I love you more

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Archie paced around the room, checking the clock every 2-3 minutes. His husband was late. And if Maxie was late, there was a problem.

"Where is he..?" He asked himself.

Suddenly the door slowly swung open, Maxie couldn't even get through the door and Archie was already loving on him.

"Wh-what on earth has gotten into you? I'm just a few minutes late! There's no need to be so worried about me."

"B-but I constantly worry about ye, babe! I mean... ye go out into dangerous areas of Hoenn for a livin'! What if ye get hurt? What if ye end up in the hospital? Archie whined, holding onto him.

Maxie rolled his eyes. "Archie, please.. you're overreacting."

Before responding with more whining, Archie took a look down at his arm. He noticed a burn at the front of his right arm.

"What... is that?"

He quickly hid his arm, then backed away. "What are you talking about? It's nothing! Really!"

Archie wrapped an arm around him to grab his arm. Then examined it closely.

"Yer arm is burned!! What the hell happened?"

"Archie, please calm down... I just ran into a angry group of Slugma, and they burned my arm. I'm fine, ok? It's not that big of a deal-"

"IT IS A BIG DEAL! WHAT IF THEY BURNED YE FURTHER?!" He snapped. "Wh-what if the burn killed ye..? What would I even do.. without me husband?"

Maxie huffed at him. "Probably celebrate." He joked, but his joke, Archie did NOT find funny.

"MAX! This is nothing to joke about! Do ye see me laughing??" Tears filled his eyes. "How can ye joke about something like that??"

Maxie was taken aback, he had never seen Archie so worried about his well being that much in all the time they've known each other.

"A-Archie.. I'm sorry.. I didn't mean it. Please, don't cry. I'll.. try to be more careful. I promise."

"Ye really promise?" He asked.

"Yes. I promise. And I'm sorry for making such a horrible joke. It.. was uncalled for."

Archie was stunned. Maxie? Admitting he's wrong?? He wrapped his strong arms around him and kissed him.


"Here, lemme help ye bandage that up." Archie smiled, gently taking his hand and leading up upstairs.

He bandages Maxie's arm up, then they both settle down for the evening, Archie gently running his fingers through his red hair.


He leaned into his chest, not opening his eyes. "'Mmm?"

"I'm sorry I yelled at ye. But I love ye. I hope ye know that."

He chuckled. "Oh, Archie... of course I do... however.. *kiss* It is I that loves you more."

"Hey, now..." Archie grinned. "I said.. I love YE more." He knew where this would be going.

"Mmph.. I love YOU more." He argued.

"No!" He laughed. "I love ye more and that's final! No point in continuing this argument!"

Maxie smirked. "But I do love you more. Do you want me to lie? Or tell you the truth?"

"Listen.." Archie growled playfully. "If ye don't stop arguing and face the facts that I love ye more... yer gonna get it.."

"Haha, get what? I'm soooooo scared."

Being a smartass was NOT helping Maxie's case.


"And what exactly is 'it'?"

"This~" He purred, Trapping the redhead in his arms and gently spidering his fingers along his sides.

"N-No- no no no no no!!" He yelped, trying to squirm away from his husband. "Archihihie!! Wa-wahahait!!" He giggled into his chest. "Dohohon't you dahahare-!"

"Dare what, baby? To do this?" He smirked, raising his wiggling fingers up to his armpits. He let out a cackle when Maxie squeaked and fell back into the couch.

"Ahahahahahaharchihihihihihie nohohohoho!!" He squealed, trapped beneath Archie, who had him pinned down to the couch.

He growls at him. "Archie yes!! C'mere!" He held him tightly with his arms around him, and he buries his face into his neck, his beard brushing ever so gently against it. Better known as his favorite way of tickling Maxie.

"N-Nohohohohohoho st-stahahahahahaha- ahahahahahaha!!! NOHOHOT THAT!"

Smirking, the pirate continues his game, nuzzling his beard and tickly kissing his neck.

"Who loves who more, now?"

"Hahahahahaha- I-I- lohohohove yohohohou mohohohohore!!!" He kept up the argument, not wanting this to end. He loves attention from his husband more than anything.

"Wrong!" Archie dug into his stomach, making the smaller man start to cackle.

"AHAHAHA!!! ARCHIE STAHAHAHAHAP!!!!" He yelled, twisting underneath him, but couldn't get away. Not that he wanted to. (Hehehe)

"Noooooooope~" He teased, blowing a raspberry on his neck.


Archie lowers his tickles down to under his knees, where he knew he'd get an explosive reaction from his red headed lover.


"Heh heh! Found yer secret spot! Tickle tickle!"


Archie hugged his legs and kept tickling. "Are ye going to admit it now? Who loves who more?"


"That's all I needed to hear, baby..." He let go of Maxie's legs, then pinned him back down on the couch, kissing him.

"Hehehe... heh... hehe.. I hahahate you..."

"If ye hate me so much, then why did ye marry me? Ever think of that?" He guffaws, nuzzling his neck.

"St-stahahahop!" He squeaked, scrunching his neck to block out the ticklish feeling. "Y-you've alreheheheady left me breheheheathless.."

"Good." He snickers, stopping the nuzzling and lays his head on Maxie's chest.

"Hehe.. Archie.. I love you."

"Mm hmm. I love ye more."

And thus, the Team Magma leader exacted his revenge, slipping his hands under Archie's shirt and finding his ribs.

"AHAHA!" Archie fell backwards, ending up on the other side of the couch.

"Now I've got you.." Maxie growled.

"H-Hang on a second- Max! I'm- I'm not ticklish!" He definitely made an on the spot excuse that was laughably false.

"That's the most bullshit thing I have EVER heard come out of your mouth. And you've said a lot of stupid shit.." He giggles. "But you've run out of ways to get out of this.."

"Max wait- AHAHAHAHA!!! NOHOHOHO!!! MAHAHAHAXIHIHIHIHIEEHEHEEHEE!!!" He screamed as Maxie clawed his fingers at his ribs once more.

"Who loves who more, now?!" He teased. "Looks like we're going to be here for a while, my love. Admit it now?"


"Alright, you asked for it!!"

Needless to say, their tickle fight didn't stop until the sun rose up. Then they slept peacefully on the couch until the next afternoon.

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