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Special thanks to all those who've read, commented and voted on this book. I appreciate you guys...tapping the vote and comment button. #Vomment

And now for a wonderful chapter.....




I don't know what's going on with her, but lately she's been acting all types of funny.

I'm losing trust in her, fast. I'm never wrong when I sense a snake, so I just had to confront her.

We were at the lunch table, I watched her and Heaven exchange looks, they weren't even being discrete about it. So she wanted me to know, she wanted me to confront her. Knowing this, I proceeded with my plan to question her.

"What's wrong with you Kay?" I asked her, leaning my head to the side, slowly munching on my chips.

She looked back at me and curled up her top lip, giving me the stank face. "Nothing, why you worried?" she asked, catching an attitude.

"You tell me, is there something I should be worried about?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Worry about you and your little boyfriend," she said flicking her hand at Jaylon.

"What's with all the hostility?" Keshina asked.

Makaysia glanced at Ja'Quinn and he gulped. I leaned in.

"Nothing, but Shantii I want you to come by my house at 3:45," Makaysia said quickly. I looked her up and down, "To do what?" I asked.

"You acting like you don't trust me or some shit," she said, sounding hurt, even I could tell it was fake.

"You're right, I don't."

"I second that, matter fact count me in for 3:45 too," Keshina always had my back.

Makaysia shrugged.


Before lunch ended, Heaven just had to make her infamous appearance, being annoying as usual. "Hey Jayyllooon," she over emphasized his name with a smile.

"What do you want Heaven?" Jaylon asked, irritated. I looked back at him and grabbed his hand. Heaven saw this and growled.

"Why are you still with her? She can't make you happy like I can," she said, biting her lip, a pathetic attempt to be seductive. She looked down at his zipper before a grin broke out on her face.

I sighed, "Really pathetic. Showing up at the table is one thing, but disrespecting me by hinting at sex to my boyfriend right in front of me, that's just desperate," I looked at her.

"I don't care about disrespecting you hoe. Soon enough Jaylon will see how you can't do what I can, can't perform how I perform, and damn sure can't please him the way I could and he knows it. Your time is limited honey, enjoy it while you can," she smiled.

I shrugged. Honestly I couldn't care less about the sick scenarios she had already formed in her mind. I know where I stand, and he knows it too. As far as going back and forth with the past, that's not my role.

She didn't say anything else, she looked up at Makaysia and they shared a smirk before she sauntered off, trying to be cute. I looked back at Makaysia and raised an eyebrow, she just smiled graciously before eating her food again.

I drummed my finger tips against the table and caught Keshina's attention. We both shook our head at the same time.


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