my cue to dip. Last thing I'ma do is check for a nigga that got a whole bitch. That's not my role.

"This year we need to focus on ourselves. Being concerned about a nigga won't guarantee us a diploma," Sharanda said. I looked over at her and nodded.

That was true. All the way up to my senior year I've been so concerned about whether a nigga feeling me or not. I need to stress less and work on me because nobody got Keshina like Keshina got Keshina.

"True," I agreed aloud before adverting my gaze from him and proceeding to head to my next period.


Chapter 1 done. (Edited)

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