Tattoo trouble

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"Ahahahahahahahahahah- *snrk* M-Mahahaha-Mahahahaxie wahahahahait!! *squirm* Tihihihime ouhuhuhuhut!"

Said man sighs and removes the pen from his husband's arm, awaiting for him to stop laughing. "Are you done?"

"Hehehehe.. Y-Yeah, I'm sorry.. g-go ahehehead.."

Maxie brings the pen back up and presses it against Archie's arm once more. Once he starts drawing, Archie bursts into another fit of giggles.

"Archie, love.. You need to hold still if you want me to do this right. If you keep moving, I'll be sure to mess up. Then I'd have to start all over."

"Ihihihihihi'm sahahaharry! Hahahah- ihihihihit tickles!!"

The redhead shakes his head. "Now, I can't help that." He couldn't help but smirk. "You're going to have to hold still, or this process is going to take longer."

"F-Fihihihine, just huhuhurry uhuhuhup.."

"I can't believe you talked me into this..."

The dork of a sailor was wanting a tattoo of a Sharpedo on his arm, but was too scared to actually go to a tattoo shop because of his last tattoo incident. It just hurt too much. So what does Maxie have to do? Improvise!

"Ahahahahahahre yohuhuhuhu done yehehehet??" Archie giggles, trying his best not to squirm.

Maxie rolls his eyes. "I would be, if you would stop squirming."

For someone who didn't think he was that ticklish, Archie was really regretting this decision. (Lmao) He was almost considering the pain from a regular tattoo shop would be less torture than this!

"Ihihihihi'd lihihihike to sehehehee yehehehehe try tohohoho sit through thihihis!"

"Oh yeah? I bet I wouldn't whine like a baby like you are~" He teases.

Archie took that as a challenge. "Okahahahy then.. *snrk* Whehehen this ihihihis done.. it's yeheheheher tuhuhuhuhurn.."

"Hold on one second." Maxie interrupts him. "I am NOT letting you put permanent pen ink on my arm."

"C-C'mon.. *snort* M' nohohohot that bahahahad of a drawer.. No, ihihihihi don't think that's why.. I thihihihink yer ahahafraid.."

Maxie took THAT as a challenge.

He glared at him, finishing up. "Bullshit. I'm not afraid of anything. You want to draw on my arm? Fine. But that doesn't mean I'm going to like it. There.. it's done."

Archie stopped laughing, he takes himself to the mirror to take a look. "Wow, babe... this is really good.. thank ye."

"Would've taken less time, if you weren't squirming so much." He taunts, but smiles. "You're welcome."

"Alright, sit down. It's yer turn."

He wouldn't admit it, but the redhead was nervous.

And he should have been.


"Stop squirming, Maxie." Archie chuckles, watching his husband's face turn red from trying to hold in laughter. "Is something wrong?"

"N-N-No! I'm- ggmmmph-" He tried so hard not to move his arm away. He never would have imagined that a pen would tickle so damn much, and he was extremely embarrassed that his arm was as ticklish as it was. But he'd rather die than let his husband know this.

"Yer what, Max?" Teased Archie, moving the pen slowly on his upper arm.

A loud, clear snort came out of his nose. Embarrassed even more, he turns his head away to avoid seeing Archie smirk.

"Something funny, Max?" He asked.


"Whatever ye say~ Don't squirm too much, or I'll have to start over~"

Oh god. Anything but that.

He tried his absolute best. But eventually, he couldn't hold it in anymore.

"Ahahahahahahahahahah- w-wait! Wahahahait!! *snort* Archihihihie!" He covers his mouth with his other hand.

"Awww, what's so funny, love?" Archie coos. "Does that tickle?"

Maxie snorts again. "Shuhuhuhut uhuhuhuhuhup!! Ahahahahah-" He falls over backwards, almost making Archie mess up.

"Hehe, ye got lucky that I didn't mess up. C'mon, lemme finish."

Hesitantly, he sat back up and tried to let him finish. Covering his mouth once more, he bangs his fist on the table, giggling up a storm.

"Now, what was that about me whining like a baby?" He laughs, hearing his husband whine through his giggling. "Yer so fucking cute."

"Shuhuhuhuhut uhuhuhuhuhup ahahahahand ehehehend thihihihis tortuhuhuhuhure ahahahalready!"

"I'm going as fast as I can, Max." Archie cackles, then starts mocking him. "It would go faster if ye weren't squirming so much~"

Maxie hits the table once more, done with trying to keep any more composure. "G-Gahahahahahd dahahahahamn ihihihihit-! Thahahahahat tihihihihihickles!!!"

"Awww! Does it? Don't worry, giggles. I'm almost done~ Heh, if it's this bad on yer arm, I wonder how bad it would be if I gave ye a tattoo on yer super ticklish back or yer extremely ticklish belly~"

"Yohuhuhuhuhuhu behehehetter fuhuhuhuhucking nohohohohoht!!"

Archie pouts. "Awww, fine." He finishes up after a couple more minutes. "There we go! That looks really good, if I do say so myself!"

"Hehehe.. hehe.." He looks in the mirror. "I hahahave to say.. you dihihihid a great job on this.." He looks at the Camerupt drawing his husband put on his arm.

Archie puts the pen down and hugs Maxie. "Ye think so? Thanks, babe!"

He lays his head down on Archie's shoulder, still letting out a few giggles. Archie grins and lightly tickles his other arm.

"Hehehehe! Archie, stop ihihihit!!"

"Are ye sorry for making fun of me?"

"Yehehehes! Ihihihihi'm sorry!! Hehehehehee! Stop it!"

Archie stops, letting Maxie fully recover. "Thank ye for doing this for me, sweetie. *kiss* I really appreciate it."

"Of course.. anytime, dear~ But no more for me."

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