A ticklish patient

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Archie came home to see that his husband was home early. He ran up to their bedroom, and he saw Maxie in bed.

"Hey, you~" Archie greeted him, lightly touching his back. But he became concerned when Maxie only groaned in response. "Babe.. are ye okay? Did ye have another bad day at work?"

"Mmmph... no.. *cough cough* I didn't go to work..." He groans again, sniffling and coughing. "Mmm.. I'm sick.."

Archie sat down next to him, rubbing his back. "Awww, baby.. what can I do for ye?"

"I don't know.." He muttered.

"Do you need anything to eat? Drink? Here, lemme get a thermometer.." He grabbed one from the bathroom and stuck it in his mouth.

After a few moments, he took it out. He saw that Maxie had a temperature of 102*.

"102.. yep, ye've got a fever.. poor baby.."

He tried to glare at him. "M' not a baby..." He whines.

The bigger man chuckled and pulled the blankets over him. "Yer my baby.. *kiss* I'll take care of ye, love.. ok? I'll take the next few days off and stay here with ye.. how does that sound?"

He saw him smile. "Y-You don't have to do that if you don't want to.."

"Hun, yer sick. Through sickness and in health, remember?" He kisses the top of Maxie's head.  "It's no problem, I promise ye."

"O-Okay.. *sniffle*"

Archie grabbed a shower and got dressed into for comfortable clothes. Before he climbed into bed with his husband, he looked at him, still laying in the bed miserable.

"Are ye sure ye don't want anything to eat? Are ye having stomach problems too?"

He saw the redhead nod his head. "I've been running to the bathroom every few hours.. I have a horrible stomachache and nausea.."

"How many times have ye gotten sick?"

"At least 3 times... I lost count after that.." Maxie whines.

Archie frowns, feeling bad for his husband. He put his arms around him. "My poor Max.. I understand if ye don't want anything to eat.. but when ye do, ye let me know, ok?"

"I will.. but I don't think that'll be- aah- aaaaah- Achoo!!"

"Bless ye." He hands him a tissue, chuckling. "Ye sneeze like a kitten~"

"Oh, screw off.." Maxie whines, tossing himself around in bed.

"I'm serious." Archie laughs, petting his side. "Ye sound like a Skitty when ye sneeze."


Archie chuckles and continues to pet him softly. "Love, we should probably take ye to the doc-"


Archie shook his head. He knew Maxie was going to say that. "Baby, I know ye don't like going to the doctor's office... but yer ill.. ye probably have a bad case of the flu.. the doctor will probably prescribe ye some medicine so ye'll feel better.."

"I'm not- *sniffle* going to the doctor.."

*sigh* "Alright then. It's settled."


Archie sits up from the bed. "I'll be yer doctor."

Maxie almost choked, making him cough more. "Wh-What're you talking about?? You have no PHD! What exactly- Ahhh- choo!!!! *sniffle* What exactly do you think you can do?"

"Can't hurt to try! How hard is it to examine someone?"

Maxie rolled his eyes. "Hard enough that people have to go to school for it, you dork. I'll be fine.. I just need some rest.."

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