Stress ball

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"Maaaaaaaax.." Archie groaned, collapsing on their bed, head first. "Maaaaax..."

"Oh, for the love of God, Archie.." Maxie sat up, whacking him on his back with his book. "I am RIGHT HERE. What is it that you need?"

"Ubbles." He said, muffled from laying against the mattress and covers.

"Uh, one more time?"

Archie twisted himself around and laid on his back, reaching his hand out to his husband.

"Cuddles. Now."

Maxie smirked at him. "Well, why didn't you just say so, then?" He scooted himself over to his side of the bed. "Come here, you big softy."

Excitedly, he hopped over next to him and practically melted, enjoying his husband's attention and loving touch. He laid his head in his lap.

"What the hell has gotten into you tonight? I'm used to you being all cuddly, but not THIS cuddly." He blushed. "N-not that I'm complaining. Is there something wrong, Archie?"

"Nah.." he replied. "M' just stressed out, that's all.. I just needed some quality cuddle time with me hubby."

Maxie chuckled. "I see." He pet his head affectionately, then stroked his chin like a Skitty.

"M-Maxie!" Archie squeaked. "Ack- No! Bwahaha! Stop it!"

He raised an eyebrow. "But why? You look like you're having so much fun~" He teased, keeping up the tickly touches at his husband's neck and chin.

"Gahahahaha-!" He scrunched his neck up, pushing Maxie's hands away. "Quit it!"

*chuckle* "At least I get a smile from you."

Blushing, Archie sat back up, got into the covers, and wrapped his arms around Maxie's waist, returning the cuddles.

"Mmm... Yer so damn warm..."

"I've literally spent most of my life near volcanoes, Archie. But you love it, anyway."

Archie guffaws. "I sure as shit do.." He held him closer to his chest. "Hey, Max..?"

"Yes, Archie?" He questioned, looking up at him with curiosity.

His grip on him was gentle, but tighter.

"I know this is gonna sound really random... but I gotta tell ye... yer just like a stress ball."

While he was telling him this, Maxie was grabbing a cup of water. (Yes. Water lmao) and he almost spit it out.

"*cough* A-A what??"

"A stress ball." Archie repeated.

He just tilted his head in more confusion. "Archie, love of my life, I don't understand. How am I like a stress ball? *snicker* I don't stress myself out THAT much."

"Well... it's because ye calm me down every time I'm stressed."

"Oh. I see. How sweet of you to say."

Archie then smirked. "But...."


Maxie knew what the look on his face meant. "What are you-"

"Heh.. the only difference between ye and a real stress ball..." He grasped both of his sides.


"Is that ye squeak when I squeeze ye!" He cackled, continuing to squeeze his sides.

"N-Nohohohohohoho! Dohohohohon't!!" He fell back giggling, trying to squirm out of Archie's arms. Ahahahaharchihihihihie!!!" He squawked, flailing back and forth.

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