Chapter XI: Fear and Anxiety... Control and Changes...

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When Sherly and Salim made it back into the Academy with Jianhao and Vincent, Siti was relieved that they were okay! "Sherly! Salim! Thank goodness you found them-! Oh- the organization is gonna be-"

Ms. Sherly gasped and sighed. "Sherly? Is everything alright?" Ms. Siti asked. Ms. Sherly looked down and tears began to form in her eyes. "Ms. Siti I- Mr. Alan fired Sherly. For saving Jianhao and Vincent." Salim explained.

Ms. Siti audibly gasped. "What?! Sherly I-I'm so sorry. I could try to convince them to-" Ms. Sherly would stop Ms. Siti's sentence and say, "It's okay.. I'll be fine. Salim, take care of the students for me.."

Ms. Sherly would faintly smile and would walk away to get her stuff while Salim and Siti looked at her. "..Oh right Jianhao and Vincent!" Ms. Siti would turn on the heater so the two would be warmed up.

Jianhao would finally wake up. "Hao..! You're.. awake-!" Vincent cheered. Jianhao looked around and questioned how he got back into the Academy. "Ms. Sherly and Mr. Salim.. the both of them saved us but... Ms. Sherly.. l-lost.. her job..." Vincent explained, now sobbing.

"I..- Ms. Sherly-? Lost her job-? Does that mean we won't see her anymore-?" Jianhao asked. "Unfortunately.." Vincent would get up and would walk away to see Ms. Sherly one last time while Jianhao sat there, curled up in a ball.

As Ms. Sherly began packing her things into a white box, Vincent stood by the staff room door and knocked. "Ms. Sherly may I come in..?" Vincent asked. Ms. Sherly turned around and saw Vincent. She faintly smiled and nodded.

Vincent would open the door then gently closes it, and walk up to Ms. Sherly. "What can I do for you one last time Vincent?" Ms. Sherly asked. Vincent would stare at Ms. Sherly.. then breaks down on the floor, sobbing. He didn't want Ms. Sherly to go get!

"Please... why do you have to go so soon-?! I-I... want you to stay-! Please... I don't.. I don't want to go back to that freezing.. dark basement-!" Vincent cried out, his tears getting on the ground. Ms. Sherly felt bad seeing Vincent like this.

She knew he must've went through a lot there so she'd kneel down and hug Vincent tight. "You know.. I stayed to protect you students from those people but, seeing you like this.. it seems like I failed doing so.."

Ms. Sherly would reach out her hand to help Vincent up. He'd faintly smile and would get up. "I'm gonna miss all of you.. including you, Vincent. I Hope you have a wonderful future and remember, do your homework." Ms. Sherly said.

Vincent would give a thumbs up of approval. Ms. Sherly would smile and would walk out of the staff room. Vincent looked down at the ground and had a sad expression, now knowing Ms. Sherly isn't coming back.

As Ms. Sherly was about to walk out, she was stopped by Salim. "Sherly, so you're really leaving huh?" Mr. Salim questioned. Ms. Sherly would sigh. "Unfortunately.. but, if i couldn't protect the students.. maybe you can."

Ms. Sherly would smile at Salim then made her way out. Mr. Salim smiled back then walked away. Back with Jianhao, he was still curled up in a ball, avoiding any human interaction.

Ms. Siti wanted to help both Jianhao and Vincent together but based on their behaviors, it seemed like they just wanted to be alone. Jianhao was murmuring about how stupid he was to even consider burning the school down where everyone can hear.

He also missed Denise more than anything. Of course, she was still around the school just.. not in his class anymore. Nicole spotted Jianhao and ran up to him. "Finally! There you are! I heard Ms. Sherly and Mr. Salim had to find both you and Vincent!"

Nicole would playfully hit Jianhao but he immediately flinched, now trembling in fear. "Uh.. dude? I didn't even hit you that hard." Nicole said. "Nic... i-it was terrible there.. the cold.. room.. i-i.. uhm..."

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