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Multimedia : Jaylon and Rashantii's New Home


6 Months After Graduation


I unloaded a few extra boxes off of the U-Haul truck and handed it to Jaylon. He kissed my cheek, grabbed it and brought it into the house. I followed after him with another box in my hands. The box was labeled 'KITCHEN' so I set it into it's appropriate place before jogging back to the U-Haul. To say I was tired, was an understatement but the excitement of moving into our own place was stronger than my exhaustion. 

Movers began bringing boxes in and out as I directed them where to place it. After a while of working, I sat on the end of my truck and directed everyone. A few hauls later, Jaylon took the seat besides me, clearly worn out as well. Within the last month, Jaylon and I decided to make everything official by moving in together. It wasn't that huge of a step, seeing as he spent mostly every night with me anyway, but I was tired of him leaving in the mornings for extra clothes, shoes, hats etc. We decided to eliminate all of the extra hassle by moving with each other.

We purchased a two story home for just us two. It has plenty of room so we won't ever feel too cluttered or anything. It's actually way too big for us, but of course when our family expands with kids this will be necessary, so might as well take the big step now. It was a beautiful house, more than comfortable. My mom is yet to show since the graduation, she claims this business trip is 'essential' to her career. These days I don't feel disappointed anymore, sure I'll always be a little hurt but I'm no longer lonely.

She sends money through Western Union, fills my bank account up on a weekly and also gave me access to her account which is way more than necessary so I'm more than fine financially. In addition to that, I've started my own line of hair products for natural hair. I'm not sure how the idea came about, maybe it's because of the daily struggle I went through with my own hair, but the idea stuck with me and now I have a full line out already. I labeled my line Shantii, which is so cliche but it just fits the image I want to create perfectly. 

Jaylon's still mixed heavy with selling drugs, but we've already had multiple serious conversations about where he stands in that line of business. I've made it clear that he cannot stay in that his whole life, I refuse to standby and watch him get hurt again. I mean, it's his grind, I get that but all of that shit means nothing if his ass ends up dead. I wouldn't be able to live with myself knowing he died while being affiliated with that shit all because I wanted to stay silent and mind my business whenever it came to that. Just because it pays bills and helps him financially doesn't mean shit.

As for kids, I have plans for children. Maybe two or three little Jaylon's running around. I've never brought it up to him so I don't know where his head is at but before we start making moves as big as those, I need a ring on my finger. I don't want kids without being married. He's yet to pop the question but I'm really not expecting it any time soon. We've only been together a year and a few months, marrying someone is a huge deal.

I looked up at him and then the house and smiled. I really am proud of us. We've been through so much it's about time we start seeing rewards. With so much negativity out of our way, we've been able to focus on regaining and maintaining strength in our relationship. The love between us has honestly only grown stronger as time has passed. A lot of people complain that we're young, and yes we are, but we both know what we want and it's each other. I'm aware high school sweethearts don't normally last but it's different with us.

As for college, we're both enrolled in NYU and doing exceptionally well. NYU is kind of below both of our standards but it doesn't matter. We wanted something local and NYU was the solution. We still get to see each other on school grounds because we attend the same classes and our majors are the same, math. 

Diamond and Devonte are still together. They've been rocking for a while now and they both attend Columbia University. None of us wanted to go out of the state because honestly, New York is all we know and we want to stay close. Although we aren't on the same campus, we're not that far from each other, which is convenient.

Keshina and Ja'Quinn both go to NYU with us. As for a pregnancy update, Keshina is now eight whole months in. The pregnancy glow has come into full effect for her, she still suffers from emotional symptoms but for the most part she's just excited to be able to bring a child into the world. After the first few sonograms we were able to identify the baby's gender as a male, which came as a shock. We all expected a girl. But the love was still there, if anything it only grew stronger.

As for Monae and Trey, they love each other wholeheartedly, that much is evident, but as for a healthy relationship? I would say a definite no. They're addicted to each other although they know they aren't good for each other. They've even tried seeing other people but they always end up running back to one another. Inseparable is a better word to describe them.

A few months ago, I went to Heaven's funeral. I felt guilty, knowing that the person who killed her was sitting right besides me but at the same time, as sick as it sounds, I felt relief. Her father was heartbroken at the funeral, crying at her casket and all. It was very emotional, but at the same time I forced myself to be numb of any emotions. I couldn't feel bad for someone who worked so hard to make my life a living hell. I knew that, underneath all of the jealousy and hatred, she was a very sweet girl but she never showed it. It was a shame, honestly.

But, returning to here and now.

I looked down at our little puppy, Cotton. He kept chasing after the movers as they walked around. He was still small and adorable as ever, Jaylon loved him just as much as I did. He trotted towards me and began beating his tail against the concrete, tongue wagging. Jaylon picked him up and petted his fur, the way he liked.

We moved boxes for the rest of the morning before finally collapsing on the couch, completely worn out. It was already six p.m when the last box was placed into the house. I couldn't complain though, we spent over 400 grand in IKEA alone, then we visited Sears and spent about the same so this many boxes were expected. I knew there was a certain fee I had to pay them, something around a hundred an hour in total, but they've been here at least ten hours and I feel like they deserved more than to be paid that little amount.

I paid them the regular fee and then some before sending them on their way. I looked around the house and sighed at all of the unpacking we had to do. As if reading my mind he spoke, "This gon' be a lot of work." I nod and peck his lips, "Wake me up when it's done," I stand up but he only pulls me down into his lap. "Where you going?" he locks his arms around my waist.

I throw my head back and sigh, "I'm so tired, we should do this tomorrow," I try to convince him. "We need to at least start today," his hands roam across my lap and rest on my thigh. "Okay fine," I pout before turning to straddle him. "You know I love you?" he asks. "I do," I lock my arms around his neck and lay my head on his chest. "You love me?" his fingers play in my scalp. "I do," I repeat before adding, "forever and always."

I don't have to look up at him to know he's smiling, "forever and always."




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