Chapter V: Feeling sick, Madeline?

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Maddy would start walking over to the infirmary to see Dr. Burq. Well, she didn't want to but Ms. Sherly suggested that she should. She wasn't feeling well yet she was still going to school so.. why shouldn't she get the medication she needs?

Perhaps she felt like she didn't need it? Yes, that was the reason. Maddy didn't want to miss a bit of school just because she always came to see Vincent specifically.

Some might say she's the new Denise because of this behavior. Although, we don't know if Denise still comes to school even when she's feeling under the weather. But it doesn't matter now. Maddy would enter the infirmary with Dr. Burq waiting from the inside.

"Ah hello," Dr. Burq said while smiling. "You just be.. Madeline! Right?" Maddy nodded and Dr. Burq would skim through her drawers to find her medications. "Hm- what are you searching for-?" Maddy asked.

Dr. Burq turned around and replied back with, "Oh. I'm searching for the medications your doctor has prescribed. It should be here somewheree.. oh-! I found them." Dr. Burq would hold up two pill bottles and she'd hand them to Maddy.

"..Which one do I take exactly?" Maddy asked. Dr. Burq suggested to take the one that she was holding on the left. Maddy would put down the one she was holding on her right arm and stare at the bottle for a good few seconds.

She was hesitant to do so because she felt like she didn't really need them. But, Dr. Burq was watching and she looked pretty concerned for her health so she gave in and took the pills.

Maddy didn't feel too different. Of course, she still felt ill but she felt less light headed. "Okay Maddy, you can go back to class now." Dr. Burq said. Maddy smiled and started heading back to her class.

Dr. Burq would take out a pen and write Maddy's name on the bottle just in case of an emergency. Then she'd put the bottle on the shelf and gave a satisfied smile. As she stood up, she heard someone yell her name from behind.

She'd turn around and to her horror, it was Mrs. Regna! "Uhm..- hello. Mrs. Regna. What are you doing here-?" Dr. Burq asked while shivering in fear. Mrs. Regna would be glaring at her. "Those medications won't get Maddy feeling better anytime soon." Mrs. Regna would reach into her bag and takes out another pill bottle labeled, 'Madeline's medication.'

"This.. this is what Maddy should be taking." Mrs. Regna would hand Dr. Burq the bottle while she looked down. "Well.. yeah. It could be better for her health. But there's many terrible side effects that'll affect her mental health-! If she takes too much.. it'll lead to many consequences."

Dr. Burq would through the bottle into the trash can, but Mrs. Regna would immediately take it out. "Just make her take these for now on. Switch out the other bottle for this. She'll need it." Mrs. Regna would walk out the office. Dr. Burq sighed and did was instructed.

She replaced Madeline's actual pill bottle with the one Mrs. Regna had handed. "I'm feeling very wary about this.." Dr. Burq would throw the other pill bottle in the trash can and would let another student in.
Maddy was about to approach her classroom until she was stopped by Mrs. Regna. Maddy stared at her with a blank stare. "Madeline is it?" Mrs. Regna asked. "Uh- yes. It is. Why?" Mrs. Regna would hand Maddy a water bottle and smile.

"Here, Dr. Burq suggested you should take another sip of water after you take a pill." Maddy looked at her, confused as ever. "If she suggested it, then why didn't she tell me when I was still there?" Maddy stated. "Just drink the water. The taste of the pill will disappear if you do so."

Well, Maddy didn't really like the taste in her mouth but at the same time, this is Mrs. Regna she's talking to. The person who's planning to take over this school. Maddy knew she couldn't trust her but at the same time, she wouldn't be that cruel right?

So with hesitation, Maddy had drank the water. "So, how do you feel, Maddy?" Mrs. Regna asked. "I.- feel.. light headed.." Maddy looked paler and eventually dropped to the ground. Mrs. Regna had picked up her body and carried her away to the infirmary.

Dr. Burq was gone at that point so Mrs. Regna knew this would be a good opportunity to give Maddy the medications. Mrs. Regna was aware of the possible side effects but she didn't care. She wanted Maddy to be a perfect student.

Maddy is already known to be talented at art and based off her school records in the past school years, she had a lot of potential. Mrs. Regna would get the pills out of the cabinet and forcefully put it in Maddy's mouth so she wouldn't be aware when she wakes up.

Mrs. Regna would smirk and take out a stack of papers. She'd take out a pen, put it in Maddy's hand and she'd make Maddy sign the paper while she was still asleep. That wasn't one of the side effects of the pill, she made her sign it by signing it herself while moving Maddy's arm to write.

And by the time Maddy woke up, she was confused why she was in the infirmary. "Maddy," Mrs. Regna said. "You're awake finally. Now tell me, how are you feeling?"

"I'm feeling.. perfectly fine. I- don't feel sick!" Maddy exclaimed. "In fact, I think I'm ready to get back to class!" Maddy smiled at Mrs. Regna and she smiled back.

"That's nice to hear. See me after school, we have a lot to talk about." Maddy nodded and walked out of the infirmary, back to her class. Mrs. Regna would stand there while Sunny walked inside.

"Is Dr. Burq in here-?" Sunny asked. Mrs. Regna glared at him and he immediately ran out straight back to class. Mrs. Regna rolled her eyes and made her way back into her office.

"Sir, are you here?" Mrs. Regna asked. Mr. Alan was nowhere to be spotted. He was always gone most of the time during this period. He's mostly present in the morning, lunch hours and after school. Otherwise, he's out doing his own business.

She sighed and just started looking at the information for Maddy. The paperwork for her showed that she is a student who excels in her education! Mrs. Regna was satisfied by the result. She knew they made a perfect choice.

On the other hand, she decided to take a look at Sunny's records and it wasn't the best. He had very poor grades and his behavior didn't make it any better. Mrs. Regna now would wait til it's after school to see Maddy.
hello!! this chapter is a bit shorter yes but, i wanted to get it done as soon as possible and i promise you- the next chapter will be longer!! :D

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