Chapter XV: Vince lost his princess..

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The last thing Vincent heard from Maddy was her goodbyes to him.. and a thud. He just wanted to hang out with her in the new shopping mall they just implemented, turned to a horrific scene of his best friend.. his love interest.. hanging herself...

When Vincent opened the door, he saw Maddy hanging with a rope around her neck. He quickly rushed over to her and tried his best to untie the noose around her because he still wanted her around-!

By the time he succeeded... it was already too late.. "Maddy..? Wake up please..! Please.. you can stop playing around and wake up..-! Please... Maddy wake up..!" Vincent started sobbing while embracing Maddy's lifeless body into a hug.

"I'm so sorry Maddy... I'm sorry I couldn't save you in time..! I've been so oblivious not noticing how you felt until now.. now you're gone and... I-I don't know what to do without you-!" Vincent continued sobbing, still holding onto Maddy.

Vincent felt guilty for not being there for Maddy when she needed it most. Abbey and Vicky would stand beside the door and question what Vincent was doing here. Vincent turned to the both of them and pointed to Maddy's dead body.

"Oh. She's dead? Finally. We don't have to deal with an attention seeker anymore." Said Abbey. Vicky snickered to her response. Vincent stood up and glared at the both of them with sorrow in his eyes. He couldn't believe that Maddy's own roommates didn't even care she was gone now.

"A-Are you two serious..? You're roommate, my best friend, just ended her own life-! AND YOU'RE HERE LAUGHING ABOUT IT..?!?" Vincent tackled Abbey and Vicky to the ground in anger. "VINCE-! G-GET OFF!" Pleaded Abbey. "NO. I CAN'T DEAL WITH THIS-!" Yelled Vincent.

Luckily, with Abbey's strength, she was able to push Vincent off of her and Vicky and the two girls would run out before Vincent can severely injure them. Vincent stood there for a second then looked at his bloody hands from untying the rope and he started shaking.

'No.. no no no..! What is happening to me..? I-I can't.. I can't be in this school-! Now that Maddy is gone... I just can't..!' Vincent started uncontrollably breathing and was lying on the floor, panicking. Seeing the sight of blood must've triggered something in him.

There was a ringing in Vincent's ear and he couldn't tune it out. He then started hearing the cries and screams of Maddy so he'd cover his ears to ignore all the painful cries. 'Vincent...! I-I needed you..! Why..? WHY..?!?' The voice in Vincent's head said, the voice sounding like Maddy.

Vincent was horrified, the more he looked at Maddy's unconscious body, the louder the voice got. "Please... make it stop..! MAKE IT STOP..! I-I'm so sorry Maddy..! I couldn't save you-!" Cried out Vincent. 'It's too late Vincent... I'm gone and it's all your fault-! You never cared for me..! NOW YOU DO BECAUSE I'M GONE..!' Said Maddy in Vincent's head.

All of this didn't seem true because he knew Maddy. He knew she would never say things such like this but the voice was so loud.. he chose to believe all of it. Vincent got up from the ground and walked out of Maddy's dorm to go to his dorm.

'I messed up.. I messed up.. Maddy is gone and it's my fault..' Is what Vincent kept thinking as he walked inside the elevator to the fourth floor. 'My best friend is now gone and I couldn't save her... we could've been more than that...' 'Why did I attack Abbey and Vicky-?' 'Who even am I anymore..?'

Vincent had a lot on his mind and he needed to clear out those thoughts. Once the elevator stopped to his floor, he'd walk to his dorm to find Trev investing in NFT's and his doggy coins.

He'd sigh and walked pass Trev while saying "hello." Trev greeted Vincent back and told him how he finally started making money from his doggy coins and NFT's. "And how have you been doing Vince?" Asked Trev.

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