Chapter-28: Plotting

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After I hang up on Jake I walk out of the storage room and make my way towards the MDU when I stop short to Loren talking to another attending in a empty room. "And the way she cried. It was so hilarious, and to think that sob story of a human is Natasha's sister. What a loser" I overhear Loren laugh. Anger takes over me as I angrily interrupt their conversation by storming into the room. "You. Leave. Now!" I say to the other attending, she rolls her eyes but leaves. I turn my attention towards Loren. "How dare you? That is my fucking sister you are messing with!" she looks at me with the same cocky look she always has. Suddenly she plants a massive grin on her face. "The way she cried, that just made my day." She responds with a cocky tone. I walk closer to her and watch as her smile disappears. "I know you have some bullshit beef with me, but now you brought my family into this. I will make you pay." She stands there for a moment but bursts out laughing. "You're so cute thinking you could actually do something. Lets face the facts shall we. You are just a intern and I am an attending. The Chief may like you but that will all change. So if you want to keep your job this little altercation with your sister remains with us or else I will make your life a living hell"  I don't back down from her threats instead I stare her down and for a moment she does the same until she shrugs her shoulders and saunters out of the room leaving me with my anger. I am about to let out a scream, "Natasha?" I turn around to Liam standing behind me. "Jesus you look pissed off." I raise a brow and he backs away "Pissed off is a understatement." I don't say another word and walk out of the room only for him to stop me by gently grabbing my arm. "Okay, seriously don't let Loren get under your skin, she's just a bitch who is jealous." I look up at him. "Its personal now, She has my sister at home devastated because Loren found out she was my sister and told her that her baby is killing her" Liam's eyes go wide. He grabs my arm and practically pulls me into the supply closet and shuts the door behind him. "If this is your way to have sex with me now's not the time" he looks at me brow raised. "As much as I would want that no that's not why I brought you in here, there was another intern that Loren did this kind of shit to. Her name is Arissa and she was bullied by Loren. Loren got her fired because of some stupid shit." My brow raises as he sighs. "I am telling you this because I like you and don't want you to be fired too, go to Sandra and ask her about Arissa and I guarantee she will give you her number, contact her and I bet she will help you get revenge on Loren and finally give her a taste of her own medicine." For a moment I process everything he said. "Thank you Liam I will do that right now" I go to leave but stop and turn my head towards him making it where he only sees half my face "oh and if you want to go on a date with me so badly maybe just ask" he looks at me shocked as I leave the room. Leaving a handsome British man speechless is a win in itself. I walk up to Sandra who frowns when she sees me. "Where were you Natasha the Chief is pissed." I brush off her comments "Do you know anyone named Arissa?" She gives me a knowing look. "Why?" I give her a look and she recognizes it and sighs. "Yes I know Arissa, Liam told you didn't he?" I nod and she sighs again. "You need to drop this Natasha, Loren is a powerful enemy and she always gets what she wants." I lean in to where only she can hear me. "She brought my little sister into this. I need to put the rapid dog down for good." She doesn't respond for a moment but finally she pulls out her phone and after a second she turns it to face me. I pull out my phone and save Arissa's number in my phone. I go to leave but she grabs my arm and makes me give her eye contact. "If you are going to do this then you better win, I can't lose another good intern." I give her a sly smile "Like I said, She brought my little sister into this, I will get my revenge if its the last thing I do." She lets go and I walk away. I shoot Jake a text "Tell Ali that her baby is fine, I will explain everything when I get home." After a few moments he responds "Okay Nat, I trust you" All I have time to send him back is a thumbs up before the chief walks up to me clearly angered. "Where were you for the last half hour?" I look at him and smile "I'm sorry I had some family trouble I needed to take care of, all is good now." he sizes me up for a moment before smiling "Okay, Get back to work" with that he walks away. The rest of my shift goes by relatively quick as I am now walking to my car when suddenly there is a figure walking towards me. I quickly turn "Ah!" Liam screams. I can't help but laugh at how girly that scream was. "Manly" I laugh, he glares at me. "Screw you Natasha, I really thought you were about to pepper spray me or something." I laugh at his comment. "What's up Liam?" he stands tall and runs his hand through his hair. "I want to take you up on your offer and ask you out on a date." I give him a sly raised brow. "Who said I was offering?" I tease. He shrugs and steps closer to me. Before i can say anything he pulls me into a soft kiss, his lips taste like oranges. We pull away and I smile at him "Damn, are all British men this bold?" he shrugs and gives me a warm smile. "Just the ones that know what they want and I have had my eyes on you for a long time and you didn't pull away so that has to mean something" I blush and look away. "Touché, Yes I wouldn't mind going on a date with you." His small smile turns into a wide grin. "You are such a strip tease you know that right?" I playfully shove him. "Just because you are a handsome British man doesn't mean I am going to make things easier on you" He smiles and hands me a sticky note with his phone number on it. "About time you had this. Hopefully I'll hear from you soon" I take the sticky note and put it gently in my pocket. "Well we kind of work together so there is no way you wouldn't hear from me." We both share a laugh at my smartass comment. "Goodnight Natasha" I smile and get in my car. My heart racing as I pull out my phone and dial Arissa's number. Okay handsome man's number check now time to get some revenge. I dial the number and after a few rings she doesn't answer. I switch over to messages. "Hey, I know you don't know me but my name is Natasha, I am going to get straight to the point. I work at the same hospital you got wrongly fired at and the same person that got you fired is now coming after me but she has got my little sister involved and I want to bring her down. I hope to hear from you soon." I proof read my message a few times before pressing send. After a long drive I finally make it home. Quickly I walk up the stairs and into the apartment to everyone at the dining room table looking at me. "Hi everyone" I say with a smile. Alicia and Jake share a look before turning there attention towards Emerald who is just playing on her phone. "Little one can you go to your room please" Jake asks. Emerald looks up at him and it seems like she wants to protest but she doesn't and pushed her chair back and shoots up. "Better get me when the food is ready daddio" we all share a laugh as she walks to her room and quietly closes the door after. Jake and Alicia look at me clearly expecting an answer. "Okay, so Dr. Jones is Loren. Long story short she found our you were my sister and decided to lie to you to get under my skin. I am so sorry that you had to be brought into whatever bullshit this is between me and her but I promise you I will make sure she doesn't get away with this." for a moment Alicia doesn't respond. Finally she pushes her chair back and stands up and walks over to me and pulls me in to a strong hug. I hold her tight, after a while we pull apart. "I am going to lay down, crying all day over nothing really drains you" with that she walks slowly to the room and slams the door behind her. Jake and I share a look. "It's been a really long day for her. You missed Abby she just left" he says in a enthusiastic tone. I give him a warm smile as I notice I still am holding my keys and my purse and still have my work clothes on. I look at Jake "What's for dinner?" he smiles back at me, "Meatloaf" I give him a stern nod before making my way towards my room. I quickly get changed and take my hair out of the pony tail and let it fall around my head. After brushing the knots out I grab my phone and walk my way toward the living room but stop when I see Jake and Alicia's door. Jake looks up at me almost as if he read my mind. "I'm pretty sure she could use some sister time" I give him a warm smile before walking over to their bedroom. I give is a gentle knock and slowly open the door. Alicia is laying on the bed looking at the ceiling, she gives me a sideways glance as I enter but doesn't say anything and proceeds to clasp her eyes back to the ceiling. I walk over to the other side of the bed and lay directly next to her, our shoulders touching. For a moment neither of us say a word and look at the ceiling together. Why do people suck" she says out of nowhere. I chuckle at her and offer het my hand, she takes it and holds it tight. "I don't know the answer to that but what I do know is Loren won't get away with this, I don't have a plan yet but I will." She lets go of my hand and turns to her side facing me, I do the same to her and we are now gazing into each others eyes. "I felt so horrible, to think it was me or the baby, I know Jake would have wanted it to be me who lives but it was such a scary situation." she looks at me her eyes watery. I take my hand and softly wipe the tear that's rolling down her cheek. "Well, think of it this way, You are going to be okay and so is your baby. So dry those tears and get your ass out of bed and lets have a family dinner." My comment gets her to smile. "I love you Natasha." We both sit up simultaneously. "I love you too little sister" I shoot off the bed and help her up before we both walk out of the bedroom together just in time as Jake is putting the meatloaf on the table next to mashed potatoes and corn. "Emerald dinner!" Jake yells. Emerald darts out of the room and sits acrost from us. "Did you solve your grown up problems" Emerald laughs as she grabs her food. We all serve ourselves and begin eating. "Yeah and we decided to take away your bed and replace it with a dog bed." Jake says with a small chuckle. Emerald throws a peace of mashed potatoes that smacks right in the corner of his right cheek. "Oh hell no" he snarls as he shoots but doesn't aim for her instead he aims at me and manages to get me on my forehead. "Oh really now" I laugh. I go to throw some back at him when suddenly Alicia hurls a huge chunk at Emerald that smacks her right in the middle of her face, she laughs as she licks some off her upper lip. We spend the rest of dinner laughing. As dinner wraps up Alicia takes all of our plates and puts them in the sink. "Kiddo It's your turn for dishes" Alicia says with a sweet smile. "Okay mom, let me just go wash my face" with that Emerald skips to the bathroom. "Alright, as fun as dinner way I am exhausted so I am going to bed. Love you guys" I say with a small smile. "We love you too Nat" Jake responds. I walk past the bathroom "Goodnight Emerald, I love you" I yell at the bathroom door. "Goodnight Nat I love you too" Emerald responds. With one last smile to myself I walk in my room and close the door behind me. Quickly I get changed into my pajamas and shut off my lights and snuggle into bed. I am forced awake by my alarm. Groaning I sit up in bed and check my phone hoping for a message from Arissa but nothing instead I got a text from Alicia "Hey sis. I want to spend some time with you just the two of us. To be honest I miss you." I feel my heat throb as I go to reply. "I miss you too sis, Let's hang out this Sunday. My schedule switched I now have Sundays and Mondays off starting next week. I'm sorry I've been so freaking busy." After I press send I get myself up, make my bed and get ready for the day ahead of me. I take a quick shower then I put on my uniform and throw my hair up into a messy bun. I leave my room and make my way towards my car when Jake pulls in and parks next to my car. He shuts the car off and gives me a smile as he gets out. "You're home early?" I tell him as I get in my car leaving the drivers door open. He walks up to my door as I start the car. "Yeah, well normally I am home earlier but we had a pretty busy night last night, which is strange because it was a Monday night, Tiffany and Alicia are taking care of closing. I'm glad I caught you." He pauses and gives me a weary sigh "Just wanted to say that I love you, have a good day at work Nat" Before I have any chance to respond he walks away. Between the message from Alicia and this I am getting worried. Shaking my head I get in my car and shut the door. I get out of my thoughts and drive to work. As soon as I get into the building the Chief walks up to me. "Natasha my office now!" I look at him wide eyed. "what why?" he gives me a mean glare before walking away I'm assuming expecting me to follow him. I stay in my thoughts as I follow him into his office. He sits at his desk. "Shut the door and sit please" his tone aggressive like he is extremely pissed off about something. I do as he asks and sit down and for a moment he doesn't say anything. Finally he looks at me "I am very disappointed in you. I vouched for you, I let you take our damn helicopter just so you can be there for your best friend proposal, I have treated you with respect and quite frankly bended a few roles for you one to many times. How could you do something so reckless and stupid" He pauses and lets out a angry growl as I look at him confused. "Sir what are you talking--" he throws his hand up stopping me in my tracks. "You told a pregnant girl that her baby was killing her and you are having sexual relations with fellow residents on property which is against the rules at this hospital. I have no choice but to suspend you indefinitely until my investigation is complete." I look at him shocked and for a moment I can't think of a response. "Sir. I never did any of that, it was Loren that did that with the pregnant girl because she did it to my sister. Please sir this is my dream job and I know what being suspended as an intern leads to." he looks at me eyes angry. He shifts his computer facing me with a doctors diagnosis report on it. It has my name and signature on it. "She set me up, sir you have to believe me" she flams his hand on the desk "ENOUGH! You're dismissed and I will call you when you can return to work." I look at him with watery eyes. "You mean if I can return to work" For the first time all day his face softens. "It's out of my hands now Natasha I'm sorry. Please leave and have your phone close." I feel a tear fall down my cheek as I leave his office. I am walking slowly towards the door when Loren suddenly grabs my arm and pulls me close to her. "I told you I was going to end your career. Have a nice life bitch" she whispers in my ear before letting me go. I feel defeated as I keep walking towards the door. Liam walks up to me just as I am about to exit the building. "Woe, Natasha where are you going?" before I can say anything the Chief walks up to him and asks him to come to his office. Liam gives me a worried look as he leaves. I walk out of the building and on the ride home I am defeated trying to contain my cries. I park next to Jake's car and walk gingerly up to our apartment. I open the door to Jake looking at me confused but when he see's my face he drops what he's doing and runs up to me and pulls me into a hug. "Hey what's wrong." The only words I can muster up is "She won" I begin to cry in his arms as he continues to hold me tight.                

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