Chapter-3: Giving Up Not An Option

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We park in the front row of the hospital and I let out a long weary sigh.. Alicia puts her hand gently on my shoulder.. "Jake.. whatever happens I'm here for you.." I take a deep breath and get out of the car. We walk side by side as we enter the hospitals lobby. Natasha greets us at the receptionist desk.. "I'm glad you got here as fast as you did.. the specialist will see you now.. and I'm glad you are here sis" we follow Natasha to the back room where a tall white gentleman with a bald head and glasses. If I had to guess he's in his late 60s. "Ah you must be Jacob I'm Dr, Robinson.. please take a seat." Slowly Alicia and I sit down and Natasha leaves the room. "Before I begin do you want her in here sir? The information I'm about to give you is sensitive." I look at both of them "yes sir. She's known Emerald for her whole life. Practically her sister at this point" I respond. He looks at both of us before grabbing is folder labeled Emerald. "Okay Jake.. what your sister has is rare.. the hospital couldn't figure it out that's why they hired me.. your kitten sister has a blood disease.. but the good news is it's curable.. but that's where more bad news comes.. in order to perform the surgery we would need 10 thousand dollars. that would cover the high tech equipment we would need.. you see the disease she has how we would treat it is we would have to revive her blood in order to do that we would have to drain her blood entirely and put new blood in her. The high tech equipment we need would keep her alive for just the right amount of time for us to take her blood, take the disease out and put it back in her body. It's a very long and complicated surgery.. it's also very rare surgery.. there has inly been 15 total in the world.. and 9 of those was successful.." He finishes as I try to process everything he told me.. I put my face in my hands and control my emotions as I desperately want to let a tear loose.. All this information swirls in my mind as there is so much that I need to process.. like how am I going to come up with 10k and how can I trust a 60% chance surgery.. how long does she have left and the biggest question of them all is why.. why her... "Look Jake.. I know this is very hard to process but I need you to know that if we don't perform this surgery.. your little sister will die... the disease is only controllable 6 months after accruing it.. it's already been three months.." I look up at him this time letting a tear fall down my cheek.. "I.. I don't have that kind of money.. it would take me at least 3 months to get that money.." I put my face in my hands. I feel the doctor put a gentle hand on my shoulder "I'm so sorry young man.. I know this hurts.. if you have any questions please don't hesitate to reach out.." with that he leaves and the room is silent as I try to process all of this.. I feel Alicia rub my back. "Come on Jake we should go see her.." I give her a weak nod before letting her help me out of the room. Natasha walks up to us and her face falls at the sight of me.. I am fighting my emotions right now as this news has hit me in the gut and it's really hard to recover from right now.. Without a word Natasha takes me to Emeralds room. Emerald eyes widen as Alicia and I enter "Alicia!" Emerald says with excitement. "Hey kiddo I missed you" Alicia responds as she kneels next to her. I stand at the doorway trying to keep my emotions in check for Emerald. Natasha taps me on the shoulder when I turn and face her "I'm so sorry Jake.. " she says as she pulls me into a hug. I don't hug her back as I begin to feel numb. "That's my little sister and I only have three months left with her.. I mean come on u could barely afford to keep her in the hospital let alone 10k.. it's so unfair.." She let's go and gives me a saddened nod.. "I know.. I'm here if you need me.. I have to go back now.." she leaves and I return my attention towards the girls. Alicia sees me then gets up and walks towards me. "You're turn.. I'll be right here.." I enter the room and the moment I kneel down and take Emeralds little hand I begin to cry.. "Why are you crying" Emerald says. I wipe my eyes and let my emotions take control.. "you.. are very sick and I can't lose you.. I refuse.. your all I have" I respond while crying. I see a tear fall down her little cheek. "I want you to know that I love you so much Emerald and nothing will ever change that.." she squeezes my hand and wipes her cheek with her free hand.. "Brother tell me the truth.. how long do I have?" I look at her and her watery eyes gut check me. "Three months" I cry letting out more sobs.. "I don't want to die Jake.." she cries.. I gently press a soft kiss on her forehead.. "I know.. I know... I..." I can't even finish my sentence and push myself up and walk out of the room brushing past Alicia..

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