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Keshina ( Shina ) in Visual .



I keep a small circle, there aren't too many females in Brooklyn that you can trust. Bitches will turn on you in a heartbeat, and I say that out of nothing but experience. That's why I only ride for three.

Keshina- is my everything, to sum it up. I've known her since 7th grade and that's a long ass time, since we're now in 12th. That's five whole years.

I remember the day we met like yesterday. She was in a fight with some unknown and some girl was trying to jump in, and though I didn't know Keshina at the time, jumping is so fucking weak to me.

So I helped her and ever since it's like we've been joint at the hip

Sharanda- is my heart. I've known her since 8th and we're real close too. I guess the main thing I love and admire about her is her ability to balance me.

I could be having the most shittiest day, and she'd find a way to make me laugh regardless. In better terms, she keeps me sane.

I don't know what I'd do without her

Makaysia- is my go-to when I need get my mind off of something. She's so laid back and carefree, her positivity radiates off of her and instantly makes you feel better, if that makes sense.

She's always been shy and quiet around most, but her true colors are always revealed with us.

I've known her since 10th, but this year I think she's finally breaking out of her shell, which makes sense. You only get one Senior year.

Though I've only met her two years ago, I guess she's like an older sister to me 💘

Regardless of their different personas we all click well together. We're not on that ghetto "squad" type shit nor are we those cliche group of females who believe they're the baddest.

We're just us.

We keep a real low profile and tend to stay to ourselves.

We've been so close since the beginning, I don't see us ever falling out, honestly...

Little did we know, 12th grade was about to fuck all of that up.



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