Chapter-7: Moving on

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The last week flew by. Turns out Emerald didn't start school last week, she starts school this week. We did a lot over the week got a massive hauls of food and essentials. We established some house rules as well not just for Emerald but for everyone because this place needs to feel like a home and everyone needs to feel welcome. I bought a few furniture items for everyone such as dressers and nightstands.. I also bought a massive 75inch T.V for the living room and mounted it to the wall. Besides all of the events over the past week Alicia and I have barely talked its almost like she is avoiding me.. I haven't messaged and or called Serena as a matter of fact nobody knows about her besides Natasha who I told because I am very confused and with Alicia ignoring me I don't know if I should be mad or just ignore her back.. I still love her which is making all of this harder.. Emerald is way to excited for school as she tells me every day that she can't wait to go to school and make new friends and she's eager to learn.. Natasha is still in an arm cast but tells me that she feels better every single day and as for the incident back at Arizona nobody talks about it as a matter of fact it hasn't been brought up all week.. As for me I am just confused and worried as Alicia's behavior is not normal.. I have tried to talk to her multiple times but every time she just either pushes me away or ignores me.. I'm almost to my snapping point.. I am now laying in bed a quarter past 7am just looking at the ceiling thinking about everything.. Shit should probable get out of bed now Emerald has to be at school by 8. I shoot out of bed and put on my grey sweats and a white t-shirt. I open the door quietly and walk over to Emeralds room only to see her bedroom light is on knowing that she is awake I make my way to the kitchen where a figure stands.. "Shit" I gasp startled as Natasha turns around and laughs.. "wow I scared you without trying that's a new one.." she giggles sipping a cup of coffee freshly made.. "what are you doing awake?" I respond. she looks me up and down as I grab a mug and pour some coffee into it.. "barely could sleep.. its been hard with this fucking cast.." she sighs and takes another sip.. I feel so bad for her and she is such a caring person and doesn't deserve what happened to her. "I'm really sorry Nat..." she sighs again just as Emeralds door opens and she runs out wearing blue jeans with a pink shirt and has her hair put up in a pony tail, She also has this adorable pink bow in her hair right above her left ear, and has her black backpack strapped to her.. She looks up at me and smiles.. "can we go now" she laughs putting a smile on me and Natasha's face. "can we take the mustang pretty please" I look down at her pleading eyes. "no kiddo we are taking the Impala I need to put gas in the mustang.." her face falls at my words "actually about that your Impala isn't here.. Alicia took it this morning to go to her job orientation.." Natasha says in a low tone.. I look at her in shock "are you kidding me?" I sigh and return my attention towards Emerald.. "Looks like its your lucky day.. Go grab my keys and start it up ill be there in a moment" Emerald nods and dashes to my room grabs the keys and dashes out of the house.. I wait until she closes the door before I face Natasha "so your telling me that not only is Alicia not talking to me but she takes my car without my permission? I didn't even know she got a job or how she got it.." She looks at me concerned.. "I'm assuming you still haven't messaged Serena?" she responds clearly changing the subject.. I stroke my chin.. "no I haven't and probably won't do it.." she looks at me with concern in her eyes.. "Jake you should message her.. I think you need to move on from Ali.. I know this is hard but you can't keep holding back on your life over a girl and yes I know this is my sister we are talking about but still.. I know you are mad at her and I know you are hurt that she is ignoring you but that's just her way of removing herself from the situation I mean you know that.. plus Jake I've seen you with the messages open remember I know you want to message her so just do it.." I take in her words and lean back against the counter and for a brief moment there is silence until I let out a weary sigh.. "Okay I know you're right.. I think I will message her.." I pause and let out another sigh "but whatever this is between Alicia and myself needs to end.. she wants me move on fine but I still love her and I don't want to lose my only best friend.." She looks me up and down with a understanding look in her eyes.. "I get it.. well she should be home at 11 you should talk to her then.." we share one last look before I turn towards the door and without another word I walk out of the house.. Once I get to the car I see Emerald patiently waiting in the passenger seat playin on her new phone.. I get in the car and throw on my seatbelt.. "Ready kiddo" she looks up at me with a wide smile.. "yes I'm so excited" I smile back at her before backing out of the parking spot.. One more thing we did well at least I did the past week is drive around town trying to learn where everything is.. I memorized where the grocery store is, the school for Emerald and a few other places.. The drive to the school is quiet as the whole time Emerald was looking out the window.. After about 15 minutes we pull up at the school.. I stop the car directly in front of the entrance. "have a good day at school kiddo.. ill be right here at three thirty to pick you up" suddenly without a word she pulls me into a hug.. Smiling I hold her back.. "I love you Jake" she whispers in my ear.. "I love you too now go before you are late" she lets go and with one last smile she gets out of the car shutting the door behind her.. Watching her walk towards the building puts a smile on my face.. Still parked I pull out my phone and bring up the messages for Serena.. I think back to what Natasha said to me.. Should I really do this.. Finally I just get the courage and begin typing.. "Hey Serena its Jake.. I don't know if you remember me or not but we met at the bar.. Sorry it took a while to message you.." I press send and throw my phone in the passenger seat.. Sighing I drive home.. In the middle of the drive my phone dings.. I don't pay attention to it and keep focus on the road.. I park in my normal parking spot and shut the car off.. I know that I have no choice now as there is nothing else distracting me from my phone.. I grab it and look at the notification Its indeed Serena "Heyy Jakee!!! I didn't think you would message me! How are you???" I smile at her message as a feeling of relief washes over me.. "I'm okay how are you?? and what are you doing up at 8 in the morning??" after I send the message I get out of the car and make my way inside.. Just as I enter the house my phone dings.. Natasha looks up at me from the couch.. We smile at one another before I walk into my room shutting the door behind me.. I fall back first on my bed pulling out my phone "I'm great!! and I normally work today but I have the next two weeks off vacation but can't shake the routine I guess.. what about you?" I smile to myself "had to take kiddo to school.." it takes roughly a few minutes before she responds "nice!!! how is she?" "she's good way to excited for school of all things lol" "Well a new school in a whole new town would do that.. so what's up?" I think of what to say next without messing things up.. "Just been thinking... finally I decided to message you.. honestly I remember that night and how easy it was to talk to you.." She doesn't respond right away.. roughly five minutes go bye still nothing.. Finally it dings I look at the massive message bestowed in front of me.. "Me too! You're easy to talk to as well man.. look I still remember everything we talked about and remember the situation you are in! I'm sorry if I made it weird for you by giving you my number!!! Honestly just had a great time with you and low-key wanted to be friends at the very least!" I read her message carefully before responding "No you didn't make it weird at all.. I was honestly thinking the same thing.. You are a kind person.. Would love to be your friend!!" A few moments later "yay!!! you just made my day! Hey I'm going to the mall, at around twelve wanna come? I promise this isn't a date;)" I smile reading her message "I think that would be fun see you there!" "Awesome!! see you soon!" with that I gently set my phone down and make my way to the living room where Natasha is still sitting on the couch this time reading a book.. She looks up at me and closes her book as I sit next to her.. "what's got you in a good mood and what were you doing in there?" I look at her and smile.. She reads my eyes and smiles back at me almost as if she knows what happened.. "You messaged her didn't you?" I nod I response.. "So how did it go?" I keep my eyes on her "It went really well actually.. I'm hanging out with her today at noon.." Natasha's smiles "good Jake I'm happy for you.. you deserve to be happy as well.." I look at her out of curiously.. "I need to ask why are you so curious about my happiness lately?" She looks at me and her facer falls almost if she is guilty about something.. "because Jake you spend all this time caring about everyone else and making sure all of us are settled in and happy but I haven't seen you do anything for yourself.. besides get the essentials.. you do so much for everyone else and I appreciate it I do but you need to make sure you are happy as well dude.. I may not be as close to you as Alicia and Emerald are but I still care about you.." she looks away for a moment allowing me to process everything.. I put a comforting hand on her leg which causes her to look back at me.. Her eyes still looking guilty.. "I appreciate that Nat.. But what makes me happy is seeing all of you happy.. I don't do these things just foe you guys.. the way I see it if I can do a good deed for those who I really care about then I am happy.. Ever since Emerald went to the hospital I changed my outlook on life.. Little things make me happy now.. and if it makes you feel better I did buy myself a mustang and yes I know Emerald wanted it but between you and me I saw it before she did but didn't say anything secretly hoping that she would want it to and look it all worked out.." I pause and let her reflect for a moment.. "and as for us Nat.. I feel you are close to me.. you were always there.. I know the things you did for Alicia and me and you continue to care for others.. You are my friend Natasha.. why else would I want you to live with us.." She gives me a weak smile but something different appears in her eyes.. "Thank you Jake.. you don't know how much that means to me.." I give her a small side hug making sure I don't hurt her arm.. "Ah Alicia should be here any minute are you ready?" I take a deep breath just as the front door opens and Alicia walks in but stops in her tracks when she sees me.. She slowly closes the door and tries to walk to her room but I get up and block her door just in time.. "We need to talk Ali and this time you won't be running and avoiding me.." While remaining silent she slowly backs away from me.. "There's nothing to talk about" she responds in a really low tone.. "Bullshit.. there's plenty.. lets start with the fact that you have been avoiding me all week and not to mention ignoring me every single time I try to talk to you.. oh and the fact you took my car without my permission to go to this orientation I knew nothing about.. So start talking" I respond with a raised voice trying not to yell but the anger inside of me is boiling.. "you don't need to know everything about me Jake.. and sorry I took your car its not like you don't have two.." she responds snippy but unable to meet my eyes.. I feel the anger reach a new level as the feeling of disrespect hits me like a truck.. "are you fucking kidding me Alicia.. you know what forget about the car I could care less.. Why are you avoiding me!" I respond.. She still doesn't look up at me "You're being overdramatic" she responds and that sets me off I can't control my thoughts now and or my words for a matter a fact "Oh I'm sorry.. right I'm being overdramatic so just let my best friend ignore me.. and act like I don't fucking matter anymore.. maybe I shouldn't care right" I snap at her and this time she looks up at me with hurt and anger in her eyes.. "Fuck you Jake you don't get what I'm going through.. you have such a perfect life!" she snaps back and her words make me take a step back.. "I have a fucking perfect life.. Me! The same guy that had to watch his best friend get slapped in front of him, oh and not to mention I have to resist the urge not to go to that prison and kick Chads ass for doing what he did to you just last week.. oh yeah my life's so fucking perfect Alicia.. oh just last month I almost watched my little sister fucking die!! I guess you forgot about that didn't you.. but yeah you're right my life's so perfect" I yell at her which forces Natasha to jump up and get in between us.. "That's enough both of you! Jake go.." I look at her in disbelief "No fuck her.. I do everything for her and this is how she repays me" I respond in a raised voice.. Alicia looks at me "Fuck you Jake.. you didn't have to do any of the things you did for me I never asked you too." she snaps back at me forcing me to look away from her in disbelief.. "you didn't ask me to have you ever thought I wanted to because oh yeah you're my best fucking friend!" I snapped back. "Ok you both need a chance to calm down" Natasha replied, I look up at Alicia staring me down in anger then I look back at Natasha who is giving me a pleading look.. "fine.. but this isn't over" I walk away from them and walk into my room and grab my phone.. Just as I am about to leave I look back at both of them "you know Alicia.. I know you are going through a lot right now I just didn't think you would push away our friendship.. I guess I was wrong" Alicia looks up at me but I leave the apartment slamming the door behind me not giving her a chance to respond.. Once I am inside my car I close my eyes and breath slowly reflecting on everything that was said back there.. How could she say the things she said.. Hell I said some fucked up shit as well.. Maybe I should cancel on Serena and go back up there.. You know what no.. I need a break.. I look up the mall on the GPS and drive off without another thought.. The drives takes about thirty minutes I also needed to stop and fill the car up.. I park the car and pull out my phone "I'm here where are you?" Almost instantly "I see your car! come inside and you'll see me sitting on a stool lol" I don't respond and get out of the car and walk inside leaving all the negative energy inside the car.. Once I get inside I instantly spot Serena she waves when she sees me.. She is wearing black sweats with a black top and a pick jacket.. Her hair is put up in pigtails.. She smiles as I walk up to her.. "Hey I'm glad you came!" she says in a happy tone of voice.. "Can I have a hug?" she asks.. I smile and hold my arms out.. She pulls me into a warm hug.. I hold her back.. Once we break the hug she looks up at me "Are you okay you seem off?" I look at her and force a smile "something just happened at home but I'm good.. Lets have some fun" I respond trying to be reassuring.. "Okay if you need someone to talk to I'm here" I smile at her this time its genuine "I appreciate that.. I've never been here so looks like you're my tour guide.. Her face lights up as she grabs my arm and drags me.. We stop at a store called Spice.. She drags me inside to a store filled with all kinds of different food spices ranging from little small bottles to 1 footers.. "I love it here dude there is so many different spices its crazy.. I come here every paycheck just cuz I love to combine different things to my cooking.. over here" she pulls me to a section in the store labeled spiced drinks.. "aren't these cool and they are actually good I promise.." she points at one labeled pumpkin spice java pair. "get it you wont regret it" she says with a smile on her face. I smile at her and grab a bottle.. she grabs one after me and we both walk up to the counter.. After we pay for our drinks we exit the store.. "try it" she says in a enthusiastic voice.. I twist off the and with a moments hesitation drink some of the soda.. The combination of the flavors is captivating "wow Serena this is bomb" she laughs and opens hers "told ya so ooh over here" she runs towards a store labeled fluffy builds.. I follow after her and walk inside a well crafted store filled with so many different kind of stuffed animals.. Serena runs grabs my arm and drags me to an area labeled tiny fluffs.. "I know its childish but I always wanted someone to buy me a tiny panda.. I mean I know its childish but still.." she drags me out of that store before I have any chance to respond.. She takes me to a store called and I cant make this up Just sports and its a pretty decent size store.. She pulls me inside and drags me to the football section. "okay when I said you're my tour guide this wasn't what I meant" I say laughing.. She looks at me with a happy smile and joy in her eyes.. "I'm sorry.. my friends don't like coming to the mall with me.. isn't this place cool though?" I smile at her and take another sip of my drink only to realize that I already drank it all.. Serena looks at me and laughs "well someone liked the drink a little more then I did" she giggles and begins looking at the jerseys "so what team?" I ask.. She looks at me and smiles "don't have one I just love the game." she looks at me and smiles widely "Jake I'm having fun" I look at her and smile back at her this time the smile feels genuine as the fight I just had is in the back of my head.. Me too Serena" she looks at me something different in her eyes.. "for what its worth I'm really happy you messaged me. I don't know there is just something about you that's different.. in a good way of course" I smile at her and briefly look away "Thank you Serena" she walks towards me and puts a comforting hand on my shoulder "what store would you like to hit up next?" I don't even think as I turn facing her.. "any game stores around here?" her face lights up as she grabs my arm and drags me out of the store.. We walk to the other side of the mall to a GameStop but this is massive.. "I was hoping you would say that.. She beams at me and walks inside.. "wait you game?" she looks at me and chuckles.. "yes I love gaming dude" I look at her and smile "no way me too now we have to game together" she looks at me with a confident smile on her face "ill hold you to that Jake" I laugh at her words and follow her to the pc section of the store.. "So any games you are excited for" I ask as I look at the games set to release this year and the next three years.. "I don't know yet. nothing really intrigues me right now what about you?" I look up and point at The last of us part three.. She looks at me and sighs "I don't know I'm still not over Joel's death.." she laughs and walks over to look at more games.. I look at the time on my phone and notice its 2:45. "oh shit I need to go pick up my little sister from school" She turns and faces me. "shit ill walk you to your car" with that she walks out of the store and I follow her all the way out to my car.. Once we get to the car I face her "look Serena I had a lot of fun today" she looks down and for a moment is silent like she is working up confidence or something.. She looks back up at me and smile "Me too Jake.. maybe we could continue this tonight?" she asks instantly looking away. "you mean as a date?" she looks at me with a sheepish grin "yes... if you can't I understand" For some reason I don't think about this.. "id love to where and when?" she looks at me wide eyed as if she wasn't expecting me to say yes.. She takes a moment and collects herself "oh um.. pick me up at 8:30?" She responds her voice calming with a hint of nervousness "8:30 at your place got it see you then Serena" she smiles at me then walks away.. I watch her walk away with a sense of happiness in my heart.. I get in the car and start it.. Before I know it I am on the road again with my mind at peace until I finally realize what I just did.. Did I really say yes to a date with someone I barely know? What about Ali-- No I can't think about all of that now.. I feel happy around Serena and I can't explain why.. She has such an amazing personality that its really hard not to like her.. What does this all mean? there is no way I already moved on from Alicia right? All those years of being in love with her can't already be gone right? I shove all of those thoughts away when I arrive at the school to Emerald waiting.. She gets in the car and puts on her seatbelt. "How was school kiddo" she looks at me with a wide smile "it was so much fun bro it was like a whole new world.. I already made a couple of friends as well" she responds in a upbeat tone.. I begin to drive. "That's awesome Em. I want to talk to you about something?" She looks up at me with the smile still planted on her face. "what's up?" I sigh and keep my eyes on the road. "So I have a date tonight and was wondering if one you are okay with it and two I was wondering if you can help me get ready" for a moment she is silent but the expression on her face doesn't change. I can see her look up at me from the corner of my eye. "Dude that's awesome of course I'm okay with it. and yes I would love to help you" I smile to myself and keep driving. After roughly twenty minutes I pull into the parking lot. Once I turn the car off I look at her "Are you sure your okay with this I mean its not Alicia and I know how fond you were of us" she smirks at me and lets out a sigh "dude I'm 10 I don't know what I want to do half the time I just want you to be happy" I smile at her "How did I get such a good little sister like you" she smiles at me and gets out of the car as do I.. We walk to the apartment together.. I open the door for her and watch her run inside. As I close the door I notice Natasha sitting on the couch reading a book. "is that all you do now?" she looks up at me and gives me a smug look. "I really can't do anything ya know kind of have a cast on" I laugh at her. "fair where's Alicia" Natasha smiles disappears "she's been in her room since the fight.." I sigh and begin walking to her room I can hear Natasha pleading behind me to stop but I don't listen. I open her door to her sitting on the bed. She jumps when she sees me. I close the door behind me and for a moment both of us are quiet.. "Look.. I know I have said some awful things today and I am sorry but I miss my best friend.. I know that you are going through a lot and believe me I know... but Alicia you are pushing me away and shutting yourself down" she pushes herself up off the bed and looks at me with hurt in her eyes "What do you want me to do Jake.." I sigh and look away trying to contain my anger and emotions as they are fighting me all at once finally I just let it go "I want you to be my best friend Alicia.. I didn't know that us not being together meant that we aren't friends.." I respond in an angered voice but once I notice I pause take a deep breath once I feel calmer and more relaxed I rethink my words and begin again "Look Alicia we have been through so much over the last several years.. I want you to know that I did what you asked and am starting to move on from a relationship with you but now I need you to do something for me and that's try to be my best friend again and what I mean by that is let me help you... talk to me again.. I remember when you and I would talk to each other about anything and everything because that's what best friends are supposed to do.." I pause once again and walk a little closer to her.. She looks up at me and I can still see the pain in her eyes..  "You are my rock Alicia.. Without you so much wouldn't be possible.. I love you so fucking much Alicia it kills me when we fight or we are mad at one another for a long period of time.." We gaze into one another's eyes for a moment longer as her eyes are filled with confusion and hurt.. After the moment has passed I begin to walk away the feeling of sadness waving through me as deep inside I just want to make things right with her.. "Jake... Wait" she cries her voice soft.. Slowly I turn to face her and see her eyes watery as she is desperately trying to contain her cries.. "I... I am so sorry for how I treated you.. I know you don't deserve it.. I wish I could control myself but the truth is Jake I'm in so much pain... What Chad did to me it really messed me up and I took it out on you.. Jake I know how much I mean to you and you know that you mean the world to me.." She pauses and wipes a tear that almost escaped from her right eye. "I love you too Jake.. and I will start letting you back in.. can you forgive me?" She looks away as if she's ashamed.. I gently put my hand under her chin and gently turn her head to look at me.. "I already have.. come here" I pull her into a hug and she holds me tight. We embrace and the bad feeling washes away. After a long while we pull away. "Now I have some good news" she looks up at me with curiosity in her eyes. "I'm going on a date tonight" her eyes go wide as if she's shocked and for a moment she doesn't respond.. Then after a moment a small smile creases her lips and something different glimpses in her eyes. "That's awesome Jake! Who is this mystery girl?" I take in her words and presentation to see if she's upset but based on her movements and actions I don't think she is so I calm myself down before responding. "Well when you broke it off with me last week I went to the bar to clear my head. Her name is Serena and we met at the bar. At the end of the night she gave me her number but I never used it until today out of respect for you.. After we had our fight today I went to the mall to hang out with her.. I had to leave because I needed to pick up little one and then and there she asked me on a date.." After I'm done something that I can't make out is in her eyes. She keeps that small smile and looks away for a moment. "I'm happy for you Jake.. you deserve to be happy. Did she tell you where you were going?" I shrug "no all she said was to pick her up at her place." She looks back up at me her brow raised "you know where she lives?" She asked in kind of a mentioned voice. "Yeah I took her home that night because she left her car so she could drink with her friends.." she is silent again and I still can't figure out if she's mad or genuinely happy. "Hey.. if you're not okay with this I'll cancel.." she looks at me wide eyed. "No Jake it's not that.. I want you to go. I promise" she responds with a huge smile on her face "plus I'm going to help you look good for this Serena" she says giggling after. "Well looks like you and Emerald are going to be a team" I respond feeling a little more comfortable. I grab the door knob but look back at her "Are you sure you're okay with this?" She walks a little closer to me and puts a comforting hand on my shoulder. "Of course I am Jake I told you to move on and I think this is best for our friendship. I promise I'm okay" she responds with a kind look in her eyes. I smile back at her as the feeling of guilt washes away. I honestly think that she's okay with this.. I believe her. After a moment of silence I open the door. Natasha stands up and walks towards us. She stops in her tracks when she sees the smiles on our faces. "I'm assuming you guys made up?" Natasha says in a concerned yet confused tone. Alicia steps forward and pulls her into a hug. "Yes we did and I'm sorry Nat.." Natasha holds her back. "It's okay I was more worried about you two" they pull apart and Alicia glances at me "we had a heart to heart and we are good now.. I'm also going to help him get ready for his date." Natasha looks at me in shock "date? Where have I been" she laughs. "I was kind of busy or else I would have told you" I laugh in response. "So are we going to get you ready or what?" Alicia says with excitement in her voice. "Yeah one moment.. Emerald! Its time" I respond. "Just a minute bro! I hear Emerald yell from her bedroom. I feel better now that Alicia and I seemed to settle our problems. Alicia well everyone in the house is so important to me.. I hope that Alicia knows now that I would do anything for her and she could talk to me whenever about whatever if she needs to. Emerald comes skipping out of her room with a big grin on her face. "Okay first order of business where are you going?" Emerald asks still filled with excitement. I just shrug "I don't know kiddo all she said was to pick her up at her place." She looks me up and down. "Okay on here's what we are going to do. I'm thinking jeans with a buttoned shirt. Not to fancy yes nice looking what do you think Alicia?" Emerald responds with a smile. Alicia looks at me then at Emerald. "You know what sweetheart I like that idea. Come on let's go pick his clothes" with that they both run into my bedroom leaving me alone with Natasha. "So are you two actually okay now? There was some pretty nasty stuff said earlier" she says in a low voice. I look at her "I think so... she acted a little strange when I told her I was going on a date but I've asked her several times if she wants me to cancel and she said no.. she wants me to be happy and she also said that she thinks we are better as friends.. so I believe we are okay" I respond feeling slightly confident. She looks at me and gives me a weak smile. "I'm just curious I've never seen you guys have a fight that bad before.. I'm worried." I look her in the eyes and smile "none that you have seen.. we have had very nasty fights before and I'm positive we will have more but right now unless she is a really good liar we will be okay" she gives me a knowing nod as Alicia and Emerald return with Emerald holding my brand new blue jeans and Alicia is holding a black buttoned up shirt with a broken skull emblem on the pocket.. I remember this shirt because Alicia bought it for me for my birthday last year.. I grab the clothes and pull them both into a hug.. "I love you girls" once I pull away Alicia puts a gentle hand on my shoulder "you should do something about that hair dude" she walks away giggling.. I jokingly roll my eyes and dash to the bathroom.. After putting on the clothes and looking in the mirror I realize that my hair is messed up.. After a few moments of trying to find what I want to do I finally slick my hair to the left.. After I'm confident I leave the bathroom to the girls waiting for me.. "wow Jake you look good if Serena doesn't think so she's missing out.." Alicia says in a soft sweet tone. I spend the hours I have left with the girls we all decided to play the long game that is called monopoly.. It was actually a great time as we all laughed and for the first time all week it felt like a heathy household.. We are deep in the game when I check my phone and its 7:40. "Alright ladies looks like I'm going bankrupt and I will give my properties to Emerald" Emerald beams with excitement as Alicia and Natasha groan.. "Not even fare bro" Natasha laughs. "hey its not my fault she's blood" I respond in laughter "Shut up and go have fun" Alicia responds with a smile.. I say my bye's to everyone before jumping in the mustang and driving off. I get to Serena's house at exactly 8:35. I take a deep breath before getting out of the car and nervously walking up to her door. I knock gently.. The door opens revealing Serena in a beautiful burgundy lace maxi dress, she has her hair curled ringlets style.. I don't have words as she smiles when she sees me.. "late and speechless nice" she giggles as she softly closes the door behind her.. I take in her beauty for a little longer until I snap out of it.. "You look beautiful Serena" she blushes and looks away.. "thank you, you don't look so bad yourself.." I hold my breath as she walks past me.. "here let me" I open the passenger door and let her sit down "what a gentleman" she says before sitting down.. When I walk to the drivers side I cant contain my smile.. I sit next to her and start the car. "okay so.. where are we going?" she giggles as she puts on her seatbelt.. "just drive dork and ill guide you" she responds.. I keep my eyes locked on her hooked on her beauty completely forgetting that I need to drive the car.. Finally I snap out of it and begin driving.. She guides me the whole way there and we are now parked at a restaurant that I really don't want to try top pronounce its name.. I quickly get out and walk over to her side.. Gently opening her door and watching her step out smiling as she does. "Thank you" she responds as we begin walking inside together.. We see the hostess and she guides us to a booth.. We sit across from one another.. "What can I get started for you guys on drinks?" the waiter asks.. "Ill take a root beer" I respond. "Ill take the same" she responds directly after.. The waiter nods then walks away.. We sit there in silence for a moment looking over the menu. So many different options ranging from Italian food to burgers. "Jake?" I look at her and smile.. "we've been sitting here for 10 minutes silent" she laughs her smile lighting up the room "I'm sorry.. haven't been on a date in years as you can tell I am very nervous" I respond. She flashes a smile and gently sets down her menu.. "well lets break that.. lets get to know one another" I look up at her just as the waiter returns. "yeah ill take the lasagna and he will have the same" she looks at me and mouths the words trust me. I hand the menu back to the waiter and he walks away.. "ask me anything" she says in a sweet tone.. "okay... um favorite childhood memory?" she smiles. "well that would be the day my mom and dad got married.. I was 8 at the time and they threw a beautiful wedding.. I remember my mom in this beautiful wavy white dress and god the smile on her face was surreal.. It was a good memory because its where my family really came together.. What about you Jake?" I remain silent for a moment taking in her words and thinking about how she presents herself when she tells stories.. "well.. lets see.. My favorite childhood memory would have to be the day Emerald was born.. You see my childhood wasn't glorious but when I got top hold my little sister for the first time it changed my outlook on life.. most kids you know hate getting a sibling" she nods in agreement as I continue "but not me.. I embraced it.. and 10 years later even though she can be a little sassy she's a true blessing in my life.." "that's awesome Jake.. I'm happy you have such a good bond with your sister.." "Thank you Serena.. your turn" she looks at me confused for a moment but something clicks "oh right questions.. um... what is your dream job?" "that's an easy one.. Mechanic... my dad was a mechanic and he taught me everything he knew.. Soon I want to open my own shop." She grins "that's awesome Jake! maybe you could look at my car for me its having a hard time starting" "would be my pleasure.. what about your ideal dream job" "well I love animals so defiantly a vet.. get to work with animals all day what's not to like" She takes a few sips of her root beer before giving me a look over.. "you know Jake I like that I can be open with you.. I don't know you're different from most guys." I look at her as our food arrives.. The lasagna is gorgeous looking as there is red sauce covered on top, its good sized as well. I look up at Serena and watch as she already has taken a few bites.. I laugh and pick up my fork and take a bite myself.. The flavors splash in my mouth as this is the best lasagna I have had in a long time. Its almost like they put in something to really make the sauce splash. "okay my turn what's the biggest mistake you ever made?" she looks up and almost spills her food on her dress. Chuckling at her I take another bite.. "um wow caught me off guard with that one. well it would probably have to be my last relationship. he was a sweet guy but really obsessive and what I mean by that is he constantly call me throughout the day and would message me every hour just to make sure I was alright.. It got to a point where I removed myself from the situation. I think dating him when I saw the signs was the mistake.. The first week I caught him stalking my Instagram and before you give me that look let me explain.. I caught him stalking my Instagram to the point where he liked every single one of my posts and he even liked every single comment I have made.. he was next lever obsessive.. so I broke up with him just before I moved here and blocked him on everything.. I hope I never see him again because geez man" she stops and digs in her food some more.. "wow that's crazy.." "yeah it was.. so what's your biggest mistake" "well lets see I don't think I have one well at least not yet anyway.." she looks at me with her brow raised "so what your perfect" she chuckles. "hell no I've made plenty of mistakes but none that were major." her expression suddenly changed as she looks serous.. "Jake I need to know something.. is this real?" her question catches me off guard that at first I don't know what to say "um.. why do you ask?" she lets out a weary sigh "its just I'm clearly falling for you and I need to know now if its a mistake or not.. because just last week you told me about how you felt about Alicia.. I just don't want to be hurt is all" she pauses expecting a response but before I give one the waiter comes by "dessert?" he asks. "we will let the lady pick" I respond.. she looks up at the waiter forcing a smile "we'll have the very strawberry cheesecake please" the waiter nods and walks away.. "Jake?" I look up at her and try to think of what to say but what's there to think about.. Alicia wants me to move on and Serena is an amazing girl.. inside I know what I need to do.. "yes Serena this is real.. I did have feelings for Alicia but she wants me to move on and you know what I want to as well.. I've had such a good time with you today that I don't want is to end.. I won't hurt you Serena.. I would be a fool to hurt such a kind hearted, amazing, and beautiful girl" she blushes a little just as the cheesecakes arrive. "well good because I like you" she replies with a smile.. This feels right as we both begin eating the delicious cheesecake. "and here is the check no rush guys" the waiter says as he sets down the check and with one last smile he leaves. We don't pay attention to the check and keep eating.. Once we finish we both scoot our plates to the middle of the table. I grab the check. "wow 55.86 you are an expensive date" in laugh as I pull out my wallet.. We gaze into one another's eyes "I'm having such a good time with you I don't want the night to end" she smiles widely at my comment and pushes herself up. "who says it has to end. I know this badass arcade we can go to.. what do you say?" I shoot up. "lets do it the nights still young" she smiles as we begin walking towards the counter.. The waiter rings us up and before we know it we are walking back to my car. "dude can I drive?" she asks in excitement.. "oh great well I had a dream car for about a week.. to bad its about to get destroyed" she chuckles and shoves me playfully.. I hand her the keys and get in the passenger seat. "this is awesome I've never driven one of these before" she starts the car and puts on her seatbelt. "well you are in for some fun.." we hit the road and I thought she was going to drive slow but she floors it once we get on the highway easily hitting 80. We manage to make it to the arcade in one peace. The arcade's exterior is well lit up as well as the parking lot. Its a decent size building as well. She shuts off the car and hands me the keys "See we are alive" she giggles before stepping out of the car.. This time she opens the door for me. "well thank you" We walk inside together and the interior is filled with it has to be over 200 games.. The building divides in three different sections with all of there own unique games. "are you excited" she says in an enthusiastic tone. "hell yeah this place is awesome." she responds by dragging me to the counter. She pulls out her wallet as I do the same. "put it away" I say as I hand the cashier my card. She looks at me and with a sigh puts away her wallet.. "we will do your battle pass" the battle pass was a option on the board that gives us unlimited access to games for three months.. its $200 but I could take Emerald here too she would love it. The cashier hands me my card back then hands me the gaming.. "okay sir the battle pass ends on this date it will be another $200 to renew when the time come" I give the cashier a nod before walking away Serena following close behind me. "I could have paid now I feel bad" she says in a low tone. "its fine lets have some fun" she turns her mood around quickly when she sees the air hockey table. "ready to get your ass kicked" she laughs as she jogs over to the game. We begin playing and instantly she hits it in a scores. "shit" I laugh. When the game is all said and done lets just say I lost 5-2. Kind of embarrassing if I do say so myself. "told you I was going to kick your ass" she laughs.. We spend the night walking around playing all different kinds of games. She is on a roll tonight as we went to the wheel of fortune you know the hard one that you barely can win well not for her she got the 1000 ticket jackpot in the first shot.. Throughout the night we would go back and forth winning a bunch of tickets.. A few hours pass by and I don't care as the amount of fun I am having with Serena is worth it.. We are now playing connect four basketball, She has three in a row lined up and its up to me to stop it.. I shoot the basketball and it lands exactly where I needed it. "you asshole" she laughs as she takes the basketball and shoots connecting in the corner. I realize that I have three stacked in the corner and am very lucky she didn't notice.. I shoot hoping and with a lucky bounce it wins me the game. "and that's game" I laugh she playfully pushes me "you got lucky I had you" she laughs as she pulls out here phone.. "Holy shit. its 3am dude" I look at her wide eyed "there's no way" she shows me her phone. "well shit.. want to see how many tickets we won?" she gives me a joyful nod and we begin walking to the cashier. The young girl scans my card. "you have 5,233 tickets." the lady says as she hands us back the card.. "dude what? how?" Serena responds shocked. "you really are modest aren't you little miss three jackpots" she playfully shoves me. "what do you what to do save them or spend them?" she asks in a sweet tone. "um lets save them and see how far we can go" she gives me a reassuring nod and we begin walking out.. Once we are outside the chilly night air surrounds us.. I notice that she is shivering.. "come on" I walk her to the car and open the passenger door for her. Once she's in I close the door after her and get in the drivers seat. After starting the car she looks at me with a wide smile on her face "I had a great time tonight Jake.. as a matter a fact I had an amazing day with you.. you're different.." she takes my hand and the feeling of warmth fills my heart. "I had an amazing time with you as well Serena.. to be honest going into today I didn't think I was ready but after the night we had I believe I am ready.." she looks away for a moment and I can see a small tear fall down the side of her cheek. "hey are you okay?" she wipes her face and looks at me. "oh no I'm all good Jake just.. you make me feel so happy.. like I really had an amazing time with you.. look I know its only been a day but I can be myself around you.. I don't know what it is.." I put a gentle hand on her shoulder. The feeling inside of me doesn't change as when I look at her I feel compassion. Serena is a very special person and I'm sure we both can't explain the bond we have. "let me take you home" with that I begin driving.. After I would say 20ish minutes of driving I pull up into her driveway. For a moment we don't move as the nights memories filter through my mind. "again Jake I had an amazing time" she begins to open the door as I get out and rush over to get it for her.. After closing the door we gaze into one another's eyes.. There is a unknown force that seemingly is pulling us together after a long moment we lean closer our lips close and our eyes locked as in this chilly morning we are the only two people that exist "are you sure" she says in a low uncertain yet sweet tone. "I'm sure" I respond. After a moment we both lean in for a soft tender kiss. Closing my eyes I take in her scent and the taste of her lips.. We pull apart breathless. "I'll call you tomorrow" She smiles at my words. "I'd love that" I watch her walk inside her house with the warmth still inside me..

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