Mario kart

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"I am so better at Mario Kart than ye!" Archie cackles, laughing harder when he sees Maxie staring at him, shocked expression and all.

"Oh really? Would you like to place a bet on that?"

He raises an eyebrow at him. "Are ye bein' serious? This should be good.. alright, what're the stakes?"

"If I win, you have to give me a 10 minute back rub every night~" He grins.

Archie rolls his eyes. "I shoulda known it'd be something like that, ye dork. Fine. And if I win, ye won't be able to protest or complain when I distract ye from work. Ye'll have to stop EVERY time with no arguments."

He looks at him with a glare. "Of course.. I should have expected that. Alright, fine."

They shake on it.

They go to choose their characters, carts, and then the race track.

"Alright, Dolphin shoals-"

"Hold it right there." Maxie stopped him. "I don't think so, mister. I'd rather do grumble volcano."

"Oh for the love of- of course ye do! But I hate that course!" Archie laughs.

Maxie laughs with him. "And I hate Dolphin shoals, so we have a problem."

"Ok ok, rock-paper-scissors for it?"

"Pffft- you are such a 10 year old! Alright, fine!"

It didn't take multiple rounds, Maxie's rock beat Archie's scissors.

"Aw, damn it!" He glares as his husband sticks his tongue out at him playfully. "Who's the 10 year old now, ye nerd? C'mon, I'm ready to kick yer ass no matter what course it is!"

It starts, and immediately, they get super competitive. Maxie laughs at his husband every time he falls into the lava, which was about 5-6 times.

"Son of a BITCH!!" Archie yells over Maxie's hysterics. "Oi, shut it! Stop laughing! I'm right behind ye!"

He eventually passes him, and is about to hit the finish line.

"Bwahahah! I'm about to win, babe!"

"No you're not!" He replied.

That's when a blue shell comes out of nowhere and knocks Archie's cart off the track, back into the lava.

"What?! NO! SHIT!!"

That's when Maxie's cart takes first place, while Archie's took last.

"Damn it!" He growls. "That's not a track, that's hell itself!"

Maxie was too busy laughing at him for getting so mad. "And The Great Maxie wins~"

"Oh my- ye threw that blue shell, didn't ye?"

"I don't know what you're talking about~" He teases.

Archie grumbles, sitting back down on the couch. Maxie scoots next to him, trying to cuddle.

"Oh, don't be mad, love~" He coos. "Not everyone is good at this game, like me~"

Archie took offense to that immediately. His grin was getting bigger. "You little-"

"-We made a deal~"

Smirking, Archie watches as his husband lays down on his lap, nuzzling his knee.

"You promised~"

"Mmmhmm. I did." Archie slips his hand under his shirt and starts running his fingers along his back, getting him to retract and squirm.

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