Chapter-6: New friends

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"Bro wake up" I hear Emeralds voice.. I open my eyes to Emerald looking at me she has her hair up in a pony tail and seems like she is dressed to take on the day.. Its been a couple of days since I heard from Alicia and I thought to call but what she is going through I can't help over the phone I need to be there in person.. Slowly I sit up in my bed and Emerald pulls me into a brief hug.. "I love you" she says in a low sweet tone.. "I love you too kiddo.." I push myself out of bed and walks gingerly to the bathroom.. "so? are we going to buy a car today?" she asks I turn and look at her.. "that wasn't the plan?" she smiles at me and plops on my bed.. "well I think we should.. I mean you have the money and we kind of need a vehicle.." I raise an eyebrow at her before splashing cold water on my face.. It feels refreshing as I turn my attention towards Emerald.. "let me guess you want to pick out the car" her face beams at my comment.. I smile back at her.. "well I guess it would get us out of the house for a little while.. She shakes her head and takes off out of the room in excitement.. I throw on my shoes and follow her out to the living room.. "are you excited for next week kiddo" she looks at me with the same smile she has had all morning.. "yes, yes I am actually.. it is something I am most looking forward to.. I finally can go make friends and be a kid again.." she looks at the ground and her face falls for a moment "you know Jake I really appreciate you.. you are defiantly the best big brother a kid could ask for" she looks back up at me her smile returning. "although you are lazy" I laugh at her comment and kneel down to her level.. "remember this kiddo.. you are the strongest little girl I have ever met in my life.." she pulls me into a hug and we hold each other tight.. "yeah I would totally beat you in a fight" she snarls after she lets go.. "oh really now" I snarl back at her.. We both walk outside to the cab already waiting for us.. Once we get into the cab the gentleman turns towards us.. "where to on this fine morning?" "the best dealership you know about please" he smiles then puts the vehicle in drive and off we go.. We ride in silence taking in the beautiful scenery of North Carolina.. so many tall and beautiful trees.. After what feels like a 30 minute drive the driver has stopped.. "alright sir that will be $75.62." the cab driver says.. I pay with the rest of the cash I have left then Emerald and I get out of the cab.. The dealership is beautiful with a wide range of cars surrounding us.. Together we both walk slowly into the lobby and are instantly greeted by a gentleman in a suit.. "welcome in how can I help you?" Emerald and I share a look before I give the gentleman with the name tag E, Williams.. "well we just moved to NC and need a vehicle.. the cab took us here.." the gentleman looks at me then gives us a faint smile.. "of course.. go ahead and look around on the lot and if you find anything you like come back to me.. All of the used vehicles will be on the right side of the lot and all of our new cars will be on the left side of the lot.." I give him a understanding nod before Emerald and I walk back outside.. "alright kiddo lets hope you have good taste.." she rolls her eyes at me and begins walking.. the lot is filled with so many different types of vehicles ranging from Ford to Chevy to Nissan.. I watch Emeralds eyes go wide before she bolts towards a nice looking black Chevy Impala.. by the look it looks like its a 2011 or 2012 the car seems to be in great shape as the paint isn't chipped or faded, it has a decent size spoiler on the back that makes the car look almost like a sports car.. it has a little crack on the front light but if this is the car we choose that will be a super easy fix.. I follow after her as she stands there admiring the car.. "this one kiddo? she looks up at me then just before she goes to answer she screams then takes off towards the other side of the lot.. "Em!" I yell as I follow after her.. I notice the source of her excitement as she checks out the car.. The car is a beautiful navy blue 2013 ford mustang convertible with a good sized spoiler on the back and black rims with what looks like black streaks on the lower part of the doors.. "this one can we get it pretty please" she asks in excitement.. I look at the price of the car and it states $22.000.. "Jesus that's pricy" I laugh but Emerald doesn't let up she keeps her eyes locked on me like a girl on a mission.. "okay go get the gentleman and we will take it for a test drive" she jumps up and down in excitement and takes off back towards the building.. I look at the car some more walking around it.. I notice there is a small dent on the real left side of the car.. the looks to have a stock exhaust.. I keep looking around the car and see the v8 emblem on the left-hand side of the car.. I take a peak on the inside and admire its well taken care of black interior with what seems to be leather seats.. Slowly I walk to the front and realize that the lights are stock as well.. not a bad looking car for its year.. I wonder what the mileage is.. I watch as Emerald comes back with the gentleman.. "ah the mustang.. what would you like to know?" I look up at him and smile "just the basics.." "well its a 2013 ford mustang with custom black rims, it has brand-new tires as well with a powerful v8 engine with 55k miles on it.. the previous owner was a older gentleman that didn't need the car anymore.. he said he wanted to fix it up but the rims was as far as he got.. would you like to take it for a test drive?" I look at Emerald and watch as she looks at me with excitement in her eyes. "yes lets do it.." "awesome let me go get the keys" he walks away and Emerald keeps her eyes locked on the car.. "don't get to excited kiddo it has to run good in order for us to take it home" she looks up at me with a pure smile.. "you can't tell me your not excited" I laugh at her as the gentleman returns and tosses me the keys.. I unlock the car and open the drivers door.. "oh can we ride with the top down" Emerald asks in a high pitched tone almost unable to contain her excitement. I look in between the gentleman and her.. "its your test ride do whatever feels comfortable" the gentleman says with a smile on his face I help Emerald into the back seat the gentleman and I sit down together.. I put the key in the ignition and turn the car over.. Its starts right up with a light roar from the engine.. In all my life I wanted a sports car but never thought I would drive one.. and now here I am potentially taking one home.. I give the car a couple of revs and love what I hear from the v8 engine.. "and to lower the top is this button right here.. you would first have to unlatch it of course.." the gentleman says.. I look over at Emerald and feel joy and happiness when I see how happy she is.. I can tell that in just her eyes alone she is in a good mood and very happy with everything as a matter of fact I don't think a smile has ever left her face since we moved down here.. I quickly realize I have dozed off so I turn away from Emerald and unlatch the top.. Emerald giggles in excitement as she watches the top slowly removes itself once it is done the nice cool breeze of this hot day feels so good as we all put on our seatbelts.. "we just moved here so I don't know the way around just yet" I say as I put my hand on the shifter.. "no problem ill guide you" the gentleman responds in a calm and confident tone.. in put the car in drive and take a deep breath.. I ease the gas pedal and off we go. he instructs me to go left and I do what he says.. the car runs smooth as we go left.. the speed limit is 35 so I push on it and feel the thrill of the car and savor the sound of the v8 engine roaring.. "Alright up here is the highway entrance.. I want you to get on and in two exits get off.. they are pretty spread out so you will get a feel for the car.. after you get off the exit you will make a left at the light and that road will lead you back to the dealership.." the gentleman says.. I make sure Emerald is buckled up before I begin driving onto the highway.. I slightly press down the gas and we roar up the on ramp.. before I know it I'm going 64.. I quickly maneuver to the fast lane of the highway. The ride feels so smooth as the thrill of the wind hitting our face, our hair blowing in the wind.. we pass the first exit.. we are currently going 75.. I see the next exit approaching.. looking over my shoulder I switch on my blinker and get over just in time to take the exit.. we make the left at the light and the rest of the way back is smooth.. based on how this car is running they took very good care of it.. it shifts beautifully almost if the transmission is new.. I take in everything my dad has taught me in evaluating a vehicle and this car passes all the criteria.. we pull back into the parking lot and the sales gentleman has men park the car at the front.. after we are parked I shut off the car and hand him the keys.. "well? thoughts? he asks.. I look back at Emerald who now has hair in her face.. I chuckle as she brushes her hair back.. "I love it come on bro lets get it please, please, please," she begs in excitement.. I think about everything and the main thing that's on my mind is that a sports car isn't ideally the best choice for a daily driver.. but when I look at the excitement and smile on Emeralds face its hard to resist.. I mean I am a pretty good mechanic so I know ill be able to take care of this car.. I look at the sales associate.. "we'll buy it.." I say with confidence.. Emeralds screams in excitement as we all exit the car the gentleman leads us to his desk and gestures for us to sit down.. "so finance?" he asks.. I shake my head.. "no buy outright.." he looks at me and gives me a wide smile.. "awesome ill be right back with the paperwork and the title.." with that he walks away... I see Emeralds excitement in her eyes.. I turn towards her as she does to me.. "now I know how excited you are but a car like that needs to be taken care of.. especially because they are not supposed to be daily drivers.." she looks up at me chuckling a little.. "why not just get the impala as well?" looking at her wide eyed "do you think I'm made of money kiddo?" she rolls her eyes "bro you have like 300 thousand dollars" she laughs.. We share a soft laugh as the gentleman comes back with a stack of paperwork.. Once he plops it on the desk "we would like another car as well" Emerald says in a strict tone.. I look at her and all she does is smirk at me.. "since she just put me on the spot we were interested in an impala out there before we attracted the mustang.." the gentleman sits down and pulls up the exact car we are talking about on the computer.. "this one?" he smiles.. I nod and his smile brightens.. "That car was brought to us with a blown Engine and a worn transmission.. We completely replaced both with a three year warranty.. With that the vehicle has only 5 miles on it and that was to make sure everything was taken care off and running properly.. hmm lets see its a 2011 with some cosmetic issues but we would take care of that for you.. Right now with the brand new engine and transmission we are looking at $35.000" he says with a smile as he returns his attention towards us.. "wow.. so how do I know you didn't turn the mileage? hate to ask such a question but my dad has had some bad experiences with false promises" the gentleman looks at me taken aback but then he smiles warmly at us.. "Look sir.. I know from experience that dealerships can be a scam and sell you lemons but that's not us here we pride ourselves in making sure the customer is satisfied so tell you what ill drop the price to $28.000 and add a three year warranty for both vehicles.. make it a one time special offer.. and please don't take this as I just want your service because that's not it.. you people seem like good people.." I give it thought as Emerald looks up at me for an answer.. I process everything from the fact that I will be spending $50.000 on just vehicles leaving me with roughly $295.000.. I look at Emerald and smile knowing now what the decision should be.. "Deal" I respond in a confident tone.. the gentleman smiles warmly at me before walking away once more.. I look down at Emerald who is beaming with excitement.. "since this was your fault you're helping me keep these cars alive and running" she rolls her eyes as the gentleman returns with another stack of papers... "Okay for the 2011 Chevy Impala and the 2013 ford mustang to take both vehicles home today that would be $53,587 that's taxes included.. and as soon as the payment is put through I will send the cars into the shop for a detail and fix what needs to be fixed for the Impala.. we also do have the titles on hand all you would need to do is get them in your name... we could process that for you for an extra $300 and have them mailed to your place.." after he finishes he looks back over at me.. I sigh and pull out my wallet.. "so $53,887 for everything correct" "that is correct sir" I look at Emerald one more time then hand the gentleman my card.. "awesome I will process that payment right now.. may I ask are you secretly rich sir?" I chuckle at his comment "oh god no just got a very lucky investment is all.." he laughs with mw as he processes my card.. "success sir let me go let my mechanic team know and we will get these cars detailed for you.. oh and we will take one over to your place since there is only one of you just pick the car you would like to drive" I look at Emerald and don't even bother to ask "Mustang" he gives me a knowing nod before disappearing.. After what feels like 15 minutes he returns with two documents.. "okay so here is a form all you need to do is put your personal information and your address so we can get the titles in your name and mailed to you.." I fill out both forms to the last detail before handing it to him.. he takes the forms and hands me a receipt.. "Okay this is a proof of title keep this on you until the title is mailed to you.. the cars are currently in the shop and it will be roughly an hour until they will be ready.. and I believe that's all on my part.. anything else I can do for you?" I push myself up and offer him my hand.. He shakes it kindly "no thank you.." "Awesome sir.. well you go ahead and make yourself comfortable and we will get your new vehicles to you.. congratulations" with that he leaves and Emerald and I walk over to the lobby and take a seat next to one another.. "I can't believe you made me buy two cars" I laugh.. Emerald pushes me playfully "you love me" she laughs.. I look at her and see that smile on her face something different and in her eyes you can tell that she is genially happy and as she should be.. but there is always that thought in the back of my mind.. so I turn towards her and give her a serious look.. "Look Em.. I want to make sure you are actually okay with all of this.." I pause and take a deep breath as the world around us fades and all the focus right now is solely on Emerald.. "what I mean by that kiddo is everything that has happened to you recently has happened son fast and I want to make sure that you are really in a good mental state.." she looks at me her smile fading.. I know my sister is strong and she has handled so much but I am only doing this because I want to make sure that she is really okay because the last thing that I want is for her to falter and force a smile on her face.. "Honestly Jake.. I'm hanging in there.. I am happy that we moved its just everything else.. mom and dad... my sickness... its all to much and I'm still a kid.." she puts her head down and I know that she is wanting to cry because she always does this thing where she will put her head down just so nobody can see her tears.. I put my hand on her upper back "I know kiddo life has been hard.. I want you to know that you can always come to me and I will help you through whatever you need... You are all the family I have left." for a moment she doesn't respond but I can hear her sniffling.. after a few moments she finally looks up at me her face wet around her eyes.. She wipes her eyes with her sleeves "may I ask you something?" I give her a subtle nod as she scoots closer towards me.. "am I to much to handle?" her questions catches me off guard.. slowly I take her hand and hold it tight.. "Kiddo of course not.. you're my little sister.. everything that has happened wasn't your fault.. yes I had to struggle a little but that was all worth it because of the fact that it kept you here... you being here is all that matters and god no you are not to much to handle.." she looks up at me with something different in her eyes.. "okay bro... I love you" before I answer she pulls me into a hug.. I hold her back tightly "I love you too" we embrace for a while before pulling away.. she smiles at me and lets go of my hand.. "okay bro enough about us.. you and Alicia spill it" she chuckles.. I don't look at her but chuckle to myself.. "where is the guy with the car keys" I laugh she shoves me.. "come on bro gossip to me" she laughs.. I look at her and roll my eyes.. "you are a pain you know that" I sigh as she gives me the pleading look.. "alright fine.. there is nothing going on I believe.. I mean we did kiss" she looks at me wide eyed "wait what a kiss? why aren't you excited" "well that's a great question why are you so curious about us anyway" she looks away awkwardly "just always thought you were cute together" I go to respond but notice the gentleman walking towards us with a set of keys.. "here is the Mustang.. the impala will be delivered in a couple of hours.. the mustang is parked just outside enjoy" with that the gentleman walks away.. Emerald smiles art me as she shoots up.. "you got lucky this time but I will get you to spill the beans" I laugh at her "just walk" she rolls her eyes jokingly and walks out the front doors.. the mustang sits just outside the doors nice and clean with the top up.. She gets in the passenger seat and puts on her seatbelt.. I look at the car and still can't believe that I own a sports car.. I get into the drivers seat and put on my seatbelt.. the car was detailed to the finer detail.. Emerald looks at me with a smile on her face. After a moment of taking all of this in I start the car. It roars to life putting a smile on my face.. Not knowing where I'm going I pull out my phone and put in my address on the GPS.. once that is all set up we begin to drive off.. The car is smooth and relaxing as we slowly drive onto the highway.. "someone's quiet what's up kiddo?" she looks at me and in the corner of my eye I can see a wide smile on her face.. "nothing bro... life is just so different now.. and once Alicia comes back we can be a family again I'm just really excited.. and I never thought I would say this but school is right around the corner for me... I guess living in the hospital for months really makes you think about life" I take in all the words she said as I maneuver the car to the off ramp.. "you sound like an adult.. you do know you are 10 right?" she laughs and gives me a light shove.. "Never talking to you again dude" she laughs as we slowly come up to a red light.. "well in all seriousness I'm happy you feel better.. like I said earlier we have a fresh start and not gonna lie kiddo I would love to reconnect the family once again.." I know after those words she's going to poke about Alicia and I but if I'm being honest with myself I have no clue what we are.. that kiss felt amazing and it felt real and I know it made me happy because I've always wanted to kiss her for years.. it just seems like life doesn't want us together.. thinking back we have had multiple attempted kisses ruined and the one time we get have the kiss the next day bullshit happens.. its all so weird.. I keep thinking to myself as I turn at the next light.. "did you hear me?" suddenly Emerald asks.. I look at her in confusion.. "no sorry what kiddo" I respond awkwardly.. She laughs "I said what are we going to do when she gets home?" her question catches me off guard as we pull into the apartment complex.. "well that's a good question.. I guess its a play it by ear kind of thing.. ready to go inside?" she gives me a stern nod and quickly exits the car.. I do the same and lock the car with the key fob.. "you are so teaching me how to drive this thing when the time is right" I look down at her and smile "well thankfully that's not for a few years so thank god" she gives me a light shove as we make our way up towards our apartment.. "the day has flew by huh kiddo" I ask as I put the key into the lock but when I go to unlock the door I realize that's its already unlocked.. "kiddo get behind me" Emerald does as I asked and slowly stands behind me as slowly I open the door to Alicia and Natasha sitting on the couch.. Alicia beams when she sees me and runs up to me.. before I can react she pulls me into a tight hug.. I hold her back and look at Natasha who is wearing an arm brace on her right arm and a boot on her left ankle.. "is everything okay" I ask as Alicia slowly lets go.. I notice the marks on her neck and feel anger rise inside of me.. Emerald rushes over and pulls Alicia into a hug as I shut and lock the door behind us.. They embrace heavily as I make my way towards Natasha. "so how are you holding up" she looks at me with a weak smile as I sit next to her.. she takes her eyes off of me and focuses on Alicia who is still hugging Emerald.. "I'm worried Jake.. she has been through so much and watching her breakdown the other day.. I guess I'm just worried.. I don't want her to do anything rash.." I put a comforting hand on her shoulder "now that you are here things will go back to being on track.. I firmly believe that.." she gives me a sweet smile with a little more confidence in her eyes.. Finally they break the hug and turn towards us.. "so where is all of your stuff Nat? also when did you get here?" I ask.. Natasha looks at me and tries to push herself up.. Alicia rushes over and helps her up.. "dammit Nat.. you need to be careful.." Natasha rolls her eyes and turns her attention towards me.. "I sold everything except for the car.. that's currently being shipped over here.. we didn't feel like driving and as for when we got here I would say an hour ago give or take" I smile at them both "well I'm happy you are here and away from that hell.. Nat go ahead and make yourself at home.. and Alicia you have to see what Emerald made me buy" Emerald pushes me jokingly before skipping to her room.. "okay" Alicia responds before turning her attention towards Natasha "will you be okay?" Nat looks up at Alicia and gives her a soft smile.. "you have took enough care of me the last week.. go" with that Natasha walks into Alicia's room.. I grab Alicia's hand and practically pull her out the door.. She follows me towards the mustang. Once we get to the car her eyes light up.. "my god Jake is this really yours?" I give her a subtle nod and watch as she checks out the car.. Seeing the small smile on her face makes me happy as she walks around the car.. "I also have an impala it should be arriving shortly.." she looks up at me before walking towards me.. "that's amazing Jake I'm so happy for you... can we talk?" she says in a shy tone of voice and I know she is going to tell me I don't want to hear.. Knowing Alicia this long I can tell when she gets shy and or awkward that its normally bad news.. "what's up?" her face falls as she is currently unable to meet my eyes.. "It's about our kiss..." "what about it?" she takes a deep breath "I think you should move on... after this past week I realized that I really shouldn't be in a relationship... I'm damaged.. I will just drag you down.." her words are like a knife to the gut as I am trying to comprehend where this is coming from "Alicia don't say that.. you know that kiss was real.. and whatever is going on you know ill be here to help.." She snaps up looking me in the eyes.. her eyes are filled with hurt almost like she is traumatized "you see Jake that's the problem.. you shouldn't have to always look out for me or do everything for me I should be doing the same back.. it should be equal and I'm sorry Jake but I can't do that.. you need to move on because I'm bad news" she pauses as a lonely tear falls down her cheek.. I go to retort but she walks away leaving me alone on the sidewalk.. I can't begin to comprehend anything as my heart throbs.. we were just fine before she left and I know what she has been through the past week but none of that was her fault.. she isn't damaged.. She is such a good person I just wish that she realized that and stopped blaming herself.. I am so deep in thought that I don't realize that there is a tow truck parked right next to me.. I look over and see that its my impala.. The driver walks over to me with a confident smile "Jake?" I give him a stern nod.. "awesome ill park it right next to your mustang.. here are the keys and ill lock the spare in the car have a great day" with that he walks away.. I let out a deep sigh before making my way back up to the apartment.. Once I am inside the aura is different as Natasha and Emerald are sitting on the couch and Alicia's bedroom door is closed.. "Hey I think am gonna go for a drive.. ill see you soon.. and here" I pause and toss Nat my impala keys.. "take the car if you need food.. tomorrow we need to go shopping and get essentials for the house.. and Emerald be on your best behavior please.." they both look up at me with concern in there eyes.. I don't say another word and proceed to walk out of the house... Once I get to my Mustang I get inside and slam the door.. I grip the steering wheel and take a deep breath.. I thought everything would be okay.. I thought that this move would make her happy.. I thought that the kiss we had was real.. and I know what hell she's been through and I don't blame her for thinking what she's thinking but I wish she just knew that I wouldn't ever hurt her and that she isn't a damaged person.. what all do I need to do to wake her up... or is this all a lost cause and maybe I should really move on.. this is all so confusing.. I am too deep in my thought that I already started driving and have absolutely no clue where I am at.. nighttime begins to arise as these thoughts consume me.. On my right is a well lit, good sized bar with a massive parking lot.. I decide to pull into the lot and park the car.. Maybe a couple of drinks will get my mind off of things.. I get out of the car lock it then walk into the bar.. Its massive on the inside with a small dance floor, a DJ and to the left is the bar.. The music is loud and popping as many people are dancing and some people are sitting at the tables in the middle.. I sit in one of the stools as a skinny, black young man with short brown hair, light brown eyes, a clean shaved face wearing a black shirt with jeans walks towards me.. 

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