Chapter-37: It happened when it shouldn't

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"Ahhh, Jake, wake up please. Jake!" I shoot up and look over at Alicia and watch as she panics with tears streaming down here face. I look down and see a small puddle of blood underneath  her. I scoot away from her and fall off the bed in shock. I scramble towards her and pick her up in a fireman's carry. She panics as she wraps her arms around my head. I help her out of the bedroom to Natasha standing in the kitchen. She looks as we enter and her eyes go wide. She drops her coffee mug and dashes towards me. "What the hell is going on?" she asks panicked. "I... I don't know. There was a puddle of blood under her." Natasha's facer falls. "Shit, she's having a miscarriage. You need to get her to the hospital and quick. Go! I'll tell Sandra you're coming." I hesitate as the news shocks me. Natasha looks at me with annoyance. "Jake, go! I will take Emerald to school." I give her a weak nod as Alicia, clearly in pain holds me tight nudging her head into my shoulder. I manage to grab my keys as Natasha hold the door open for us. Natasha follows us all the way to my car and holds the passenger door open for us. Carefully I sit Alicia down. "I..." Alicia tries to say but Natasha puts a gentle hand on her shoulder. "You are going to be okay. Go." I carefully shut the passenger door and dash to the drivers seat. With one last nod at Natasha I speed out of the parking lot and speed all the way to the hospital. At this point I don't care, I park right outside the hospital doors to a familiar girl seemingly waiting for us. I get out and the girl seems to recognize me and dashes towards me. "Jake right? I'm Sandra. Let me take over from here please." I give her a stern nod and hold open the passenger door. Alicia looks up at Sandra with her face dried up but still has a pained expression on her face. "Hey sweety. Can you walk?" Sandra says with a sweet smile. Alicia gives her a nervous nod and allows Sandra to help her out of the car. "Okay here's what's going to happen, I need to take her to the operating room and remove the baby. After that I will come and get you. Please be patient and I promise everything will be okay." Sandra explains to me in a brief yet sweet tone. All I can muster up is a weak nod as I am still speechless. I watch as Sandra carefully escorts Alicia inside the building. I shut the passenger door shut and get inside the drivers seat. After I park the car I get inside the lobby and begin waiting my mind racing. A couple hours go by finally I notice Natasha walking up to me with a weak smile. "Alicia will be okay, Sandra managed to get the baby out successfully. Sandra advises that she stay here for a few more hours so that the pain can ware off." I stand up and pull Natasha into a unsuspecting hug, she holds me back tightly for a moment before letting me go. The realization hits me like a mac truck. I just lost a kid. "How could this have happened, I mean I reduced her work load for the club, I made sure she ate properly, I--" Natasha puts a reassuring hand on my shoulder. "Jake its not your fault, a miscarriage can happen for many different reasons, stress being one of them." I take in her words and let out a weary sigh. "Wait, do you think the drama between us is what caused this?" Natasha's aura shifts. "I am not going to lie, yes I think that's what happened. Look, she was clearly in her head and the love she has for you is overwhelming. Anyway I need to go I have a surgery. You can go see her, she is in room 233. See you Jake." She goes to leave then stops short and looks at me again. "Oh, and don't worry about your bed I cleaned it all up for you and replaced the sheets and blankets are in the wash." With that she briskly walks away leaving me in my thoughts. I finally shake my thoughts and make my way towards her room. I enter and slowly close the door behind me. Alicia is sound asleep in the hospital bed. I pull up a chair and sit next to her. I take her hand and hold it, slowly stroking my thumb over the top of her hand. She slowly turns and looks at me, her eyes groggy. "Jake, I'm sorry." I give her hand a kiss and look up at her. Her eyes are now closed. I take a moment before letting go of her hand and leaning back into the chair. I can't seem to comprehend any of this, I don't know where to place my emotions. This shouldn't have happened. I scoot the chair closer and take her hand once again, I carefully lay my head down on her stomach and feel her calm breathing. After a little while I manage to fall asleep. I feel myself shaken awake, slowly with a blurry vision I see Sandra looking at me. I look around and realize that Alicia is standing near the door in her normal clothes and I am curled up on the chair. "You are now free to go." I slowly push myself up and rub my eyes. "What time is it?" I ask as I wake up. "Its, 145ish." Sandra responds. Alicia keeps her eyes on the door seemingly unable to meet my eyes. "Anyway, she is all cleared. I recommend going home and getting some rest." With that Sandra leaves us in awkward silence. The emotions are tame for the moment but I can tell from how Alicia won't look at me she is feeling something. I take her hand and together we walk out towards the lobby and out of the hospital. After helping her into my car we begin driving home. The whole drive home is complete silence. I can't lie the more she is silent towards me the more it gives me the chance to think about everything and the more it gets me mad. What if Natasha was right and this all happened because of the stupid fights we have been having. We don't say a word to each other when I park the car and when we walk to out apartment. I toss my keys onto the counter. "Jake can we please talk about what happened?" Alicia says in a low voice. I look at her for a split second before looking away again. "I really don't think that's a good idea Alicia." I watch in the corner of my eye her face fall. I hate to feel like this, I hate that I am mad. I know that she just lost a child and I can't imagine what she is going through emotionally, but I am mad at her. "Jake, why not." I look at her. "Because I am mad at you Alicia." I blurt out, I watch her face fall more as she shifts awkwardly. "Jake I" I throw my hands up like I am surrendering. "Like I said I don't want to talk about this. You need to go rest." She sizes me up and for a second she stands there, but then as I try to walk away she grabs my arm and forces me to look at her. "No. I am the one who should be feeling sad here I was the one that was carrying our child and I am the one that lost them. You don't know what that feels like, you don't know how guilty I feel. So we are going to talk about this." I glare at her and for a second I want to keep these emotions in but the urge is just to much. "Obviously, you don't know how to listen I never said I was sad, I said I was mad." She suddenly pushes me. "Fuck you Jake, you think I meant to do this." I stand there and rub my chin and chuckle to myself. "Drop this Alicia." I respond, trying to let the anger resolve itself. She glares at me and crosses her arms. "No." She responds. I look her in the eyes. "I don't want to say something I will regret. Drop this." I respond a little more stern the the last time. "She walks up and pushes me once again. I rub my chin and put my hands on my hips as she crosses her arms. "I promise, you don't want to do this. Last warning. Drop this." She stands there and scuffs. "No, I think I want to hear what you have to say." She responds. I rub my forehead and sigh as I tried to warn her. "Come on Jake why are you mad?" Her question got me. "I am pissed off because your stupid jealousy got our baby killed, I am pissed off that you stressed yourself out so damn bad over a fucking comment, I am mad that you keep fucking pushing me when you constantly tell me that violence terrifies you, I am pissed off that we can't be fucking happy because heaven forbid I look at another girl and you blow it out of proportion. I am fucking pissed off that because of you we lost the chance to raise our own child from the ground up." She looks at me eyes filled with rage. "None of this would have happened if you didn't take home some worthless drunk bitch home that night!" She responds her voice rattled yet angered. "Don't you dare call Serena a worthless bitch, she did nothing to you!" She scuffs and crosses her arms. "Oh, now you are defending her, you know what Jake just go be with her since you care about her so fucking much!" I begin to pace back and forth. "Oh for fuck sake Alicia are you really that stupid. Does the ring on your fucking finger mean absolutely nothing!" She glares at me, her eyes filled with rage. "Oh, for the love of god Jake. I am not the one in the wrong so stop acting like I am." I look at her brow raised and more anger seeps inside of me.

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