Chapter-4: Fresh Start?

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It has to be late at night when I am scared awake by my phone ringing.. Slowly I check my phone and notice the time is 4:38 in the morning.. The number is private so I am just taking a shot in the dark.. "Hello?" I respond nervously. "Jake right?" "Yes this is him?" "awesome this is Dr. Robinson I have some good news.. after a long night I am happy to say the surgery went well and I can confidently say that after a few more tests your little sister can come home as soon as non today... I need to warn you that she did lose some blood during the procedure so she will need at least a couple days rest before she is back at full strength.. I also need to tell you that you got us the funds at the best time.. I won't go into specific's.. hope to see you at noon.." I feel my heart racing a million beats per second and my mind freaking out as the pain of the last three months is finally over.. "Thank you sir thank you so much.. you don't know how much this means to me.." "Of course Jake.. see you soon.." he hangs up and I sit up in bed and cant help but feel happy that in just a few hours I am going to get my sister back.. the excitement that I have is pumping in my blood.. I set an alarm for 11:00 and go back underneath the covers.. My alarm goes off and immediately I shoot awake and snooze the alarm.. Yawning I make my way to the kitchen where Alicia is standing in the corner drinking coffee.. Her hair is put up in a tight bun. She smiles when she sees me.. "heard anything yet?" she asks before taking another delicate sip of her coffee.. I cant contain my excitement any longer "Yes Dr. Robinson called me last night and said that the surgery went well.. we are going to pick her up at noon today" she jumps up and down in excitement and pulls me into a massive hug.. "Oh my god I'm so happy Jake" I hold her tight and we embrace for a moment longer before pulling apart mere inches away from one another "none of this would have happened if it wasn't for you.. thank you so much Alicia sincerely" she gives me a wide smile as she slowly turns away and takes another sip of her coffee.. "stop Jake you're going to make me tear up.." she takes another long sip before gently setting it down on the counter.. "I do have a question.. where am I going to sleep after Emerald returns?" I take in her question then look around the house.. "well you can take my bed and ill take the couch and before you say no I want you to remember that it won't be permanent. I think after Emerald returns she's going to want input on where we move.." she looks at me with curiosity in her eyes.. "I wasn't going to retort.. I wanted your bed.. we should probably get ready.. I know that Emerald is going to want out of there as fast as possible.." I laugh at her comment and make my way to my room. Quickly I change into jeans with black shirt that has HHH imprinted on the front.. Once I get back to the kitchen Alicia just laughs at me.. "of course he is wearing a Triple H shirt" I look at her and raise an eyebrow.. "didn't you I don't know want to marry this man" she gives me a friendly push. "fuck you can we go now" I feel a huge smile crease on my face as I grab my car keys and we exit the house.. I drive like a maniac running from the police. We make it to the hospital in seemingly record with twenty minutes to spare.. "Jesus dude.. you know we need to be alive to see Emerald right" Alicia laughs as she exits the car.. I slowly follow after her with a whirlwind of emotions.. She looks at me "are you ready to get your sister back?" I look at her and smile warmly.. "lets do this" she offers me her hand and I take it and together we walk towards the hospital doors.. after every step more emotions I need to contain.. we let go as soon as we enter the hospital.. I notice Natasha and she notices me and gives me a wide smile as we walk up to her.. She pulls us both into a quick hug.. "I'm so happy for you Jake.. you and that little girl deserve a second chance.. here I am going to get her.." with that Natasha disappears into the hall.. I feel so many different emotions that I can't seem to comprehend if they are good or bad or both.. "Jake?" I hear a weakened Emeralds voice from behind.. I watch Alicia put her hands on her mouth as if she is trying not to cry.. Slowly I turn to Emerald standing there in her normal cloths.. She suddenly runs up to me and pulls me into a hug as I get down on my knees.. We hold each other tightly.. "God I missed you so much big brother" she cries.. I hold her tighter as I begin to cry on her shoulder.. "I missed you so much kiddo" we keep holding one another as the world around us seems to fade.. Finally after a very long time we pull apart.. "are you ready to go home" she gives me a weakened smile.. "yes please" I pick her up and let her wrap her arms around my neck.. With one last glance we begin walking out of the hospital.. Once we get to the car I grab my keys and toss them to Alicia.. She gives me an knowing nod as I carefully sit Emerald in the back seat.. Once she is safe in the car I get in on the other side and let her lay her head down on my lap.. After a short drive we are home.. Alicia shuts off the car and opens my door for me.. Slowly I grab Emerald and carry her inside.. I take her to her room and gently lay her on the bed.. Once she is snuggled into the covers I give her a soft kiss on the forehead.. "I love you kiddo now get some sleep.." she looks up at me.. "will you be here when I wake up" she asks barely able to keep her eyes open.. "of course kiddo" with a faint little smile she falls asleep and I sit there for a moment.. I am so happy to have my little sister back.. I slowly and quietly leave the room.. Alicia is sitting on the couch.. I sit next to her and for a moment we are both quiet.. "So? you know where I really want to move to?" she says happily.. I look at her and smile.. "Raleigh north Carolina I'm guessing" Her smile widens at my words.. "you.. remembered.." I look at her and smile "of course Ali.. I know almost everything about you.." she keeps her eyes gazed on me memorized.. For a moment I get lost in her eyes until she breaks the gaze.. "right well we need to discuss apartments and when we are going to pack up and transfer our things.. luckily I have the money.." She looks at me and smiles as she opens her phone "well.. we could live here its called Broadstone.. its so gorgeous and its in our price range.." I look at the images of this beautiful luxury apartment.. "you really thought about this haven't you?" she gives me a reassuring nod.. "Call them" she looks at me in shock at my words.. "what about Emerald?" I let out a little chuckle "the moment she sees that pool and how those apartments look she wont care trust me" Alicia gives me a wide smile before dialing the number on her phone and disappearing into my room.. I lay back on the couch and close my eyes just for moments later Alicia runs back in the room. "They said they have one available and it wont be ready for another week. are you sure you want to do this.. its a massive move.. it is something that could change all of our lives.." I give her a strong smile as the mindset of starting fresh is imprinted inside my head.. "I'm sure Alicia.. it changes everything yes but for the better in my opinion.. its a fresh start for you, me and Emerald. Its a way to meet new friends start new careers and so on and so forth and if you are worried about Em I promise she will be on board with everything.. before she was hospitalized she always told me that she wants nothing to do with living here anymore.. book it and ask them what we would need up front.. I promise everything will be worth it.. the only hard part is saying goodbye to at this point one person and that's Natasha.. everything else will be easy.." she sizes me up her eyes unreadable until she puts the phone back up to her ear.. "we'll take it.. yes the three bedroom two bath.. now let me explain the situation" she says into the phone before giving me a faint smile and disappearing once more.. I push myself up and walk back to Emeralds room.. I watch as she sleeps peacefully in her bed.. the feeling of warmth overcomes my body as it is so good to see her back.. those three months may not sound long but when its someone you love and cherish and honestly one of the only people left in your life those three months felt like three years.. I want her to be happy.. I want her to grow up and be an independent women and most importantly I want her to be able to live life to the fullest.. its what mom and dad would have wanted.. My thoughts are interrupted when Alicia taps me on the shoulder "its ours" she yells in excitement.. I can't contain my laughter as I motion her to shush.. but the groaning behind me signals its to late.. "hello kid trying to sleep here" Emerald laughs as she slowly sits up in her bed. Alicia and I sit on the bed with her.. "its good that you are awake.. we want to talk to you about something.." she looks at me with curiosity in her eyes.. "yeah?" She responds with a faint smile.. Alicia and I share a glance before I slowly take Emeralds hand.. "in order to get you out of that hospital we needed ton sell the house.. we have gained a lot of money and honestly kiddo we are done with Arizona.. we found an apartment in North Carolina somewhere Alicia has always wanted to live and we are going.. but I need you to know that if you feel that this is to rushed or you want to stay we will cancel the plans.. I know this is a bombshell to drop on you just after you got out of the hospital but--" I am interrupted by Emerald putting her hand up.. "lets do it bro.. honestly I hate it here.. this house everything.. I was never happy bro.. not since mom and dad died.. the only thing that made me happy was being your little sister.. and plus it looks like we are all going to live together.. by the way its about time you two got together.." Alicia and I share an awkward glance before returning our gaze to Emerald.. "we aren't together kiddo" Emerald raises an eyebrow at us.. "Well honestly you should be.. but that's just a little girls opinion what do I know.. when are we moving?" Emerald says with a little attitude.. "Since that day its been hectic and very busy as we came to a mutual agreement that all of our belongings can stay behind so we can start completely fresh.. I sold my car for 2 grand and put that money in a separate bank account labeled Emeralds Savings account. The packing up the house and trying to sell all of our things in such a short timeframe was the biggest problem.. The plane ride was long and trying to find the apartment was hilarious because obviously we had no clue where we were going.. Emerald has felt so much better and she is cheery and seems to be genuinely happy about everything that's going on.. Its a first for all of us starting completely over like we did.. we left Arizona with the clothes on our backs and each other and that's it but based on how everyone feels its worth it.. Now we are standing just outside the apartments main office.. "are you both ready for this? I say nervously.. they both give me a weak smile as Emerald takes my hand.. Slowly we walk inside the office and are greeted by a lovely older gentlemen with dark brown eyes, pail white skin with slight old man wrinkles just under his chin and a little on his face.. the gentleman has to be older then 60 "Hey.. you must be Alicia Brooklyn, Jacob Wilson and of course Emerald Wilson.. I am so happy you chose to live here.. take a seat and lets get you situated.." we all sit down as the gentlemen continues "I'm Greig. I'm currently the property manager here.. Alright.. so our pool hours are 7am to 11pm daily.. yes that includes during the winter as we have well trained pool guys maintaining the pool daily.. the gym is 24/7 just make sure you clean up after yourself.. you folks will be living in this apartment here" he stops and hands us two sets of keys with the apartment number on an attached emblem.. "okay it looks like you are all set as it seems you have paid everything.. please don't hesitate to call if you need anything" we all stand up and shake Greig's hand before leaving the office.. It takes us twenty minutes to find our apartment but at last we are here.. "Bro may I please" Emerald asks pointing at the lock on the door. I hand her the keys laughing at her jumping up an down in excitement.. She puts the key in the keyhole and slowly dramatically opens the door revealing our beautiful apartment.. "wow its even better then the photos" Alicia cries as we all walk inside.. "ooh I call this room" Emerald yells as she runs to the first room on the left.. "Alright it looks like I'm taking this one.. enjoy your own bathroom all to yourself little man" Alicia laughs as she tours her room.. Softly I close the door behind me and take in the beauty of this apartment.. "bro this apartments is badass" I hear Emerald yell in her room.. I laugh to myself "hey language" she runs out of the room and pulls me into a warm hug.. "this place is beautiful bro I'm so happy he decided to do this" she says with a little sweet in her voice.. Alicia walks back from the room and smiles warmly at us.. After a moment we finally break apart. "well thankfully we still have a little daylight.. we need to get beds or we will be sleeping on the floor for our first night here.." I say as I pull out my phone and look up furniture places near me.. Alicia seemingly does the same and Emerald just stands there admiring the apartment with a massive cute smile on her face.. She hasn't had that big of a smile in a couple of years... don't get me wrong Emerald has been happy a couple of times but she keeps holding onto things of the past and rightfully so.. I probably didn't help with the amount of working I had to do to keep food on the table for us... Despite her age she is a tough cookie to bite into that's for sure.. "okay it says there should be a furniture store a few miles from here.. I have google maps pulled up if we all want to start walking" Alicia says with a little laugh after.. Alicia is a special women that in my life has always kept me positive.. we have had our fair share of ups and downs but I know that no fight is bigger then our friendship.. "well what are we waiting for" Emerald says with a laugh.. We all leave the apartment and Alicia locks it up and shoves one set of keys in her pocket.. As we begin walking taking in the beautiful scenery of this gorgeous city.. I keep reading online that this is the city of oaks and I'm starting to see why as we pass many different oak trees that are grown beautifully and in many different sizes.. as we keep walking I see the smile on both Alicia's and Emerald's face widen as they both seem to love the scenery as well.. What I'm feeling is unmatched as the feeling of worry is now gone and I can feel free to add happiness back into my life.. the sense that everything very well could be okay once again.. Soon we will all settle down and really make this place a home and I am completely here for it.. I want both of these girls walking with me right now to be happy as they deserve the world.. I know sometimes I don't give myself credit but this is something good for me as well, something that resembles a fresh start away from the same job, the same house, the same atmosphere.. a brand new life basically a massive reset button.. We round the corner to a semi big furniture store.. Alicia gives me a knowing look before making her way inside followed by Emerald.. I take a deep breath and follow after them.. The store is beautiful with all different types of furniture set up in different sections.. Emerald immediately rushes over to a beautiful blue velvet sectional with a matching foot rest.. She beams at me as she sits on the sectional.. Alicia slowly walks over and sits next to her.. "wow.. its so smooth.." she says with a smile as they both look up at me with puppy dog eyes.. I chuckle as a worker walks over to me.. "hey how much for the sectional?" the young worker pulls out his work phone and seems to looks up the product.. "that specific one will be after tax $1,212" I look at the girls wide eyed then back at the worker.. "we will take it.. a couple questions we are new here and have no way to get anything we buy here home.. do you deliver? and where are your beds?" the young worker puts away his phone and smiles warmly at me... "welcome to North Carolina.. and yes we do deliver but there is a $50-$100 fee depending on the distance.. and beds are in section 14.. anything else I can help you with?" I look at the girls then back at the worker with a welcoming smile.. "no that should do it.. thank you.." the worker walks over to the sectional and takes the price tag off and replaces it with a sold tag.. Emerald runs off the sectional and dashes in the direction of the beds to the laughter of Alicia and myself.. "geez we must have recharged her inner kid.. how many energy drinks did you give her dude" Alicia says with a huge smile on her face.. I look at her with an eyebrow raise.. "Me I say you two switching drinks back and forth on that plan I'm not dumb" She just shrugs and runs after Emerald.. I follow after them but at a slow pace admiring there happiness as they are laughing and bonding together.. They end up both disappearing around the corner leaving me to walk after them.. I find them standing in front of two well made queen sized beds.. "okay kiddo here is the deal you can get whatever design you want but it has to be your size deal?" she looks up at my words and smiles warmly at me before wondering off walking towards the twin and full sized beds. "what about me? I think I deserve a queen" Alicia says with a pleading look in her eyes.. After a moment I roll my eyes.. "okay fine what ever happened to your money?" she looks at me and raises an eyebrow "what money" she laughs before walking away to check out more furniture.. I manage to find a nice bed for myself with a silky wooden frame.. After a while Emerald finally finds a bed she likes.. Its a twin sized bed with a silky black frame and a purple bed set that seems to come with the bed.. Oddly enough the same young worker walks around the corner.. "just so you folks know we are closing in 20 minutes so if you want things delivered I would advise buying everything now.. After a long process of showing the young man everything we wanted to purchasing the items.. The people delivering were so cool.. they carpooled us home and volunteered to take the stuff up for us not to mention set up the beds in each room with no extra charge.. After everything is set up they leave leaving me and the girls standing in the living room admiring out new sectional.. We all plop on the sectional and look up at the wall.. The room seems filled with joy a happiness as we all seem to be in such a great mood who know if anything can change that right now.. "alright.. I think for our first meal in our new apartment should be pizza.. why don't you girls relax and ill go order the food.. " I leave the girls for a moment and walk into my room.. I look up the local pizza place closest to our apartment.. I order two pepperonis and two cheeses.. once I was done I sit back down next to the girls who seem to be in deep discussion with one another..

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