Movie night (part 1)

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"Hey, Max.. whaddya say to a cuddly movie night?" Archie smiles, holding a disc in his hand after he came from upstairs. "I got us a little somethin' to watch~"

The redhead raised an eyebrow. "I'm almost afraid to ask what it is..."

"Well... it's not yer favorite genre..."

Maxie crosses his arms. "If it's horror, then the answer is no."

"But babe!" Archie gave him his Lillipup eyes. "This one's a really good one.. and besides, Halloween is just around the corner!"

*eye roll* "Archie.. Halloween is next month.. and September 1st was yesterday."

"Are ye sayin' yer scared?? Don't be a scaredy Delcatty~" Archie teased, wrapping his arms around his red headed husband.

Maxie turns to glare at him. "No. I'm not. I.. just don't like horror movies..." Archie could detect the trembling in his voice.

"Awww, Max... I'll be there to protect ye.. I promise.." The pirate grinned, kissing his cheek. "Ye think the monsters are gonna get ye or somethin'?"

A light smack hit his shoulder. Maxie turned red and looked away from him.


"Then whaddya say? Please? For meeee?" He gave him his puppy eyes once more.

If there was one thing in this world that Maxie couldn't resist, it would be his husband's puppy eyes.

"F-fine..." He gave in. "But.. if I have nightmares tonight.. I'll give YOU something to be scared about."

Archie squished him into a big hug. "Yer not gonna regret this, hun! I'll keep you safe.."

"Will you st-stop saying that?" He whined. "I'm not a child.. no movie is going to frighten me."

That evening, they both cuddle up close to each other and watched the movie together. Perhaps a movie about the Zombie apocalypse wasn't the best choice, because he wouldn't admit it, but Maxie was terrified.

"Ye ok, love?" Archie asked. He felt his husband hold onto him tighter.

"I'm f-f-fine..." He whimpered, laying his head on Archie's lap. "Th-this is nothing..."

Archie knew that was a damn lie. He kissed his cheek and let him snuggle closer. Maxie couldn't stand the sight of blood more than anything, so every time someone or something was killed, he turned the other direction.

As the movie progresses, Archie became too into it. He had never seen it before, so he definitely wanted to see what happens. He was an easily distracted man.

"A-Archie... Archie?"

He didn't answer, he was too busy invested into the movie.

Maxie got mad. Archie knew how much of a wimp he was, and when he got scared, Archie would always hold him.


He knew only one way to get his attention, so he dove under the blanket and squeezed his knee a few times.

"G-gahaha!! *snort* M-Max!" He grabbed the remote and paused the movie, then he grabbed his husband. "What was that for??"

"You weren't listening to anything I was saying. I.. lied.. I'm scared.. ok?"

"Awww, hun..." He held him tighter. "M' sorry.. c'mere.."


Then, out of nowhere, a few moments later Archie grabs a hold of Maxie's waist and shoves him to the other side of the couch, then pins him down.

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